Chapter 5
Brazil looked at his left leg which is now a bloody stump. Scarlet looked down at him, her face was hard and cold.
"Tell me where they are," she demanded, her voice low and dangerous.
"Tell me where your accomplices are, or I'll finish what I started." Brazil's eyes were wild with fear, but he remained silent. He didn't know the rest, he only knew Mia who was the master mind of the game.
"It was Mia Osteen," Brazil said, his voice hoarse and trembling. "She was the one who convinced us to do that. She's the one you're looking for." Scarlet's eyes narrowed. She never knew Mia's surname but now the game is getting more interesting. MIA OSTEEN!!!
"And the others?" she asked. "Where are they?" Brazil swallowed hard.
"I don't know, I only know about Mia. The others, i don't know" he said. Brazil's words came out in short, breathless gasps. Every word was agony, but he knew he had to answer her questions if he wanted to stay alive.
"Please, I don't know anything else. I swear. Please believe me." He begged, but Scarlet's expression was stony, her eyes hard as ice.
"I'll believe you when you give me more information," she said. "For now, you're just a liar, and I don't believe a word you say." Brazil slumped against the chair, defeated. There's no way, she going to believe the man who killed her family years ago, but she has to get everything information she needs from him.
" Where can I find her?" She asked angrily.
" Russia. She's the richest lady in Russia now" he whispered in pains coming from his leg.
"Where in Russia?" Scarlet pressed. "I need a city, an address, something!"
Brazil's eyes darted around the room, searching for a way out. But there was no escape. He knew he had to answer her, no matter how much it hurt.
"Moscow," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "She lives in Moscow." Scarlet's eyes lit up. She finally had something to go on, a lead to follow.
"Thank you," she said, her tone dripping with sarcasm. Satisfied with his answer she smiled sinisterly.
" I became a devil because of all of you, now I will use your blood to paint the city of Italy red" She sneered coldly cutting his left leg off completely.
" Ahhhhhhhhhh...... Nooooo!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!" He screamed insanely, feeling an excruciating pain al over his body. The torture room was filled with a haunting silence, broken only by the sound of Brazil's labored breathing. His body was still, yet he felt every ounce of pain coursing through his veins. He could feel the blood pooling on the floor, a vivid reminder of the shattered bones and torn flesh that marred his body. He struggled to keep his eyes open, fighting the darkness that threatened to claim him. The pain was all-consuming, but he refused to give in to it. He would not let it take him. Not yet.
" Hahahahahahaha" Scarlett's laughter rang out through the room, sharp and cold. She stood above the man, her eyes glinting with a mixture of pleasure and malice. He was the one who had destroyed her family, taken everything from her. And now, he was paying the price. She watched as he writhed in pain, and a satisfied smile spread across her face. This was what he deserved, and she would not show him any mercy. She would revel in his suffering, and watch as he paid for his sins. She dropped the knife and reached out for the gun. Brazil's eyes widened as the cold metal came in contact with his forehead.
As Scarlett stood over him, she could feel the anger and hatred coursing through her veins. She wanted nothing more than to see him suffer, to make him pay for what he had done. And in a minute, she released five bullets in his skull, cracking it open instantly.
Brazil's's lifeless body lay on the chair, a pool of blood spreading around it. Scarlett's gaze was cold and emotionless as she studied the scene. She turned to Dracula, Tyler, and Vincento, and gave them their orders.
"Get rid of the body and then go to the police station. Leave this note," she said, handing them a piece of paper.
*******YOURS DVV
They nodded and went to work, their faces devoid of emotion. Scarlett left the torture room and headed towards her office, her mind whirling. She felt satisfied, and in a really long time she felt happy. One down four left. And her next victim is a woman whom she once took as mother, MIA OSTEEN. As she reached her office, she saw Rachel waiting for her. Scarlet wondered when she left the torture room with out her notice. Maybe she was too engrossed in her dealings that she failed to notice that.
"Clean up the mess in the torture room" she ordered with a flat voice. Rachel nodded, her expression was unreadable as she walked out of the office.
Scarlett picked up the landline phone and dialed Chance's number. She waited as it rang, and when Chance picked up, she got straight to the point.
"I need you to gather every piece of information you can find on Mia Osteen," she said, her voice low and dangerous. "She's become someone I need to deal and I need to know everything about her." Chance didn't ask any questions, simply replying,
"It'll be done." Scarlett hung up the phone with a smirk. Mia Osteen wait for me am coming!!
Scarlett headed to her room, feeling drained and exhausted. She needed to clean herself up, to wash away the blood and dirt that clung to her. She stripped herself and sank into the bathtub, burying every part of her into the water.
The man was sitting at a large, polished mahogany table, surrounded by loyal guards and advisors. He was smoking a cigar, and the room was filled with a haze of smoke. The guard knocked hesitantly on the door, and when he entered, the man waved him over.
"What is it?" he asked, his voice gruff and impatient. The guard cleared his throat, and said,
"Sir, there's something you need to see." The man motioned for the guard to continue, and he pulled out a map, unrolling it on the table.
The man is known as Santiago, King of the Slayers. He was a ruthless leader, feared by those who crossed him. But he was also respected, for he was a cunning strategist and a shrewd negotiator. He was a tall man, with dark hair and piercing green eyes. His clothes were expensive and tailored, and he always looked impeccable. As the leader of the Slayers Clan, he has an enemy. SCARLET. He's the biggest rival to SCARLET SCORPION EVO X, And the second deadliest Clan after Scarlet's Clan. He was used to getting his way, and he rarely showed emotion. But now, his eyes narrowed as he studied the map before him.
The map showed the locations of the various clans that were allied with the Slayers. There were eight clans in total, each with their own territory and resources. The map also showed the location of the Iron Shields, a powerful group of warriors who had been a thorn in the Slayers' side for months. The man traced his finger along the map, considering his options. Suddenly, he stopped, his finger resting on a point on the map.
"What is this?" he asked, his voice sharp. The guard swallowed nervously.
"It's a new clan, sir, It's called the Shadow Wolves." He replied
The Shadow Wolves had quickly risen to prominence, and their strength and ambition were a cause for concern. The man narrowed his eyes, and took a long drag on his cigar.
"Why are they interested in joining us?" he asked. The guard looked nervous. "They said they can help us to bring SCARLET SCORPION EVO X down to the table," he replied. The man smirked, and stood up, walking over to the window. He looked out, at the sprawling city below.
"Very well. Send a messenger to the Shadow Wolves" He smiled. DVV won't know what hit her until she's down.