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Chapter 8 - Ryan

Dahlia's POV

"I mean, Emma was a better girl; she was smarter, she was prettier, she was way sexier, but no, I decided to choose the little innocent Dahlia and now you're thinking of breaking up with me without letting me touch you, nah, baby girl. If you don't want to give it to me, I guess I'm going to take it by force," what did he mean by all of that? he never actually loved me? Was he going to force himself on me? I struggled but it was of no use.

He kissed and sucked on my neck forcefully as I winced out in pain. His hand then moved from my waist to my boob, squeezing so hard.

"Aaah," I cried out, "Scott, please, please stop."

"Why should I? Don't you think I deserve this? After putting up with you for a whole eight months, don't you think I..." He paused when he found out I wasn't wearing pants.

"So you were cheating on me?!!!" He balled his fists. I thought he was going to hit me, but he punched the wall. Thank Goodness.

"I wasn't cheating!" I screamed back at him, not leaving his eyes for a second.

"Then where are your pants? Don't even think of lying to me. Who is he?!"

"Aren't you listening to me, Scott? I did not cheat!! And whether I wear pants or not is not your concern!" I screamed again. Was I lying? Of course not; I did not cheat; he did.

"I'll show you; I'll show you what pleasure feels like, and then you'll regret everything you did with him and wish you had come to me," he said, crashing his lips on mine and hurting me as he bit my lower lip. I swear I could taste blood—my blood. I tried to pull away, but he was just too strong. He pushed me back again, which made me bump my head on the wall.

"Scott, please," I sobbed. I was so dead; if he didn't stop now, no one was going to save me; begging him was my only option.

"Don't worry, babe. I'm getting to that part," he smirked, ripping my dress open and revealing my bra. How can someone be so foolish? I kept trying to break free, but he kept pushing me back to the wall, hurting my head over and over again. My vision became blurry all of a sudden. Was I going to pass out? Not now, please. If I did, I was going to make this easy for him. Stay awake, Lia; whatever you do, don't close your eyes. I tried my best to stay conscious, but I couldn't. No, please.

"What are you doing to my sister, you scumbag?!"

"Ryan," I smiled to myself.

"Ryan?" It was evident in his voice that he was frightened. Scott was always afraid of my elder brother, but I didn't know why.

"Get away from her, you creep!!!" I couldn't see or tell what was happening anymore, but I was sure Ryan wasn't going to spare him. I couldn't stay conscious anymore.

"Lia? Lia! Open your eyes, Lia!" Ryan shook me repeatedly. I was sure I was in safe hands, so there was no need to be bothered.

"Ryan, thank you; you're the best." I smiled with my eyes slightly open.

"Yes, Lia, it's me. I'm here okay," and that was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

I woke up in my bedroom with a sharp pain in my head. I looked outside the window, and it was dark. How did I get here? How long was I asleep? Those were the questions running through my head. I could feel my body shaking with uncertainty as I tried to recall the events of which I wasn't even sure. I shut my eyes tight, trying to remember what exactly happened, Scott Ryan.

"Ryan?" I said it out loud, confused.

"Oh, Lia," Ryan said as he walked into my room, massaging his nose bridge.

"You scared the shit out of me." His hands fell to his sides as he exhaled.

"Where's Scott?" I asked, gripping my duvet.

"Seriously? You still care about that idiot after what he did to you?" Ryan folded his arms, giving me a long stare.

"No! I don't care about him; I just wanted to know where he is." How would I care about Scott, I mean, he was my ex-boyfriend.

"He ran away before I could kill him," he said, rolling his eyes.

"You actually wanted to kill him?" I asked with my eyes wide open.

"Of Course, I wanted to kill him. How dare he try to take advantage of you? I told you to stay away from him but you didn't listen as usual," he said as he walked towards me.

"How was I supposed to know?" I asked with my arms spread out. It's not like I could see the future or anything.

"Because I told you," he said, sitting beside me.

"He didn't deserve you Lia, and yet you were still with him," he said softly. He was right about that.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, hanging my head. "I should have listened to you."

"It's alright," he said, giving me a little pat on the head. "How do you feel?"

"Better," I smiled. But this didn't make any sense.

"How did you know?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Know what?"

"That Scott was cheating," I explained, but instead of looking confused, he was shocked this time.

"Scott was cheating?! I knew I should have hit him harder," he said, clenching his jaw.

"You didn't know?" I thought he knew.

"If you didn't know, then why did you tell me to stay away from him?" I wrinkled my forehead.

"I didn't like him; he didn't treat you like you were supposed to be treated, and yet he called you his princess. Also, there was something odd about him, especially when it came to that Emma girl having weird friends." He took his shoes off, relaxing on my bed.

"Please don't talk about them anymore; their names alone are making me sick." I frowned, sticking my tongue out.

"So Scott cheated on you with Emma? And you wanted me to spare him? The only reason he ran away was because I couldn't leave you lying there on the ground," Ryan said, annoyed.

"I should have broken his legs first so he wouldn't run away," he continued.

"Whatever, what's past is past," I shrugged. I was so grateful that Ryan happened to be there just when I needed his help, but wait, wasn't he supposed to be on a business trip?

"Ryan?" I called.

"Yeah," he said, turning to me.

"You're supposed to be somewhere in India, if I'm not mistaken." How did he get here in time?

"Yeah, convincing them to partner with us wasn't quite difficult. I got back early, and I'm glad I did. I don't even want to think about what would have happened if I hadn't," he said, glaring at me and giving me the side eye.

"I said I'm sorry, okay? Jeez, don't look at me like that." I got out of bed. He looked so scary when he was angry.

"Where are you going?" he followed.

"To find something to eat," I said, putting on my slippers. I was really starving. I could hear my tummy rumbling.

"Don't bother, I already made something."

"You cooked?" I giggled. I didn't like to admit it but my brother was really good at cooking, Every time we went to see our parents, they always begged him to cook.

"Of course I cooked; did you expect me to wait till you woke up?"

"Maybe," I laughed as we both walked into the kitchen.

"Come on, I'm not that lazy."

"Uh, yes, you are," I said, still smiling.

"I'm not," he said, resting his hands on the counter. I did enjoy teasing him; I wasn't going to lie, I did miss my brother, and ever since the company was passed down to him, we never really had time to hang out. If he wasn't at home, he'd either be at work or on a business trip, and this house would be so lonely and boring without him.

That's why I always had to spend time with Emma and Scott but sadly, out of the trillions of people in the world to stab me in the back, it had to be those two. It turns out what they say is true: 'It's better to have an enemy that slaps you in the face than have a friend who stabs you in the back.' Now I have to start my life all over again. Great.

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