Read with BonusRead with Bonus


After finally getting the victory, I lost it because, in reality, the door was inside and I had jammed the door; it was still accessible from the outside unless I locked it from the inside.

But it was too late for that; they were already here, pushing the door from the other side, making sure to overpower me. They weren’t all that muscular, but they were still more in number.

“Open this fucking door, you bitch!!.” One of them said this as they all pushed.

I had run; I had succeeded, but at what cost? Even though I’m inside, I don’t have enough energy to shut the door.

I pushed with all I had, but even though I started to see, it was to no avail as my legs were sliding forward because of the force behind them.

“Whoosh," the door was forced open and the force of the push left me on the floor.

“CRASH!!” The door forcefully hit the wall.

“Did you think you could escape us, you stupid bitch.” One said that as they entered inside, I was on the floor, lying at my side, immediately and without hesitation.

They grabbed me; they were three in total, and they all grabbed me at once, one loosening his buckle and the other grabbing my breast with such intensity, I was in a flared gown with no underwear on so they could as well rape me without pulling anything.

I struggled; I pushed.

“Don’t touch me, don’t touch me; stop, stop.” I was freaking out.

“Please don’t do this; I will give you money.” I pleaded, I begged and I wept.

“Please, please……” I begged and then.

“Smack!!” I was slapped.

“Shut up, you whore.” The one on top of me said this as the two started raising my gown to expose my upper lap.

I was trying to scream, but he covered my mouth, She tore my gown, exposing my breasts.

This was nothing but pain; I couldn’t feel the pleasure as he grabbed my breasts, slapping them and squeezing my nipples.

“Bang!!” A gunshot was heard from outside; who did it? What happened?

They all stopped and slowly stood up. Nobody knew what happened, but they heard a gunshot.

“Oi, el campenero?” one of them said. There was no response. The two attacking my legs went close to the door, one at the back of the door and the other on this side of the wall. The one on top of me grabbed my neck, putting me in a chokehold and still putting a knife to my throat, holding me hostage in case it was not their partner.

There was no sound; everything went quiet for a while, and everybody was trying to hear even the slightest creek from the wooden floor or the slightest breath from anything outside the door.

“knock, knock, bang!” The only sounds heard after the gunshot were.

They didn’t know what it was, but I did. I knew this meant something; just for me, she was the one, and she had killed one of them.

The sound was not too close to the room, but it was close to the room. I had a feeling she could be here any minute, even though it was so dark you could not see anything outside my door.

I had the blue light in my room but it was at the side of the canopy bed. So, it doesn’t shine out much, it isn’t bright the boys can light up the room a little.

Then something dropped in front of my door in the darkness, and immediately everyone's attention shifted downward.

I for one, did not know how she was going to pull this off but something you told me to do was just point at the enemies and so I did and then I saw a spark of light.

“BANG!!” the bullet passed me, meeting the person holding me hostage. It was a headshot, and because of that, the one at the Door frame lost his composure and let down his guard, exposing his head from the corner.

“Bang!!!” she shot through the wooden frame as he turned back to see his partner give up the ghost. I had not grasped what had happened; all I knew was that I was free.

He fell to the floor, holding on to his neck and gasping for air. This was a neck shot.

Then finally I saw her, and I pointed at the door. I guess she got the message and shot the door twice, and then the guy from behind fell on the floor.

She helped me get free of the stiffness of the first one that held me. I mean, I may not have noticed before, but now I understand. I understand the fact that there were three dead men in front of me. This is not my first time, but whenever things like this happen, I feel like I could have been a corpse too if I made a terrible mistake.

Then she walked into the wardrobe and got me some clothes, laying them on the bed. I’m saying nothing because as I got changed, she got changed too. There was no warm smile, but there was a chilling sensation spread across the room. I couldn’t tell if it was because of the dead bodies or the one who made the once-living dead.

“The men I just killed, abandoned my husband, and left him to die; there were five in total guarding this compound; these four plus my husband included; they were all friends in my opinion, and they knew my situation, especially the one I held me down in that room, but the minute my husband died, or rather the minute they left him to die, they came back being different and did what they've always had in mind; I’m done with this; apart from me being tied under this bondage, I am tired of seeing evil things happen and letting them slide.” She said she was looking up at me with her eyebrows slightly raised, her eyes rested, and her face emotionless.

I couldn’t say anything but nod, Now I understand where the chilling feeling came from; it was from her, from her being tired, and it's from all of us losing our sense of self, When you pick up a gun in anger, it never ends well.

“I have a question for you: do you want to be free or do you want to be in a yoke, going from master To master till you are old, wrinkly and useless, Do you want to make your value or do you want to see yourself slowly but surely decrease in value?” She said she looked me in the eyes after we both changed.

What should I say? Should I say I want to be sold to someone who I have never seen, someone who is a mafia boss known for ruthlessness, I mean, how am I supposed to see this?

“I just want to go home,” I said back to her

“That was the right answer.” She replied with a slight smile.

“We are getting out of here right now; I’ll be taking you somewhere and then our escorts will take you back to your borders but we have to be smart with it and move now.” She said and I immediately nodded, She held her gun, She advised me to remove the sandals she gave me and then we both walked barefoot.

Then we stepped out of the room, it was quiet, it was cold, we walked gently and went downstairs without making a single noise, it wasn't dark like the passage, there were distant lights in the waiting area downstairs and one facing the staircase itself but it wasn’t bright. We slipped through.

The gate was in view, And we jogged to it, getting closer and closer, My heart could not shake this feeling of easiness but I ignored it, The closer to the gate we got, the bigger this feeling of uneasiness grew in me Maybe it was because I was about to escape, maybe it was because I could now be finally free, maybe...

“BOOM!!” suddenly heard a loud, sudden boom from the house.

“SPLAT!...THUD.” Wait, huh, Nanny? Are you okay?

Then there was a powerful electrical hum, and all the lights in the compound were turned on.

I looked around and then felt warm water by the side of my leg, and when I looked.

“Huh? Wait, no! No! No!.”

The person who decided to help me has a bullet wound and is lifeless at my side. But just, why? the questions I asked as my heart shattered and immense pain rounded inside.

“!AHHHHHHHHHHH,AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!” I let out, screaming at the top of my lungs and crying, my tears gushing down as I looked at the body.

I was slowly losing it, going down on my knees and calling out to her over and over.

“No, no, no, no!” I said, as I let out a heart wail, I was in pain, I wasn’t ready, I thought I was, I thought we were...

“Wow, that was a straight shot.” The exact thing I heard next from my back. I have been hearing footsteps; I knew someone was here.

"Oh, shut up already; when she killed the men upstairs, you didn’t cry?” The person said: It was him, that short devil, but he wasn’t alone; he was with a big, thick, but muscular woman.

“I knew it would be you, you bastard,” I said, standing up and filled with rage as I walked towards him.

“Restrain her; I don’t want myself soiled in blood.” He said as the woman walked forward to protect him, holding my hand with one firm grip. Even I knew I wasn’t moving.

“Leave me alone; this is who you protect—a monster, a short devil?!” I said, shouting at her.

“Should I knock her out?” she asked, not giving me any mind.

“Yeah, she won’t be transported till tomorrow afternoon, so just do it.” He said this as he walked back.

“Hey, I am talking to you, your mother...” I said, screaming, but in an instant.

She punched me in my belle; it was so hard that my legs failed and my eyes blurred.

“You…(cough..) mother…(cough.).” I was barely saying it when she went for my face, and from seeing colour, my sight was phased to black.

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