Read with BonusRead with Bonus

A New Target

A New Target

By Vince

“Oh I had plenty of sex, dirty, kinky sex according to you!” The girl growls in that way that is naturally seductive, I just doubt she’s aware of the sultriness before she switches gears again.

“And none of it came from your oh so fantastic suggestion of tying myself up and gift wrapping my vagina like a leather-bound Wonderlight present for the man you set me up with’s wife and five kids to walk in!”

“For the last time, I didn’t know Brian was married, and it is no reason for you to give up....” There is an actual regret rather than sarcasm in ‘Roman’s’ attempted retort.

“Oh, don’t even say what I think you’re about to say when I did get a clinical internship that ended like every other job I’ve managed in the past three months, thanks to you and your shenanigans!”

Of all the things I wonder where she learned to speak is on the top of that list.

“You’re the one who says this is your one life to live!” The man argues back, clearly not having a leg to stand on with the rest. “What was the point of moving to Haven if.....”

“Neither does you stealing the only good boyfriend I ever had,” she cuts him off. Adding more into the already too interesting situation.

“Don’t blame me because you passed up boning my man, and don’t know what good sex is well enough to walk away from jackasses.” ‘Roman’ gives as good as he’s getting, even if it is….. bizarre …. I’m just as interested in whatever tale this is as the other two.

“Considering you only met your man because you told me to model lingerie to seduce the chocolate Adonis when I didn’t know how, had me falling down the stairs to break my leg, and the two of you boning in the bathroom when I woke up in my hospital bed, I’d thank my lucky stars your little sister didn’t catch the nympho perv gene you keep hoping will rub off on me!”

I can’t tell if the disaster waiting to happen, should come with a name or a warning label.

Puppy is two taps from out, holding his stomach, beyond sound, he’s laughing so hard while Rourke is still trying to scrub the ‘oh sweetie’ off his face. Keeping the tough guy act in front of his howling subordinate.

“And before you get any ideas on sending me more sex toys smaller than my forearm and fist, thinking it’s a preference issue, know that one more get back on the horse ‘gift’, and I will tell Alex on you!” The woman threatens with the help me Daddy foot stamp that has Rourke’s blue eyes narrowed on a new target.

“That way, the next time your booty hole gets superglued shut, there won’t be anything fun. in. it!” The last threat cracks the mountain for his booming laughter to echo through the apartment.

Rourke’s knees give as we all use the full slab of quartz to keep us up right in the most tragically comic situation, I never imagined.

“I’ve got to get eyes on this woman,” Rourke decides, recovering before Grimm and I do.

Crazy or not, at least she’ll be entertaining.

“Sorry boss. Burner,” Grimm says a little more sharply. It’s then that I get that the computer wiz is hacking Rourke into the telecoms system and setting up conversations to record or play live on Rourke’s phone whenever keywords are said.

She must have said King Kong Cock at the same time or before Grimm accidentally put it in. No matter what Rourke has to say about it, I make the kid leave that phrase in the program. Wondering just how many other conversations set to auto record with keywords, might be as entertaining as that one.

It was a moment I didn’t know how bad I needed. One that lightened my shoulders way more than the pissed off little storming out because we ignored her did.

After the Grimm inhales as much food as Rourke, tweaking whatever new leg up our security expert hired him for, I know it’s time to face the music.

Meaning deal with my twin and the potential alliance, he wants nothing to do with.

Like I said. No one has a better game face when it comes to business than Nico. It is after all mine. However, no one can quite throw a bitch fit like my brother on personal shit either, and honestly, I don’t blame him.

I know that whatever I am wouldn’t be possible without the unique relationship we have. Different as we are otherwise, Nico and I are both committed to this city, and the legacy our ancestors left.

He’s as against drugs as I am. We both also know that the throne, as it were, doesn’t let us put ourselves before the position.

I guess the moment of selfishness and connection I’ve been denying both of them. Putting their needs above the rest has the gears of my head turning on how to get an alliance without marrying the bitch who openly sneers at the men I can’t live without.

“Look, I know you don’t need my permission for it, but if a pet helps, go for it.” My eyes trail to the kid still clacking away, bobbing his head to music, fresh energy drink in hand. I’m sure my smirk is obvious to Rourke, and less to the zoned out puppy.

Being aware of the benefits that come with the size difference, as much as other perks that the majority of women don’t have, I’d take Grimm on in half a heart beat if the Titan decides to come to the dark side.

Clearly he’s still on the fence about it, but obviously completely against it.

Rourke hasn’t brought up Heather, and neither have I. Can’t really say if that’s because of Grimm or if he’s tabling the issue for another day between recent attacks and me saddling myself to a woman he can’t stand.

‘Pets’ are the only way he gets what he really wants, and I can’t help the jab.

“Already got a puppy on speed dial,” I wink, and the surly gorilla just shoves me into the hallway, but not before I get the returning or still present smile he’s trying to hold back.

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