My wrists felt raw as the metal clasps rubbed, bruised, and bit into my soft flesh. My eyes were swollen from all the tears I cried. I was tired, scared, and felt like the world around me was collapsing.
I once again pull on the chains that bound me to the wall. It was semi dark, cold, and empty. I shivered uncontrollably from the coldness. I wore nothing but a thin white shirt and short, skin-tight grey shorts. Being an omega, I didn't have a whole lot of fat to begin with and I had horrible blood circulation. My fingers and toes felt numb to the cold.
My left lower jaw was throbbing and bruised from the hard slap I had received before I got locked up in here. My hair was limp and stringy from lack of it being washed. I don't know how long I have been in this cell. There was no sense of time, whether it was day or night. There were no windows.
I wanted to go home.
I wanted him. I wanted Axel.
I needed him. So badly.
I didn't even know if he was left alive. I couldn't think like that, I had to stay strong and believe that he was still here with me on this planet. I had to be the strong one now. I wasn't alone anymore. I had a responsibility. I needed to protect our little bean.
I knew what they were trying to do. They were trying to starve me. To get rid of the precious living thing that meant the world to me. To Axel. But I refused to let them take away the most beautiful thing that we had created together. They were the symbol of our love and I'll be damned if those assholes took it away from either of us.
Axel was the only one who was on my side, had always been on my side. He wasn't here now, it was all up to me to get us out of here, out of this situation.
Once again, I try to pull the chains from the wall, not caring that my wrists were starting to bleed. I will survive, I won't give in to their demands. I will keep our child safe.
Tears welled up in my eyes as the chains didn't even give an inch. Resting my head against the cold stones of the wall I close my eyes and went back to when it all started.
The day that our entire lives had changed. To where our story began.
Four Months ago
I watch as the drops of rain slide down my window as the storm gently passes by. I sit on the window seal as I glimpse down to see Roman and Alexia rush to a white Tesla, that belonged to Roman's best friend Eli.
I envied them as they drove away to, only they knew where. Sighing heavily, I get up and close my curtains, then turn away. At nearing eighteen years old I was still trapped in this hellhole, probably for the rest of my life. For years I endured being imprisoned in this house, confined to this room.
All because I'm considered , what they state, a rare omega. A male omega that can keep the human race alive. According to my Aunt and Uncle, who took me in when my parents had died, I was born for one purpose and one purpose only.
To breed, to reproduce, to birth the next generation. It was drilled into my head day after day for the past twelve years of my life. It's all I know.
Then I met him.
Now I say this with bitterness, not with affection. But you see, he was my first love, at least what I thought love to be. I was fourteen at the time and not as caged in as I am now. I always knew I was different. Aside from knowing I was a male omega, my appearance wasn't like most omega's, even the occasional male ones.
I was more feminine, smaller in size, more...pretty in my features. Or so I was told by countless people. My skin was flawless without much imperfections. I hate it. When I look at myself in the mirror it's like a porcelain doll was staring back at me.
I didn't feel real. Like I was some genetically made human hybrid that they tried to clone. But I knew I was a living being by looking at my mother's photo. I was almost identical to her. All the way down to her platinum hair. Another rarity.
For some reason we were both born with a genetic effect that's called Poliosis. Although I have a full head of white hair, my roots were black that turned white as it grew longer, and my thin eyebrows were black as well. Unlike most men, I didn't grow hair on my legs, face or armpits. If you're wondering if I had hair down there as well, the answer to that would be no. Don't know what to say, it just never grew.
Anyways, back to being fourteen. At that time, I was allowed to go to school since my condition hadn't presented itself just yet. I remember all the stares, all the whispering. Everyone wanted to be my friend. Who knew that being a male omega would make me so popular?
Of course, it infuriated both Roman and Alexia. They hated that I was getting all the attention. Especially when it came to Alexia's crush. Although male omegas were a bit rare, they were still around. I just stood out more than others with my tiny physic and abnormal hair color.
His name was James. The most handsome boy I had ever seen. He was also an Alpha. Which meant a highly aggressive, highly possessive, and highly conceited male. Like everyone else, he noticed me and being a sought-out Alpha, even though we were just starting out in our adolescent lives, our hormones were on the rise.
At that time, he was beginning to produce his pheromones. Maybe I had been attracted to his scent, but when we started dating it was the best time I have experienced. He had been sweet, charming, lovable. But then things changed and honestly, I don't want to get into what happened just yet.
But our relationship caused major issues with my aunt and uncle. They were furious with me. They had banned me from seeing him, but as a young teenage boy who was in love, I snuck out of my window in the middle of the night to be with him.
The night I did that, I will never forget. It was the worst night, aside from my parents' death, that I had. I was caught in shame and humiliation. I was so embarrassed and regretted I had ever met James.
My uncle was so beside himself with anger that he barred my windows, put padlocks on the outside of my bedroom door. I was withdrawn from school and put on home studies. He took my phone, my computer, any communication I could possibly receive from the outside world. I was allowed a single bed, a dresser, and a study table. I wasn't allowed to leave the house. I was only allowed to come down during meal-times and was banned from watching the television.
My life had become a living hell. My cousins didn't talk to me, my aunt didn't talk to me. It was as if I no longer existed to them. I will never, for as long as I lived, forget the words my uncle spoke to me when he shut my bedroom door to a life that wasn't a life at all.
"Your life no longer belongs to you. I'll decide what to do with you, who you will go too. I will choose your Alpha when the time is right. You were born to breed, it's best you remember that."