Chapter One
I dug my fingernails into the earth beneath my lifeless body. Trying to claw myself away from the woman with the knife. The woman whom I thought to be harmless. The woman who is trying to kill me. Kelly came in as a thief in the night, small, feeble, and scared. She weaseled her way into my life, into my gang, and into my husband's bed. When she saw, I wasn't going to go away easily, she hatched a plan to take me out completely. “Grey is mine. This child is ours. You are in the way Evelyn, always in the way.” The woman said as she stabbed me again. I couldn't feel the knife go in anymore. The blood tasted metallic on my tongue. I begged her not to kill me and she laughed. Everything was turning black as the woman continued to talk. “I will have Grey as my own always. We will raise this child together. I will lead our gang by his side as his wife. You and that pain in the ass friend of yours cannot stop me now.” It sounded as if her voice was coming through a tunnel. I saw something silver, a flash, and everything went silent and dark.
Evelyn’s Pov
I woke, covered in sweat. The memories flooded my mind of before. Kelly, the poor orphan girl, cutting my skin with a smile on her face. The smell of the forest tickled my nose while the metallic taste of blood overpowered it. I took a deep breath. Though I was aware of the past, I couldn't shake the unbelievable truth in it. I had known Grey since we were children. My father entrusted him with the future of what he had paid for with blood and sweat. A large part of his life that he could never get back. He put his entire world in his hands, his business, his family, and his daughter. I was unable to give this family the thing they wanted, I know, an heir. A child to raise the way we had been. Trained to run a Mob so great it was ruler of this part of the world. I walked to the bathroom, splashing my face with cold water. My phone tinged in the other room, probably Sana. She is usually the first person I hear from in the morning. To know she was alive to send me a message this morning brought tears to my eyes. She wouldn't understand. I have not told her of the memories of the life we had lived before. I had not told anyone. Only months prior, she also lay cold and dead from the wounds inflicted by that psychopath, Kelly. Sana had been my best friend for many years. She was my confidant, and one of the only people I trusted in the world now. I splashed more cold water on my face, this time adding some soap. Sometimes seeing the haunting of the bruises left there before I was awakened. I was given a chance to change the events, and I will do so. After brushing my teeth, I walked out to find an outfit for the day. Some nice black tights, a small black skirt, and a button-up red top will be just the outfit for the day. I must look my best for the day of our adoption of the new mistress. Her poor father, and that awful accident he must have suffered. Except he didn't, and I know that now. I looked out the window and saw the little black bird sitting on the tree branch. The same little bird I saw the morning she came the last time. I heard the clock chime in the hall and was thrown back to this day. I knew Greta, one of my personal servants, would walk around the corner and smile at me as I opened the door. I know I will smell the scent of coffee brewing in the kitchen. This is the first day of all the mistakes I made last time. The day I met Kelly. The day I met my murderer. This will be the day I change the future that I know is coming, the one I was given the opportunity to correct. I put on some simple flats and chose an updo for my hair. Solid black eyeliner, and some red lipstick to match the blouse. I grabbed my phone, replied a “good morning gorgeous” to Sana and stuck it in my bra. I always kept it closer to me now.
