8- Club Ambrosia- Part 4


Still starring at the man who all but stood before me, I all but move to stare into his beautiful blue eyes lost to the depth of them as he all but moves to speak again, “I am Lucus Damon O'Donnell D’Amico Principessa (Princess). But for you, you may call me Lucus, for I am your fiance.”

Wait. Did he just say fiance? Shocked, I move to say the next thing that magically comes to mind. “Well Mr. D’Amico, my name is Isabella Rose Swan Moretti, not Principessa (Princess), especially not yours. For while I appreciate you helping my father, I on the other hand will not kiss your feet.” I say, mentally scolding myself to shut up and let the ground swallow me whole for I had just spoke back to my fiance. Knowing I’ll receive hell from father once I'm home but in my denfese I don’t do well in social settings, so because of that I tend to act out and become a major brat, a natural part of me to help ease the tension I would feel.

Noticing the way I’ve addressed him, Lucus’s jaw all but clenches. His eyes filled with a look I can’t quite place. Desire? No, that can't be it Isabella. Hate? No. Still trying to place the look I almost miss it when the man before me speaks again.

“Watch your tone Bambina (Baby)” Lucus snaps, emphasizing the word baby like it was a challenge. Stepping aside, he all but moves to place a hand along the small of my back before leading me away from Angel and Caleb, their gaze filled with concern as I’m led back towards his booth and to where the others sat waiting.

“This Sweetheart is Tony Cecilio Marino,” he says, pointing to a man sitting towards the right of the booth, built in the same god-like manner. His dirty blonde hair almost ash, was currently tied up into a messy man bun that made him even more refined. The same blue-gray eyes also adorned his face. His attire consisting of a black button down shirt with the top two buttons open and no tie. A megawatt smile dancing with mirth. His face was also clean shaven and dressed to impress. Colorful tattoos covering his hands as he all but lifted his glass to his lips, the glass full of amber liquid as he gestures it towards me.

Do all these men fucking work out? God, if my panties weren't wet before they definitely were soaked now.

“Next to him then is Alexander Kane DeLuca. Althought we tend to call him Alex for short.” introduces Lucus. The man before me holding hazel blue eyes and beautiful brown hair in which he styled more into a mohawk, the sides shaved and the top spiked just slightly. His face too was clean shaven and sporting a deep red button down shirt. A gold Rolex shining against his skin. “Hello Principessa (Princess).” he all but coos to me.

Giving a small nod, I can’t help but roll my eyes when I look directly towards Alex. His lips tight and eyebrows raised made me all but want to run back towards my friends instead.

“And this my dear Principessa (Princess) is Grant, Grant Alexander Gray Romano. You’ve already met him.” With introductions aside, Lucus moves to help guide me over to a seat. Mmm, sexy eyes has a name. Wait. Grant Alexander Gray Romano? As in the Romano Empire? That Grant?

Blinking I move to speak again, “Romano? As in the Romano Empire?” I ask, a little hesitantly. For sure I was 25 but that didn’ mean I didn’t know who the top CEOs were or those in the top Mafia family. It had been all but ingrained into my very being by my father who was also a Mafia leader.

“One and the same Principessa (Princess)” Grant nods, a smirk gracing his lips as he takes in my appearance. “And you Piccolo (Little One) were also at one of our hotels this afternoon, one of our many businesses that we own. This is also one of ours, this club.” He states casually as if this was normal for them.

Well, fudge. It wasn’t like I was trying to. Now they’ll always no when I’m around.

“I’m sorry, I did not realize you were the owners of Ambrosia or Marino’s Hotel and Suite. I was just merely there to visit a friend who just so happens to live there as well” I quickly say, my breath gushing as my eyes draw to my lap. What is it with these men and their aura’s? Gulping for air I try to ease my racing heart.

