Read with BonusRead with Bonus

3- Engagement- Part 2


The drive to Angels was relatively peaceful, no traffic around for miles, just wide empty roads as I blast the song Battlefield by Jordan Sparks over my car's speakers.

“I never meant to start a war. You know I never wanna hurt you. Don’t even know what we’re fighting for” I sing not caring who heard me as I really liked the song and felt like it resonated with me especially with how things turned out back home.

Drumming my fingers I continue to sing out to the music as I slowly make my way towards Angels, eventually pulling up towards a huge building. Once there I quickly move to park my car before turning off the engine and moving to head inside.

“Hello Ms. Moretti, Ms. Franco is expecting you” greets the door man as he holds the door open for me.

“Thank you Matt” I smile as I move to enter, my eyes never getting bored of the place that Angel lived in as it was kinda like a fancy hotel for the elite.

“Anytime” is all he says as he returns to his post.

Smiling, I continue to head towards the elevator, my phone dinging once more. Reaching for my phone I move to grab it only to notice that it was Angel who was telling me that the door was open as I continue onward unaware of my surroundings as I bump into something or someone.

Oof, Did I just walk into a wall? Damn it.

Wait, hold on for one second.

Shaking my head, I moved to realize that my supposed wall was not a wall but that of a man. A very tall man. Straining my neck to see, I quickly move to lift my head just to get a proper look. Curse me and my 5 ’6 height.

“I-I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going” I stutter out.

Oh. my. GOD! How can my luck get any worse than this? It should be illegal for this man to be so freaking gorgeous.

Wait, correction, a GOD. Suddenly I realize I’m not moving. Am I still breathing? I must be… I can still feel my heart beating which means I have a pulse… but those beautiful green eyes, bright like emeralds. Gods… If I’m to die now, please let him be my utopia. High cheekbones, chiseled jaw, and a clean-shaven face, pleasantly plump lips that beg to be kissed, petite nose and lush raven black hair just begging to be touched. He obviously stood about 6'2 maybe 6'3 while wearing a crisp white dress shirt and tailored blue slacks, his suit jacket slung over his shoulder, his very broad shoulders as the shirt clung to his well defined chest. Yum! I think all the while drooling.

“Don’t worry about it Piccolo (Little One)” chuckles the man. Amused by expression and the little bit of drool that was escaping. Fuck! Even his voice sounds drop dead sexy! Please somebody pinch me, before I orgasim right here.

“Um… I’m not little, but I truly am sorry about bumping into you” I say quickly moving to side step the hot handsome man all while hoping he couldn’t see my blush that was steadily making its way up my face as I move to head for the elevator, my back still to him just as I move to enter once it opened.



“I'm not going to ask you again, Who the fuck sent you?” asks Lucus almost calmly as he looks at the man we had tied up within our hideout, an abandoned warehouse that was recently purchased under the D’Amico name to keep prying eyes away.

For if there was one thing to know about Lucus, it was the way he acted when calm, like now, one should all but learn to fear him, especially if you valued your life. Because when he got pissed he was the most sadistic bastard you could ever meet.

As for growing up it was always the four of us: Lucus, Alex, Tony and Me. Together we grew up and did everything together and I literally mean everything. Even when in school, Lucus would always try to be the boss. The protector, always protecting us from being bullied or becoming someone's personal punching bag. Then as we got older, we quickly started bodybuilding, adding muscle to our already fit frames. We also took up fighting lessons so that way we could always protect one another making us instead of the prey we became the hunter.

Of course, with the type of work we all but do I would gladly lay my life on the line. For as brothers we have shared our fair share of blood, which is the oath of a blood pack. From there, we quickly began to build our empire. Lucus being the brawns of the group. Then theirs Tony, Tony is considered our eyes and ears of the group as he monitors all of our security. Up next we have Alex, our personal trained killer. Our assassin if you will. For once he starts there’s no stopping him until he’s done.

Then of course, you have the petty things that Lucus and I dabbled in. Things such as drugs and odd jobs which quickly expanded all thanks to Lucus’s family. Of course, being the sole heir to the D’Amico empire had its perks, his family always made him earn his share of the wealth. After all they weren’t just going to hand it over to him. Just like us. So prove a point we all but continued to earn what was ours.

Lucus focusing on the Mafia part of the business, while I on the other hand focused on building the Empire. Using its money that we got from the Mafia side of things to help fund our other businesses even more. Currently we own 10 hotels, 5 restaurants, 5 clubs and multiple office buildings all throughout the world including a couple penthouses. And if that didn't change things, we even went as far as to share our women.

Just then there's a scream. Nodding, Lucus looks to Dominic, one of our personal bodyguards as he all but moves to jab a knife into his upper thigh. Tears now streaming down the man's face as pain began to rise.

“AGAIN.” repeats Lucus. Each word being full of promise of more pain. Our rat, Shane, cowering in pain as he begins to shake. His face covered in blood, while his nose laid broken and one of his eyes to swell shut from taking a beating. His clothes of course shredded. Currently missing one finger and few teeth but overall still breathing.

“P-p-please. I-I-I h-had no-ch-choice. They said they would k-kill my family” stutters Shane.

“Hmm, is that so?” Lucus asks. Pausing, to let it all seep in. “You mean.. This family?” Then with a snap of a finger, Lucus summons more men who slowly drag in a woman and child, both bound and gagged with no chance of running. Being tossed in the direction of Shane once close.

Thrashing in his restraints, Shane begs for us to let them go. A mute cry from his wife silently filling the air as she watches her husband. Her makeup now smeared as her tears stained her cheeks, his son bowed in shame. Pulling up a chair, Lucus moves to sit. His legs spread wide, while his arms laid crossed against his chest. His aura now suddenly dark and dominant.

“You made a grave mistake Shane. You lied to us and all but told those Italian and Greek motherfuckers about a very important shipment of mine, costing me millions of dollars. You claim you did it for your family but it's us that you should have protected them from.” Whimpering, Shane all but tries to plead to them before being gagged by Dominic.

“GRANT” shouts Lucus.

“Yeah?” I replied.

“What do you think we should do with them?” Lucus asks, his eyes currently resting on me.

“Hmm,” I ponder my eyes looking to that of the boy and women. “The boy looks strong and with proper training he could be very useful to us. He looks to be about 17, maybe 18? He could train to be a guard. As for the woman, she on the other hand could be useful as well.. Maybe a maid for the house as she all but works off her debt to us.”

Then like clock work, my phone buzzes. Groaning, I move to check the messages.

“Yo, I need to leave, Just got a message from the office. Another one of those idiot sponsors are trying to see if we’ll help them with their stupid project again.”

“Hmmm,” Lucus hums. “We really should've told them no the first time around. Sadly those corporate sponsors work out in our favor so we need them. You go manage it… that’s your area of expertise. TONY! Call Victor, get him and his team setup for training. Make sure they know who they work for” He suddenly gestures to the woman and child. Then as swiftly as he could, he all but pulls out a gun and shoots Shane right between the eyes.

Pointing to the guards who were standing by the wall he yells. “Clean this up! Dispose of the body.”

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