The Council

Today Marcus and I go to see the council and find out what is going on. We know that we are fated and mates but what we don't understand is why. Marcus is a chosen one which means there is literally nobody on the importance scale higher than him aside from our creator Selene. So for a mere vampire princess to be mated to a chosen one there must be something big on the horizon or our union is going to bring something that is needed in the coming years either way, we find out today.

As we enter the chamber where the council awaits we are met with over a dozen people all with smiles. The fact that everyone is so happy and smiling about this just supports my thoughts more. We enter the room and take our seats. Being a chosen one Marcus speaks first and is very straight forward, he asks every question that we both have and he is very honest about them as well. He is a strong speaker and leader of us and the way he asserts himself is very hot, wait i mean strong. Shit i think the bond is getting stronger the more we are around each other.

According to what the council is telling us, every chosen one has a mate of a certain nature. It is either an Alpha female wolf, vampire, or changeling. It has to be an Alpha that is the mate and it has to be something of the supernatural nature. Again Marcus has the right question and asks why. While nobody else is stunned by the response i am and i don't know how to take it. "A dragon can only have an Alpha mate because only an Alpha can withstand the bond made when the mating takes place" wait so Marcus is a fucking dragon? He turns and looks at me like he heard me say that as i look around the now quiet room i realize something, i did say it out loud. I look back at Marcus and his eyes are that of a Lizard and glowing red yellow, at first i start to become afraid until i look at his mouth. He has the biggest smile on his face and his fangs are only a bit longer than mine.

I feel the blush creep up my face as i realize that everyone is staring at us having this moment. He clears his throat and all attention leaves me, whew that was a lot at once. The meeting finishes up and the council leaves. Now it is just Marcus, my father and I left in the meeting room. With a smile and a bow my father stands and excuses himself from the room, now it is just my mate and I. Nervous is an understatement and i have no idea what i am doing or going to do next. As all of these thoughts start racing through my mind, i fell his hand against my cheek and the warmth coming off of him is enough to make me melt. I also feel warm inside when he touches me or is close to me to and that is new, I am a vampire i have been cold my whole life. As his hand caresses my face i place my hand on his chest and instantly can feel his heart beating fast and his blood pumping. He is alive and i am hungry, this could get bad fast if i don't eat.

He starts laughing and removes his shirt. I abruptly stand because i don't want to maule my mate but he just stands and comes closer to me. As he becomes only inches from me he reaches up and uses his nail to cut his chest open, the blood smells sweet and my fangs elongate without intention. I cover my mouth and turn away but he only turns me back around and removes my hands. He smiles and tells me it's ok and to feed i need to. I lightly lick his chest and as i do i feel a surge of warmth and the sweetest taste i have ever had. I latch onto his chest digging in and he moans in pleasure and supports the back of my head while i feed. I drink for what only feels like a few seconds but i am so full that i couldn't take more even if i wanted to. As i pull back his chest heals and he wipes his blood away from the corner of my mouth. The smile on his face tells me i did no harm and the moan he let out tells me that he enjoyed it as well.

I grab his hand and lead him out of the council room after he puts his shirt back on. We head through the house and to my bedroom. If we are to get to know each other and mate so we can be ready for what is coming then we need to do this in a private manner. I walk to my bed and we both sit down on the edge of it. I am still nervous but now that i have fed i can focus more and we can actually talk. We need to discuss what we are going to do next and how fast we want this to go. As we start talking his eyes change back to what they were in the meeting room and his fangs elongate, he is sniffing the air and inching closer to me as well. I can feel his heart picking up and i am getting anxious for no reason. I want to taste him again but not to feed, i want to taste his lips and feel his body. I want to see his dragon. With that thought he is on my mouth in no time and our tongues start dancing like we are pros who have done this our whole lives. His shirt comes back off and mine with it. He is fit and tone and looks like a greek god, everything about him taste divine.

I have a feeling that at the rate we are going we are going to be mated here shortly. I don't know what that means fully, I just know that i have an overwhelming urge to have this man fully sate me and i am not in the mood to wait until we know each other better.

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