Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 9 - What was he doing here?!

Dahlia's POV

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. The golden sunlight was stinging my eye, and it shook me off from my slumber. My eyelids fluttered open, and I covered my eyes from the brightness.

Slowly, my eyes adjusted to the light, and I sat up, yawning and stretching my arms over my head. As I glanced around the room, I couldn't help but think about what happened yesterday. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head. I just wanted to stay in my warm bed; I didn't want to see anybody. But I had to go to work if I wanted to earn; I knew I had to get up. I tossed the covers to the other side of the bed and sat up, my feet hitting the cold, hard floor, and I shivered.

I was kind of in a daze as I got up, probably because I didn't have enough sleep, but I knew a hot shower and a cup of coffee would make things better. I stumbled to the bathroom, ready to start my morning routine.

I turned on the shower, letting the warm water cascade over me. I got the soap ready as I watched as steam filled the bathroom. As I scrubbed my body, I could feel myself starting to wake up.

I got out of the bathroom, the cold air slapping my face. It wasn't actually that cold but due to the difference in temperature of the bathroom and the room, it felt really cold. I quickly wrapped a towel around myself and my hair and headed to the kitchen to start brewing coffee. The rich aroma of the beans filled the air, and I felt my senses come alive. I took a sip of the hot liquid, savoring the taste and feeling the caffeine start to kick in. Oh how I loved a cup of coffee in the morning.

"Looks like someone's already wide awake," Ryan said as he walked into the kitchen, taking a bottle of water from the fridge.

"I have to get to work on time; remember, you're not the only one who has a demanding job. It appears that all you do is sit at your desk all day, bossing people around," I took another sip of my coffee.

"Yeah, about that. You're going to have to quit your job," he said, swallowing the water in one gulp. Did I hear him right? Did he just tell me to quit my job? I thought he said I couldn't work at dad's company.

"What?! What are you even saying? Quit my job?" I dropped my mug on the counter.

"Yeah, I know I couldn't find a job for you at our company so I asked my best friend, he told me he was looking for a trustworthy and reliable PA and I told him you could do it , now he wants me to bring you to his office."

"Hold on, so you're telling me you just decided to get me a job at your best friend's company without informing me?" I rested my chin on my hands. Why would he do something like that?

"You were looking for a job," he shrugged his shoulders.

"I already had one," I said, pinching my nose bridge."Do you expect me to just call my boss and tell him that I no longer want to work for him and that I've found a better job?" I looked at him, scowling.

"Uh, yes, obviously," he stared back at me.

"Now go get dressed; it's not nice to be late, and please wear something official," he said as he walked away.

"What! When was my opinion considered not important? haven't even agreed, and you say I should get dressed?" Why was he being so stubborn?

"Get dressed, Lia; if he likes you, I promise you you'll never have financial problems again. His company is the highest-ranked interior design company in the country. Tell me you don't want to work there as his personal assistant," he emphasized in his last four words.

"Huh? You mean your best friends with." He didn't even let me finish speaking before he answered me.

"Yes, Lia, that company, so you better get dressed," he said before leaving the kitchen. Smith Emporium of Enchantment is the most successful interior design company in the country, and I could be the CEO's personal assistant. I have to get dressed. I dropped the mug on the counter as I ran upstairs.

I stood in front of the closet, taking a deep breath as I glanced through it. I began to think of all the new people that I was going to meet today, not even focusing on the clothes in front of me.

I shook my head, pulling myself out of my thoughts, I have to find something that looks professional and I'll still feel comfortable in it, I thought to myself. After what felt like forever, I chose an outfit that I felt I was going to be comfortable and confident in.

I chose a black pencil skirt that stopped just above my knee with a cream-colored long-sleeved shirt, I didn't really want to wear a blazer; it wasn't really my thing. I also chose a pair of heels that were comfortable and stylish.

My goal was to strike a balance between looking polished and feeling confident and to feel good in the clothes I was wearing without revealing too much skin or looking overly casual. I wanted to look like a professional, but still feel like myself.

"Then my makeup!" I exhaled as I stood in front of the mirror.

I decided to keep my makeup simple, like I always did. I started with the foundation—a very light layer of foundation—followed by the blush for my cheeks. I didn't really like red, plus it wouldn't go with my outfit, so I went pink. It was more of a peach shade, though.

For my eyes, I chose a light brown eyeshadow, like I said, and finally, my mascara. I finished my look with a swipe of nude lip gloss. I didn't want to overdo it, but I still wanted to look confident.

When I was done with putting on my makeup, I zeroed in on my hair. I decided to wear my hair in a bun. I pulled it back, twisting it and pinning it to the back of my head, with a few loose strands framing my face.

I looked in the mirror and felt satisfied with my appearance. I struck a few poses, laughing at my stupidity. As I finished getting ready, I took a deep breath to calm my nerves, preparing my mind for the day.

I grabbed my bag and headed out the door, closing it behind me. I turned around to see Ryan standing in front of his room in a perfectly tailored suit. As always, he was looking ravishing. Everything about him looked professional, yet friendly and approachable. That's my big brother for you. To other girls, he looked calm and charming, but to me, he was just my annoying, cocky, controlling, and overprotective big brother.

"Took you long enough," he said before making his way downstairs.

"Is it going to hurt you if you would have just said nice?" I frowned as I followed him down the stairs.

"Pretty much," he nodded without looking back at me.

"Jerk," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" He questioned.

"N___nothing," I stammered as he scoffed. He didn't believe me; if only I had come first, I would have taught this guy a lesson.

We both had breakfast together, which I made; we didn't really talk about anything in particular. After that, he drove me to his best friend's company. I had already called my boss and told him that I would like to resign from my job. I used to work as a waitress in a restaurant down the street. It wasn't too far from my place; it was more like a ten-minute drive or something. Anyway, this place was a little bit further away than my previous working place, more like a twenty-minute drive.

"So do I need to do an interview or something?" I asked as we pulled into the parking lot.

"Nah, I think he's just going to decide if you want you or not," he said, pulling the keys out and turned to me.

"The hell?!" I lifted a brow "Who does that?!"

"The Almighty CEO of Smith's Emporium of Enchantment, it's not like that's how he hires everyone; it's just because you're my sister and I insisted," he got out of the car as I followed.

"Oh, thanks, by the way," I said, remembering that I never really thanked him for all this.

"No problem. I intended to give you a job at our company, but our company wasn't hiring at the time, so I asked my best friend to do it; I didn't want you working in that stupid restaurant anyway," he frowned.

"Hey, it's not stupid. I didn't even know you had a best friend. How come you're mentioning it now?" I squinted my eyes, smiling at him.

"I don't like to talk about him much because of who he is," he said, pointing to the building.

"Oh right,"

"But we've been best friends for a few years now."

"A few years?" I repeated.

"More like eight or seven," he shrugged. Eight or seven?

"You're calling that a few?" I gaped at him as he laughed loudly.

"Wow, this place is breathtaking," I said, looking around as we walked into the building.

"You better get used to it because you're going to be working here," he smiled at me.

"I will," I said as we got into the elevator. Ryan had already told the receptionist that he had a meeting with the boss. She hesitated at first, but after hearing from the boss himself, she let us go after telling us the boss' office was on the top floor.

When we arrived at the door, Ryan knocked, and we waited for him to answer.

"Come in." Why did that voice sound so familiar? Ryan and I walked in together, and as soon as he saw Ryan, his face lit up with a smile.

"Ryan, it's so good to see you." He laughed, getting up to hug him, then punched him playfully. As for me, I was rooted to the spot. I thought Andrew Smith was the CEO of this company, so what was he doing here?!

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