Chapter 03: Fatal Attraction!

As soon as she arrived home after spending the night at Chloe's house, Bella immediately noticed a different kind of commotion: many of her father's allies, who hardly ever showed up, were there with closed expressions, completely irritated, including her father and brother.

"This is absurd, we have to pay them back in kind."

"Calm down, gentlemen, we're angry too and we'll certainly get it back, but now we have to be careful. Do you really think the Kicher don't expect us to fight back against the death of our faithful collaborator and friend?" Benjamin tries to calm everyone down as they continue to talk non-stop

"Quiet! I'm going to think of a way to get revenge for Rick's brutal death, I more than anyone here want justice and a punishment to match. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. However, Benjamin is right, we need to be careful, right now they're on full alert, we'll have to wait a while. For now, let's get ready for the farewell of our dear friend and faithful subordinate."

Bella, who has been listening in, can't contain her surprise and enters the room, asking:

"Is Rick dead?"

"Bella, where were you? Your insolent." Anthony shouts

"Yes, Rick was killed by none other than DK, Alexander Kicher's son. From what we heard, he was hanging around the new nightclub that opened yesterday, but what puzzles me is, what was he doing there? He knew it was enemy territory." Benjamin lets his thoughts slip and Bella in turn understands that Rick was there because of her, since he was tasked with following her everywhere to protect her. A feeling of remorse begins to hover in Bella's heart and she changes her countenance instantly.

"Bella, are you all right? You've suddenly gone pale."

"I... I don't know. I didn't like Rick very much, he was always on my back, but to die like that, he must have suffered the worst torture before he was killed. My goodness!" Bella's eyes filled with involuntary tears.

"Calm down. It's not your fault, little sister."

"Don't pass your hand on her head. And as for you, Bella, your rebelliousness is going to get you into a lot of trouble."

"Can I leave now, please?"

"And since when do you ask permission for anything? Just go." Anthony is harsh

Upon hearing her father's words, Bella left the room, wiping away her tears and keeping her posture, and as soon as she reached her room, she took a shower, still feeling guilty; she could never have imagined that the love she had for her freedom could cause so much trouble.

A while later, Bella was lying on her bed still thinking, after returning from the cemetery she didn't want to pick up or talk to anyone, even though her friends called tirelessly, she still ignored them, until finally when her cell phone vibrated for the seventh time Bella answered it irritated without looking at the number:

"Stop calling me, Chloe. I'm fine. Damn it!"

" Ahhh... Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not Chloe. - A rather thick yet velvety male voice echoes from the other end of the line.

"Who is this?" - Bella asks suspiciously, finally glancing at the screen of her cell phone, which reads "Unknown Number".

"Wow! Your voice is so sweet and so sexy. - The male voice continues to speak, making Bella strangely nervous and excited.

"If you don't identify yourself now, I'll hang up."

"Dylan!" - He says calmly

"Dylan?! But why are you calling me?" Bella is surprised.

"Isn't that what you wanted when you gave me your phone at the nightclub?" Dylan makes a low, seductive tone

"You're very pretentious. But you're right, I did want you to call."

"And what are you doing?"

"Lying in bed."

"Interesting! And what are you wearing?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I want to imagine you as if you were here in front of me." Dylan teases her, Bella smiles and joins in…

"A black lace babydoll, I like to be comfortable when I'm alone."

"Hmm... and which part of your body do you like best?"

"Breasts, butt, thighs and belly."

"You really are a temptation."

"Ahhh... Talking like that will make me wet." Bella continues her game of seduction.

"And what's missing for you to get completely wet?"

"You asking me out."

"Don't worry, write down my address."

"Are you inviting me to your place?"

"Yes. Is that a problem?" Bella smiled, loving the way the joke was going.

"No problem!"

"I'll wait for you here."

They hung up the phone and Bella quickly got up from her bed, choosing a casual outfit and thinking about how she would get out of the house without attracting attention. She took advantage of the fact that her father and brother were busy at the office with their allies, still discussing how to get back at the Kicher's for killing Rick, and walked delicately through the empty living room, balcony and backyard, but when she got close to the gate where the cab was already waiting:

"Where are you going, Bella?"

"Mom, you scared me. I'm going to visit someone."

"In the middle of all this chaos?"

"Mom, you know very well that I don't care about any of this. Let me go."

Jimena looks at her daughter with a suspicious expression." You're not going to the south side like you did yesterday, are you?"

"You're very clever. Please don't tell Dad."

"I won't, but if you promise to stop playing with danger. What if someone from there finds out that you're the daughter of Alexander Kicher's worst enemy and you're in their territory?"

"Mom, it's over and I'm fine. I'll try to keep quiet for now. Now I have to go, there's someone waiting for me."

"Is he handsome?"

"Deliciously handsome!" Mother and daughter say goodbye

Minutes later, Bella was already facing a luxurious building in the center where her father and Alexander were still fighting, and for the time being it was still neutral territory. She took the elevator to the top floor where the penthouse was and pressed the doorbell.

"Good, you came."

"You call me."

"Yes, I did. Now we can continue what we started on the cell phone.

Dylan pulled Bella close to his body, kissing her intensely as he slammed the door. He threw her onto the huge, comfortable sofa and kissed her again, slipping his hand under her blouse and unhooking her bra, freeing her medium-sized, hard breasts. However, just as she was giving in, he stopped and said:

"Would you like a drink?" he stood up

"Are you kidding? You make me horny and then you ask me if I want a drink? Fuck you!"

"My God, you're so angry, brunette. Tell me something, did you get wet?" he teases

"You'll never know." Bella placed her bra back on and walks to the door, but is intercepted by Dylan who grabs her around the waist and says in her ear

" I'm sorry! I just wanted to be nice, but I don't think you came here looking for my kindness, did you?"

"Not at all!"

"Good! I really didn't want to be nice. But can you stand it?"

"If I came here in the middle of the night, what do you think?" Bella smiled mischievously

It didn't take long for Dylan to kiss her again, and she in turn clung to the well-defined body of the tanned-skinned man who had attracted her since their first unusual encounter in the middle of the dance floor, and on the sofa in the living room the first of many times happened, Dylan and Bella giving themselves to each other, feeling all the horniness, excitement and adrenaline of that moment.

After that first meeting, Dylan and Bella started seeing each other more often, turning casual encounters into a serious romance, the love between them growing every day, despite their parallel lives within their families. For them it didn't matter their origins, they never questioned themselves about it and that was a mistake that in the near future would be fatal for their relationship.

"Bella, what's happening to you? Have you forgotten your work within the family?" Benjamin approaches his sister, on one of the few occasions that she appears at home.

"I'm in love and I'm seriously thinking of moving in with my boyfriend."

"You look radiant. But what about our father? He won't let you do that."

"Do what?" Anthony suddenly appears in the room

"Dad, I'm leaving my position within the Malone family and moving in with my boyfriend."

" You...what?"

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