Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 6: Is this about your boyfriend?

Dahlia's POV

"Aaah....harder," I moaned softly, and he stayed on the right spot, building my orgasm.


"Huh?" I bit my lip, confused.

"My name is Jason. I want to hear you say my name," yet that's the spot. Please don't stop.


"Yes, baby, say it."

"Jason!" I screamed as my climax hit. So good. He didn't stop; he maintained his rhythm as he held my waist since my legs gave out on me.

"Fuck!!!! I'm going to..." I clenched around his cock.

"Fuck!!" Jason emptied himself inside of me, and it was the best feeling. We both collapsed on the bed, laughing.

"That was amazing." I rubbed his chest and moved my fingers down his rock-hard abs.

"Stop that," he said, grabbing my hand.

"You're going to make me want to go again," he said, pulling me closer to his face.

"I don't have a problem with that." I drew eights on his chest before I locked eyes with him.

"Of course you don't," he said, hovering over me and pinning both of my hands above my head as he kissed me ferociously. He used one of his hands to pin mine down while he grabbed my boobs with the other one. I kissed him back, and for a second, he was distracted. I took the opportunity and rolled over again, but this time he didn't pull away. I did. He started at me like he was asking me, 'What are you doing?' with his eyes.

"Aaah," he gasped as I sank down, slowly guiding myself down his cock.

"Mmmm," I moaned, "how can someone be so big?" I closed my eyes, like it was going to help with the pain. When I was comfortable, I clenched my pussycat, and he groaned in response. I lifted up, took off his cock, and slid back down. He held onto my hips, helping me up and down his throbbing cock. He jerked his hips upward, thrusting into me as I came back down.

He sat up, sucking and licking my tits before he kissed me again and then he slowly pulled away, allowing us to look into each other's eyes. His eyes looked so readable; was that affection? No he said this was a one-time thing, so there was no way. Maybe I read his eyes wrong. Yeah, that's it. But the way he looked at me, Scott never looked at me like that, I thought it was normal but after tonight, now I realize Scott never actually loved me. It was all a lie,

"What's the matter, baby?" he stopped and cupped my chin as soon as he noticed my mood changing.

"It's nothing. I'm fine," I shook my head.

"Is it about your boyfriend?" Was it actually that obvious?

"You know...I said it before, and I'm going to say it again...I'm happy you saw them or caught him cheating, because if you didn't, he'd probably still be cheating, and I wouldn't have met you tonight," he whispered in my ear in a husky voice as he ran his fingers down my skin.

"I hope you aren't cheating on your girlfriend." I narrowed my eyes at him with a sly smile.

"My goodness," he said, holding his chest, pretending to be hurt.

"Is that what you think of me?....I would never do such a thing if I loved her, that is. Let's stop talking about all this nonsense and just concentrate on us," he said, swirling his tongue around my nipples and still locking eyes with me.

I bit my lower lip to suppress the sounds, but it wasn't helping. We both gasped at the sensation. I moved my hips, sliding up and down as I rocked him. He grabbed my boobs and sucked them before moving his hand down to my ass and squeezing them. I placed my hands on his shoulders for support.

My orgasm started to build again, and the pleasure took control of me. I couldn't even concentrate; all my focus was on him as I rode on his huge cock.

"Cum for me, baby." Did I even have a choice? I couldn't even resist. My eyes closed and my lips parted as a loud moan escaped my lips.

"Aaaaah......mmmm....Jason!!" I fell forward, laying on his chest. The pleasure was too much; he took over, thrusting deeper and chasing his climax. I clenched around his dick again as I licked his ear and gave him a quick kiss.

"Fuck Lia," he said, releasing himself inside me. We lay in each other's arms in the silent room. The only thing we could hear was our heartbeats slowing down.

"I'll most definitely not forget you," he said before giving me a peck on the lips. What?!...I thought he said this was a one-time thing, but one thing was for sure: I was never going to forget this night.

Hours later, I woke up, still in a daze. I glanced at the clock on the wall, and it was 2am. I tried to get more sleep, but how could I sleep when this handsome devil was right in front of me? I couldn't help but wish he was mine; even though the room was dark, I could still make out his features. He was lying on his back while I rested my head on one of his arms.

I tried to stop myself from touching him, but I couldn't. He was just so attractive. I moved my fingers down his face before touching his broad chest, admiring his body as I inhaled his scent. I was about to give him a kiss on the lips before going back to sleep, but to my surprise, he opened his eyes and turned to me, smiling as our faces were inches apart.

"What are you doing?" He touched my lips with his fingers. Oh, that voice—it was just so sexy.

"Uhh," I bit my lower lip, "I was just..." I stuttered. This man was making me lose it.

"You were just staring. You couldn't help it," he laughed silently.

"Mhmmm." I nodded, still biting my lower lips.

"Why can't you just stop being so sexy?" He ran his fingers through my hair before crashing his lips on mine.

"Fuck baby! You turned me on...I guess you'll have to pay for that," he said groggily as he pinned my legs down, guiding his cock inside me.

"Aaah," I gasped, biting my lower lips to suppress the moan. When he finally entered, I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. Yes, I wanted this. I wanted him to fuck me again. I wanted this to happen as many times as it could tonight because, after tonight, I wasn't going to see this stranger again.

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