When I walked out the bedroom door, I smiled sweetly at the guards. There were always guards surrounding the castle that Grey and I had built. He wants to act like he did this all on his own. He did not. My father handed the keys to the castle to both of us. I have put in just as much time and effort, if not more, as he has in this business here. The gang would answer to me if I could just get in good with some of the men from his side of the merger. I have their respect sure, but I need their support, and their trust. When I walked into the dining area, I sat down at the end of the table that I always do. The end that belonged to the queen. I looked up and saw Grey staring at me. Surprised I think by my appearance on such an ordinary day. It was only an ordinary day for him. He doesn't know the knowledge I was left with when I woke up. I thought my life had ended, but it has just begun. No longer under the bondage of a lifelong commitment to a man I had known for ages. Grey Hunter, the leader of the Mafia that we have both built. The young man who wrecked his father’s car and called me to bail him out. The man who sat beside my father’s bedside for days to ensure his place in the kingdom. The man I believed loved me, until I could no longer give him the life he wanted. He looked at me for a long time before speaking. “Hello Evelyn.” He said smiling at me, making me want to gag in front of him. I chose to smile back. This won't work if I show him my hand. “Hello Husband. How has your morning been?” I asked sweetly. He waited before he answered, choosing his words carefully. “One of the men in the city was hurt badly. He didn't make it. He has a daughter. Her name is Kelly Russo. She is still young. She needs our help. I thought maybe we could take her in. We have many rooms in this house, and food to share. I thought we could give back to community by taking in this young woman. She needs our help.” The words came out of his mouth smoothly, like he had rehearsed them many times in his head. I had a flash too before. I looked up slightly before she walked in. Her head down, tears streaking down her face. Her dark hair was stringy, like she hadn't showered. Her face was dirty and blotched from the tears. She really did look a mess, considering she had planned this whole thing out. She was thin and pale. Freckles decorated her like polka dots. She was very pretty, though I could just be biased, since she killed me. She wouldn't look up, speaking softly, quietly mumbling something about her appreciation. A flash in my mind reminded me of my pity on her before, how I wanted to help this obviously terrified woman. I wanted to take her under my wing and give her the strength to rebuild for herself. I felt sick when she started to mumble more. “Is she saying something? You aren't a child dear, you are a woman, speak up if you want to beg for something!” I said loudly watching the expressions on both of their faces. Her lips tightened and she fought off the urge to show her vicious side so early in this game she was playing. He was surprised at my attitude, and calmly asked Kelly to leave the room. “Go and get yourself something to eat darling, while I speak with my wife.” I heard the disgust come from the tone of his voice when he called me wife. He motioned for one of our maids to escort Kelly to the kitchen.
When she was gone, Grey looked up at me. “What was that about? Don’t you think that girl has been through enough? You were overly rude, and that isn't like you, Evelyn. Are you feeling okay today?” he asked, still shocked that I didn't jump up to save her. His plan wasn't playing out like he had thought, and it bothered him. “I do not know what you mean? I was only implying she speak up when begging for charity?” I said smoothly, smiling up at him with my sweetest smile. “Well, I would like to help this young woman, she is orphaned, and as you know I will never have a child of my own. I thought it could be practice for when we adopt in the future since you cannot bare my children.” What he said hurt but I didn't allow him to know that. By this time, we had grown a crowd. Men from both sides of our gangs had gathered around to watch the show. They tended to do that in situations like this. The arguing had gotten so bad before that they were mostly trying to make things stay safe between us. At one time all we needed was privacy to be wrapped up inside of each other, but that was long ago. That was before we found out I couldn't give him an heir. When we were trying almost daily to get pregnant. When we were happy and in love. Before the resentment and pain. Before the words that have been spewed in hatred, words that can never be taken back. Love that can never be returned. Even before the death I suffered, I was suffering. We argued about everything, all the time. I looked at him still amazed at the changes that have happened between us over the years. He noticed me staring and looked away. I looked down at my breakfast. I didn't want to eat anymore. I took a sip of my morning coffee. Grey looked up at one of the guards and asked him to fetch Kelly. “I expect you to be nicer to her this time Evelyn. I mean it.” The way he still thinks he could tell me what to do made me want to laugh, but I didn't. I sat there like a good wife. The one he thinks he still has. The one this very sad little orphan took away from him. The one I will never be again. She won't win this time. This time when she walked in, she looked directly at me. Braver I see, believing I had a talking to and was going to give them what they wanted. Permission. “What do you think, my queen, about helping Kelly out until she can find herself a place in the gang. I believe she will one day make a great asset for us here.” I looked up at her and smiled. “So, what are you asking me, Grey? If she can live here, for a while, or if she can become a part of the gang we built together here?” He sighed and looked at me. “Yes, I think that is what I am asking.” His voice seemed smugger now. Not clarifying what he meant. I knew he wanted her to live there, and she wanted to stand beside him as the queen of my gang. “I don't think we need any more strays running around here. My answer is no."