"That now counts as the first stab. Now it's left to you, start dabbing your tongue across each of their feet or be six feets below the ground in the next few seconds."
With a sudden movement, I watched as Xander grabbed the knife, wrenching it from the person's chest. Blood gushed from the wound, flowing like a dark river down the victim's clothes. The knife clattered to the ground, and the room was filled with the sound of gasping breaths and terrified cries. Whilst I stood by the door, eyes wide with shock and horror.
Hours ago when I had stomped away with a rush of anger, I never knew I would wake up to this scene. Now I can see that what was rumored about him is nothing but the truth. He's ruthless, and discovering that alone made shrills to run over my veins.
Just as I contemplated what action to take, the clicking of heels against the tiled flooring caught my attention and it turned out it was too late to make a dash for it when the figure came into sight. Stunning enough, she's just coming out from Master Xavier's chamber.
She's obviously the one Master Xander had laid with. Or should I say was forced to lay with? Whatever that was, it made me want to plug my fingers across her face because I am starting to wonder why the hell she has that big beam on her face like she'd just achieved her biggest dream. Oops, she probably has because the last time I checked, she had just slept with an infamous Master with so much power.
He was the embodiment of wealth and power, with good looks to match. Women couldn't help but swoon at the sight of him, their eyes following his every move. His charisma and influence were undeniable, and it seemed like the whole world bent to his will.
So I smirked, crossing my hands over my chest as she approached me with an air of confidence, her heels clicking on the floor. Her makeup was impeccable, her hair styled to perfection. She wore a dress that clung to her body, revealing every curve. As she moved, the light glinted off the jewels around her neck and on her wrists. She looked every inch the part of a club girl, glamorous and self-assured.
I watched her walk, her confident stride making me feel small and insignificant. I couldn't help but feel a sneer forming on my lips as I watched her, my eyes drawn to the expensive jewels she wore. I knew she thought she was better than me, and I hated her for it. I wished I could wipe that smug look off her face.
"Great. It seems you are the new brat the Academy had just took in." Her hazel rises were brimming with repugnance and contempt as she scanned me from head to toe while stopping her stride before me.
I don't know who she thinks she is but it looks as though she doesn't know I am only feeding on the small amount of patience left in me.
"Nice look but then, know your lane. Don't mess with what's mine." She continued when I did not answer and I shrugged nonchalantly.
"What's going on here?!" A raspy voice bellowed and I swear, my heart immediately jumped out of my chest.
Master Xander's face red with anger, he glared around at the people assembled there, demanding to know what was going on. His voice was like a thunderclap, and everyone close to the hallway jumped in response. The air was charged with tension, and everyone seemed to be holding their breath, waiting for the next outburst.
His gaze fell on both me and the club girl standing together in the corner of the room. He directed his question at us, his tone sharp and insistent. "I demand to know what's going on here. Now."
The two women exchanged a nervous glance, then turned back to face him.
"Kiara, excuse us." When no response came, I heard him say icily and glancing over at her, a relieved expression clouded her face as she instantly bowed.
"Alright Master " With that said, she turned around and catwalks away. Her shoulders inching up boldly as my eyes trail over her retreating figure, wishing it was me in her stead. Great, I'm the only one left in his trap. Heaven knows what he's going to do to me now.
"If I can still remember, I was told you skipped today's class." At that, I almost had a mini heart attack. I shouldn't be scared of him but by his towering height alone, I couldn't even find the slightest hunch to look him in the face.
Nibbling over my bottom lip for a second, I bounced over my feets as I responded indifferently. "They were all too harsh. Moreover, I couldn't stand the presence of that annoying woman so I had to take my leave."
My answer seems to aggravate him. I kept quiet and wasn't expecting his next action.
My heart pounded in my chest as he suddenly reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. I tried to back away, but he grabbed my arm and snapped one cuff around my wrist. I could feel the cold metal biting into my skin, and I knew there was no escape. He looked at me with cold, calculating eyes, and I realized that I was in serious trouble. I had no idea what he was going to do next.
"Please, Master. I-"
I felt my feet dragging against the rough ground as Xander pulled me deeper into the darkness of the cave. I tried to struggle, but it was no use. The air around me was damp and cold, and I could hear the sound of dripping water echoing off the walls. I had no idea where we were, or what was going to happen to me. All I knew was that I was in serious trouble. A grave gruesome one at that.
Damn it! I shouldn't have gotten close to the torture room. Now here it is.
The security guard positioned by the cave sights us and quickly inserts the key in the lock and as the cave's gate was wrenched aside, just a single tip of touch over my back was all it took for me to be shoved into the cave.
Whilst the cave's gate slammed back shut and the security securely locked it, I grunt as I scurried up my feet with so much struggle since my hands are close to useless now, with the handcuff steering so much discomfort in my guts.
"You're not getting out of here until the next twenty-four hours." Master Xander's voice snapped me out of my daze, my legs trembling below me before I finally wobbled on the floor when he refused to even meet my gaze, but rather crossed his hands fiercely behind his back and he strode out of sight.
He was right, after all. Now I know what he meant yesterday when he welcomed me to the academy, where he didn't forget to tag it as a place of 'cruelty and misery'.
