Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 9

★★★ AIRPORT★★★

As the aircraft's door swung open, a heavy aura of authority and dominance enveloped the cabin. Passengers glanced in awe and curiosity as an elderly man emerged, flanked by a team of stern-faced bodyguards. His every movement seemed calculated, emanating an air of power that demanded respect.

Dressed in a tailored black suit, his broad shoulders filled it out perfectly. The fabric clung to his strong frame, accentuating his commanding presence. A dark, fur-lined overcoat draped over his arm, a testament to his refined taste and wealth.

Despite the warmth of the cabin, the man's face remained cold, almost untouched by emotion. His deeply set eyes, encased behind a pair of sleek sunglasses, surveyed the surroundings with an intense scrutiny. Lines etched on his weathered face told the story of a life well-lived, but also hinted at the burdens he carried.

As he descended the aircraft's stairs, reporters clamored for attention, their microphones thrust forward in anticipation of a statement. The elderly man simply raised a hand, indicating his desire for silence. His bodyguards moved swiftly, forming a protective shield around him, their presence reinforcing his air of authority.

A journalist, determined to get a scoop, approached cautiously.

"Sir, could you please share your thoughts on your recent visit? Sir is it true that you're using your political career to hide the underworld business involved with you?" she asked, her voice tinged with respect.

The man's gaze softened slightly, as if acknowledging her presence.

"My purpose here is to ensure the welfare and progress of my people, and certainly I do not have an involvement with the underworld. I will investigate who started this rumors about me" he replied, his voice sass deep and resonant. "I shall not waver in my commitment."

As they approached the car, the guard took a protective position a few steps behind him, ever watchful of their surroundings. The door of the car swung open smoothly, revealing a plush, leather interior that invited him inside. He settled himself into the comfortable seat, leaning back as the car hummed to life, ready to whisk him away.

Once settled, he turned to his guard and spoke in a low, commanding tone. "I want you to investigate those reports we received about the activities at the airport. Find out who sent them and the veracity of their claims. I need to know if there's any truth behind the rumors."

"Yes, sir," the guard replied, his gaze unwavering. "Consider it done. I'll assemble a team and get to the bottom of this."

"Good," he said, his eyes narrowing slightly. "I want names, motives, and any connections they may have. I won't tolerate any threats to our operations."

The guard nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'll leave no stone unturned, sir. We'll get to the bottom of this and ensure the security of our operations."

With a final nod of affirmation, he leaned back in his seat, his mind already calculating the possibilities. The car glided through the city streets, its occupants immersed in a web of shadows and secrets, their shared determination propelling them forward.


" Ahhhh"

" Ouch.... F***"

" Go slowly please" a bitch screamed as he thurst brutally into making her middle bleed. It has been like for the past 3hours.

Hellish Sex. He only does that to calm his anger, the fact that Lord is back and Scarlet finding out he sent a spy was too suspicious. In all this it only one thing..... The spy will fished out once he gets to the clan and when that happens he's dead.

He slid his dick out of her.

" Go down and slow it" he ordered. The bitch slowly got down from the hairdresser and placed his bloody dick into her mouth. Sucking it her life depends on it.

He was enjoying his moments when a knock interrupted them.

" Who dares?" He thundered dangerously, slapping the bitch away from him causing her mouth to bleed heavily.

" San!!! It's Bingo" a voice came from outside.

" Leave" he ordered the bitch, putting back his pants. The bitch wasted no time in limping away from the room. Bingo who was outside sighed seeing the blood drops from her leg.

" When will you stop being brutal during sex?" He asked walking in fully into the room.

" That's why bitches are made" Santiago replied

" What if she dies?"

" She gets buried"

" I pray you fall inlove and stop being brutal" Bingo said, While Santiago shot him a glare.

" Why are here Bingo?" Santiago asked sitting on his bed.

" Why are going against Lord Smith? I know you sent the reporters to create fake rumors about him. Don't you know that man is a demon and Scarlet is a devil? By now she must have known that they'd a spy in her clan but wants Smith to come back before doing anything" Bingo scolded coldly.

" I know everything. That's why am doing them" Santiago replied

" Scarlet was crowned the most dreadful Mafia at the age of 15. Devil's venomous viper..... DVV. You and I know she's not someone to joke that's why she took over the clan from Godfather and stop being a fool before it causes your life" Bingo yelled at him angrily unable to hold his anger.

Santiago stood tall, his eyes blazing with fury as he faced Bingo. With a voice filled with venom, he roared.

"That Godfather stole what belongs to me and gave it to Scarlet! Now, I won't rest until I get what's rightfully mine!"

Bingo, not one to back down from a fight, met Santiago's anger head-on. He squared his shoulders, his own voice dripping with defiance.

"You've got it all wrong, Santiago! The Godfather made a choice, and Scarlet deserved the opportunity. Your greed blinds you to the fact that she earned her place."

The tension crackled in the air as their words clashed like swords. Each refused to yield, their pride fueling the fire of their argument. The room grew hotter, mirroring the intensity of their quarrel.

"I will not be denied what is rightfully mine! Scarlet may have impressed the Godfather, but I am the one who has paid my dues. I will not let her steal my glory!" Santiago's voice thundered once again,

Bingo's eyes narrowed, his voice sharp as steel. "Your arrogance blinds you, Santiago. It's not about stealing or glory, it's about talent and hard work. Scarlet has proven herself worthy, and no amount of your roaring will change that."

Their words echoed through the room, each sentence a verbal blow in this battle of wills. Neither was willing to back down, their passion for what they believed in driving them forward.

As the argument raged on, the heat in the room became almost unbearable. Beads of sweat formed on their foreheads, matching the intensity of their emotions.

Bingo was a man of many emotions, but right now, he was furious. His heart raced as he stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. The sound echoed through the hallway, announcing his departure to anyone who cared to listen.

He's heart pounded in his chest as the weight of the truth he carried threatened to consume him, yet he grappled with a moral dilemma that tore at his soul.

Should he reveal the truth to Godfather, his mentor and the man who had taken him under his wing?

But It would mean betraying the trust his brother has in him. The trust they had built over the years, potentially shattering their bond forever. But on the other hand, Bingo knew that keeping this secret to himself would only prolong the inevitable, allowing the consequences to unfold unchecked.

As he paced back and forth in the dimly lit corridor, Bingo's mind raced. He had always prided himself on his unwavering loyalty and dedication to Godfather, but now he found himself standing at a crossroads. The truth gnawed at him, demanding to be set free, yet fear gripped his heart, whispering doubts and uncertainties.

The mere thought of confronting Godfather with the truth sent chills down Bingo's spine. How would he react? Would he understand the difficult position Bingo had been placed in? Or would he feel betrayed and cast him aside like a discarded pawn? Godfather everyone knows is not human with feelings and won't spare a moment in killing anyone who opposes him or stand in his way of doing things. Will he take the truth lightly after finding out that Santiago not only betrayed him but killed someone close him?

With each passing moment, the weight of his decision grew heavier. Bingo knew that whatever path he chose, it would irrevocably alter the course of his life. The fate of their intricate web of relationships and alliances hung in the balance.

In the depths of his turmoil, Bingo realized that this was not just about him and Godfather. The truth he held could impact the lives of countless others, both friend and foe. It was a power he never asked for, yet one that now thrust upon him.

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