Read with BonusRead with Bonus

6- Club Ambrosia- Part 2


“All finished?” asks Caleb, his own outfit in hand. “Yep, let's get the hell out of here and back to Angels so we can get ready, it’s almost 7 o’clock” I say not realizing we spent a good 5 hours at the mall.

“Oh man, we’ve been out that late already?” asks Caleb, a little shocked. “Ya, we have” I admit not realizing we lost track of the time.

“Then let’s go! We gotta get a move on if we want to get to the club on time” says Angel, all the while leading us back towards the food court and towards the exit of the mall. Laughing, I move to follow them. The trip back towards the car was done in silence until suddenly I got the feeling of being watched.

Pausing, I move to look around. Huh, Strange. Not being able to spot the person I moved to catch up with Angel and Caleb who were a good 10ft ahead of me. “HEY! Wait up! Otherwise you can’t leave as I have the keys.”

“Then hurry up” They laugh, which made me laugh as well. “I’m coming, hold on” with that I run to catch up. “Slow poke” chimes Caleb once I manage to catch up.

“Oh, like you're not?” I say as I move to nudge him. “Didn’t say I wasn’t” smirks Caleb. Glaring I move to shove him again before making a mad dash for the car. I’ll show them slow poke. With that in mind I continue to run the last few feet to my car before jumping in, my bags in the trunk as I wait.

“Damn Isabella, where’s the fire?” asks Angel just as she and Caleb move to catch up, both throwing their bags in the trunk as well before climbing in. “Ask Caleb, he started it” I say with a smile.

“I did not” replies Caleb. “Did so” and with that I move to stick out my tongue before starting up my car and heading back towards Angels.

45 minutes later

I swear, this is the last time we will go to the mall, club or not. Glancing at the clock on my car's dashboard I now notice it says 7:45 pm as it takes a good 45 minutes there and back. Well, time to hussle. With that in mind I quickly grab my stuff as does Caleb and Angel once we make it back inside, Matt currently gone from his post upon our return.

“No Matt?” I ask, entering the front of the building with my friends close behind. “Why so worried about Matt? I thought you liked Mr. Hotty” chides Angel.

“I-I don’t, I mean I do.. I was just curious” I stammered as Caleb and her laughed. “Relax, he’s probably done for the night” admits Angel who never really paid attention to the door handler as she moves to smile.

“If you say so,” is all I say as we approach the elevator before beginning our long descent up. Why does Angel have to live on the 10th floor? Groaning all we can do is wait.

Slowly, ever so slowly, we finally make it to the 10th floor and eventually to Angel's room. “Alright, everyone time to get beautified” chimes Angel as she quickly opens her apartment door before ushering us both inside to get dressed.

“Isabella, you first.” Then without warning she moves to shove me towards her room. “Caleb, you get the spare room.” Once finished giving directions Angel moves to join me inside the bedroom as we work together on getting ready.


Club Ambrosia

It was now about 9:30 pm at night and the club was already pumping with music as people waited to get inside, a bouncer waiting just outside the door while holding a clipboard as he looked at all the names he had on it.

Holy cow it’s packed. We had just parked the car when we had eventually arrived, approaching the entrance as we did. We’re not even inside yet and this place is already bouncing.

“Name?” asks the bouncer, causing me to jump at not realizing we had made it to the front of the line.

“Angel Franco” says Caleb, the bouncer looking for names. “Ah yes, Angel Franco along with Caleb Hunter and Isabella Moretti.”

“Yep, that would be us” smiles Caleb as he gestures to both Angel and I. “You may enter.” Then with nothing else the bouncer moves to let us in.

Upon entering, my eyes can’t help but take in the club. My eyes taking in all the colorful lights that danced along the dimly lit room. Next my eyes moving to that of the dance floor. Perfect. Give me a few drinks and I’ll be dancing in no time. From the dance floor my eyes moved to look upwards and where the VIP lounge was.

“Whoa…” I mutter. “That’s where we’ll be” remarks Caleb as he moves to point to the VIP lounge. “Up there?” I ask in surprise. “Yep” and then with that all but said does he move to lead us over to the bar for drinks.

“What’ll be mates?” asks the bartender, an Australian accent ringing from his voice.

“I’ll have a Cranberry Vodka Tonic and he’ll have Jack and Coke. Isabella, what'll you have?” asks Angel as she moves to look at me. “Um, I’ll do a Gin and Tonic” I say as the bartender nods before going to make our drinks.

Minutes later, the bartender returns, drinks in hand. “Here you go, one Cranberry Vodka, One Jack and Coke and one Gin, hope you all enjoy”. “Thank you” we reply as we move to pay for our drinks before moving to climb the stairs that lead up to the VIP lounge.

Slowly approaching the lounge, we can’t help but notice the few people who were already there, my eyes scanning the booths. Whoa. So cool. Just then my eyes move over to a booth in a corner only to notice four god-like men, all dressed to the nines. Their auras screaming power. Gulping, I can’t help but feel drawn, yet show the need to show my submissive side.

“YOU” calls one of them. Instantly my eyes move over to gaze at the one who spoke. The man with the sexy green eyes. Fudge.

“We meet again Principessa (Princess)” he moves to say. My body frozen on the spot. I didn't expect to see him again.



-Earlier that day-

I couldn't believe my eyes. I had just watched as my Principessa (Princess) walked away from me. Although I only knew a little bit based on what Lucus has said to each of us, I had yet to know her name. And of course she never gave me a chance to ask either. Smirking, I accepted the challenge.

Whipping out my phone, I all but quickly snap a picture of her all the while she stood waiting by the elevator before sending it to Lucus. Once sent do I quickly moved to call him.

Ring… Ring…

“WHAT?” snaps Lucus, sounding annoyed, as if bracing for bad news.

“I saw Principessa (Princess)” is all I say. Waiting, I knew it would take a second for it to register. Biting my bottom lip I unconsciously closed my eyes, mentally saving her image for later when I could thoroughly relish in it.

“Don’t joke with me Grant” he snaps, the sound of paper rustling in the background. “You're on speaker phone too by the way. Tony and Alex are both here.”

“Everything okay dude?” asks Alex.

“Grant says he saw our Principessa (Princess)” says Lucus, almost excitedly with a smile in his voice as he spoke.

“REALLY?” asks Alex. “Did you two talk? Did you learn anything of interest?”

“Calm down Alex” I shout, having to pull the phone away from my ear. I swear, he may be the scariest person I know but he acts like a child at Christmas. “All we did was run into one another. Literally. But she’s beautiful. Her father didn’t lie when he said his daughter was gorgeous. I sent just you a photo of her just now.”

Listening, I hear it, gasps and then silence. And judging by their silence I can bet there fighting with a major hard on. Just like I was or should I say still am. The sight of her making us crave her that much more.

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