Bit by bit, I think I am meeting my doom.
The door to my cell creaked open, and I looked up, expecting to see Xander who had brought me here. Instead, I saw a woman carrying a tray of food. She set the tray down in front of me and smiled, her expression sympathetic. "Here you go, dear," she said softly. I stared at the food, my stomach growling, but I couldn't bring myself to touch it. I was too scared of what might happen next.
"I'm Theresa. Xander's mother." She whispered anxiously and I faked a smile.
"He must not know I am here but then, what's life without risks, huh?" She said before smiling sheepishly as she crouched down before. "Moreover, he's told me a lot about you."
I wagged a brow at her in surprise and kept it at that. I know she's probably here for something. Today makes it my second day here and she's the first person to speak so kindly- might I add, too nicely, and even offered a nice gesture- the meal. So yes, I can see the motive behind these actions of hers.
"Yes. But you know what? I can help your situation. If I demand he cancel all your brutal classes, trust me, he would. That's how much I have him wrapped around my finger."
That's when it dawned on me that she's the woman from yesterday, whose voice had commanded Master Xander to lay with the club girl, Kiara.
She grinned at me, picking up the plate of lasagna from the floor, taking a spoonful of it and stretching it forth towards my mouth.
Looking down at it, I had the choice to reject it but couldn't help it. It's been two days now and yet, I haven't been fed.
As she fed me, I kept casting one or two looks her way. While she kept flashing me a reassuring smile.
"If I may ask, what do you want with me?" Halfway through the meal, I nudged back my head and refused the next spoonful, my eyes glued on her face as I waited for her to spit out her motive.
It seems she was clearly expecting that as she wasn't that surprised when I decided to burst out my query, out of the blue.
"You're gorgeous, a damsel and a golden treasure. Just by the talk of you, I already know how much helpful you would be to my career." As she spoke gleefully, she tucked out a handkerchief and dabbed either side of my face with it before withdrawing her hand and reclining back, suddenly awkward as she pursed her lips before whispering softly. "I run an underground clubhouse. Without Xander's knowledge. Even though he's not my biological son, he gets mad easily at..."
She gasped all of a sudden. Her eyes widened a huge fraction as she instantly slammed her hands over her mouth, like she'd just revealed what was meant to be a secret.
"I- I didn't mean for that to..." She cussed under her breath as she stopped, probably regretting letting out too much. Meanwhile I just shrugged indifferently, because what she had just blurted is close to none of my business.
"It's fine. You can continue." I piped up and she nervously itched her nape before nodding affirmatively. Her shoulders bounced back up, her eyes glistening as she stared at me whilst I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. What a drama queen.
"Well, I adopted him at a tender age and up till now, he knows nothing about it. He doesn't know I own a brothel so here I am, throwing a deal at you. You start to secretly work as one of my club girls and I'll also do my part which is to free you from all classes or punishment throughout the duration of your stay here." She rasped, clamping her palms together awaiting my response as she finished up what was nothing other than rambles to my ears.
"What?!" I asked, dumbfounded. Then I shake my head, laughing when she nodded yet again. She must have lost it.
"Get out." I cooed softly, trying my best not to raise my voice because it's sure not going to end up well. For a second, she looked like that didn't just come from me but I eyed her in spit, jerking my foot up and flipping the plate towards her with it.
"Out!" I scoffed in annoyance. Screw me, I'll do anything else but not dip my soul into her dirty job.
Her hand shot out like a striking cobra, and struck me across the face with a resounding slap. My head jerked to the side, and I whimpered in pain. Her eyes flashed with anger as she bent down and hissed, "How dare you?"
"You mannerless brat. What did you just do to my mother?" Master Xander burst into the cave and bellowed, his eyes coursing with anger as he took long strides towards me.
'Mannerless'- the word resounded in my head repeatedly and instead of cowering back in fear of him, my fingers cracked as I balled it into fists. My jaw clenching alongside my teeth which I ground against each other as I daringly stared back into his reddened set of eyes.
"Are you fucking deaf?" On getting no response from me, he grabbed my jaw and tilted it up forcefully. "Turns out your Father made the right choice by sending you here. You're not only a brat but also mannerless. I was thinking I should take it easy on you but with what you have just done, that tongue of yours will take it suffering."
He snickered, "With so much pleasure, I will slit that god-damn tongue of yours into bits and feed it to the hungry wolves!"
"I admit, I take so much pleasure and pride at being mannerless but what about you? You're nothing but an adopted folk. So tell me, do you take so much pleasure in that too?" I bluntly spat at his face and I could swear, I heard his breath hitch and his fingers shook against my jaw before slipping off.
Grasping onto her floral gown, Ma'am Theresa gasped, instantly turning around and taking on her heels.
I immediately regretted my action the moment I snapped my head towards his towering figure.
His face was flushed with anger, his eyes burning with fury. He was breathing heavily, and his fists were clenched so tightly that his knuckles were white. He was trembling with the effort of controlling his rage, but it was clear that he was on the verge of exploding. He seemed like a volcano about to erupt, with a fury that was ready to consume everything in its path.
Absolutely amazing. No way out for me.
I'm dead.