“Isabella” says the velvety voice of Lucus. “No need to fear us. We won’t hurt you, we are your fiances just as you are ours.” he finishes. Glancing at him I can’t help but see kindness. Nodding, I try to relax while in their presence, my friends currently all but forgotten.



I can’t believe she’s here. She's actually here. Our Principessa (Princess). Now I can see why Grant was so captivated by her. She’s absolutely breathtaking. Her cherub cheeks to her mesmerizing features. She obviously knows who we are and what we do. Yet she tries to play innocent with us. Although, her attitude will need to be tamed. For we don’t particularly care about that. As we like our woman submissive.

Yet aside from attitude, she’s all but perfect. I can’t wait to enjoy her, to finally put my beautiful mark all over her. Oh my dear sweet Isabella. You. Are. Ours. Now and Forever.



Mmm, Yummy Yummy. I definitely want her. My Piccola Principessa (Little Princess). Grant and Lucus were obviously right. Our fiance was gorgeous. So gorgeous that I can’t wait to spoil her. My cock suddenly hard as it strains against my pants as I all but continue to watch her. Desperately wanting to lick every inch of her. To lay claim to her as I bite and nibble on her plush mouth. Her voice like that of an angel when she speaks. Unwilling to let her go now that I know who she was to us.



“Thanks for the introductions, but I really should be getting back to my friends. It’s getting late and I need to take them home” I say, trying to be polite as much as I can.

“Yes Agapi (Love), it is getting late. So we should all probably head home. Grab your purse and you can ride home with Grant and I. We have lots to discuss” Lucus replies.

Wait. Did I just hear that right? First the nicknames now there expecting me to go home with them? I think not. Father would kill. Wouldn’t he? Fiance or not.

“Excuse me? I don’t think I’m following” I say, my stubbornness kicking in.

Taking a deep breath through his nose Lucus all but takes a step closer to me before grabbing my arm with his hand, not enough to be harsh but enough to be firm. “I said grab your purse. Your father has given you to us to pay off his debt. You are now ours. So you're now coming home with us, TONIGHT.”

With those words spoken, there’s suddenly silence. Laughing to ease the tension I move gaze at him. Is he fucking serious? He can’t be serious.

“Thanks, I needed a good laugh. That was funny. But I’m gonna go now” I chuckle as I move to turn away, my friends watching my every move. But before I can go far Lucus’s grip on me tightens.

“This isn’t a joke Agapi (Love)” he retorts.

“Yes it is” I say, yanking my arm free of his grip, my anger rising. “There’s no way in hell that I’m going anywhere, especially with any of you regardless of your arrangements with my father.”

“YES YOU ARE” booms another voice. Turning towards the voice I notice that it’s Tony. His voice dark yet melodious. He’s standing, making it easy to see his 6’2 frame as it casts a shadow over me slowly.

“Principessa (Princess)” Grant starts before downing his drink. “The moment Lucus accepted your fathers proposal in eliminating his debt you became ours. We own just about everything in this city. And now, that includes you, my sweet Principessa (Princess). Now do as we say. Now. Go. Get. Your. Purse” he finishes, a fire within his eyes.

“I’m my own person. You do NOT own me, and NEVER will!” I lash out, tears beginning to rise. “I am not some 2 bit whore you can just take home and bed for a night. So how about you just leave me alone, Better yet, BITE ME” I add as I move to walk away, my anger rising as I had come out tonight to be with friends to enjoy a nice evening out but instead I had run into those who my father had sold me off too.

Just as I move to reach my friends, a strong pair of arm moves to wrap itself around my waist tightly. “HEY! Let go of me” I shout as I struggle to free myself. Suddenly there’s a pinch to my neck and my vision begins to blur, black spots clouding my vision. My body feeling weak as I slump against the one who was holding me, a whisper to my ear.

“Well do more than just bite you, Agapi (Love)” and then with a soft kiss to my lips darkness all but consumes me as I’m lifted into a pair of strong arms and carried from the club, my friends left to their own devices as I'm swiftly taken away.

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