Chapter One
I head to my door, press my ear to it, and listen. It seems that Uncle Sean was snoring in the living room, it was so loud. I could hear dishes clanging downstairs, which told me that Aunt Katrina was cleaning the kitchen.
I rush quietly under my bed. I shove old clothes and stuffed animals out of the way and grab the box that was hidden there. Slipping out, I sit on my bed and open the box to reveal a few trinkets from over the years. Things that my aunt thought had been thrown out, things that used to belong to my mother.
But these items weren't what I was searching for. Underneath it all, I pull out a cellphone I definitely am not supposed to have. I always make sure it's on silence and the vibration is off. I turn it on to see a ton of messages from the only two people who knew this device existed. And also knew of my situation living here.
I have another cousin that wasn't liked very much by Roman, Alexia and Uncle Sean. Aunt Katrina adored Sia, even though Sia was Uncle Sean's nephew. Our dads and Uncle Sean were all brothers. Sia was the sweetest to Aunt Katrina and at first I thought maybe it was because he wanted that motherly love since his mother died when she gave birth to him. But I soon found out that wasn't the case at all.
The first time I met Sia was before my parents had passed away. I was only four, and he was a good five years older than me. We always hung out when he would visit, and he cried just as hard as I did when my parents were killed in a car accident two years later.
According to Uncle Lander, Sia begged to come visit me when I moved in with this family. The two brothers never got along while growing up, so Sia didn't know his other cousins, Uncle Sean and Aunt Katrina, very well. They only associate with them during big family events. But Uncle Lander agreed when he realized what kind of life I would have to face.
Unfortunately, Uncle Lander couldn't raise me himself. The court wouldn't allow it, especially when he was a single father and his income wasn't considered suitable. He tried though, but lost to Uncle Sean, who fought tooth and nail to get custody of me.
When Sia came to visit, he noticed the situation I was faced with and made sure to visit at least once a month. He tried to do once a week, but Uncle Sean refused it. When that incident happened at school, and they took everything away from me, Sia came to visit and was furious. He had just turned nineteen and Uncle Sean was no longer obligated to let him come over.
Aunt Katrina put her foot down when it came to Sia. It was the first time I heard them argue that was louder than their own television. Of course, she won the argument. Sia made sure to be extra nice and lovable to her. I just never thought he would be willing to talk to any of them until he told me,
"Tristan, you actually think I endure seeing their ugly faces because of that? Are you dense or something? I'm only nice because of you. You're the only reason I hang out with that old bat."
I was shocked. Apparently, he noticed the look on my face and shook his head sadly. "We seriously need to get you out of here. I knew they all hated me, except for Aunt Katrina. So, I only pretend, Tristan. I'm here only for you. You're very important to me. If you weren't here, I would make sure to never see them again."
I cried like a big fat baby after that. He comforted me, like always. His visits were the only times I was truly happy. When he saw the deadbolts and lack of freedom, that was when he slipped me the cellphone. He promised to pay on it for me and to make sure to never get caught with it. I was ecstatic. Instead of only hearing from him when he came to see me, we were able to message each other every day.
He knew I couldn't respond until late at night. I also made sure not to sign up for any social media. Alexia was a wiz at that crap and would love to rat me out to her parents.
There were three messages from Sia. I quickly opened them up and read.
Sia: Are you alive still? (This was always the first message he sends me every night.)
Sia: If you're not alive I'll make sure they all die a horrible, lingering death. (A promise he makes quite often)
Sia: I'm visiting sooner than normal. Try to stay alive until then please. I really don't want to spend the rest of my life in a prison cell. But no worries, I'd gladly go for your sake. 😉
Happiness shot through me at the mention he was coming to visit me. I quickly send a response back to him.
Me: I'll try but no promises on that. I can't wait to see you!!! Don't forget to bring me my favorite snack! 😊
I go to the other five messages that was left for me. I open them up and smile. A couple of months ago I was able to go to the grocery store with Aunt Katrina. While there, I wasn't supposed to talk to anyone and always had to stay by my aunt's side. But that day she asked me to get something that she had forgotten. While in the aisle there was another boy there staring at a bunch of baby supplies. I could tell he had been crying.
I wasn't trying to intrude, but there was something about him that seemed familiar. He finally noticed me and looked embarrassed. I thought maybe he would have ran off, but he hesitated and looked to me.
"Are you...an omega too?" He whispered, looking around to make sure no one overheard him.
I stared at him with disbelief. "Are you?" I whispered back.
He quickly nodded his head and looked back at the baby food that was in front of him.
"Me too."
He quickly looked back at me and gave me a sad smile. "Name's Cameron."
We started talking for a bit and I found out that he was twenty. He didn't look it, but the thing I'm learning about male omegas is that we seem to look younger than what we were. He was petite just like me and seemed to be sweet natured. We instantly became friends. He had given me his number right before my aunt found me and was furious that I was taking way too long.
From that day forward, we texted back and forth. Over the course of three months, we learned about each other. I told him about my family and how I was treated. He told me about how he had fallen in love with an alpha and discovered that he couldn't conceive. When his alpha discovered this, he was left high and dry. It made me angry for him and heartbroken.
Cameron desperately wanted a child and finding out he would never be able to does something to an omega. After all, we were created to reproduce, right? If we can't do that, then what use are we to the outside world?
I read the five messages he sent me.
Cameron: I went to see a doctor today. I didn't want to tell you until I knew what the outcome would be.
Cameron: He told me about an injection that I could take once a month to be able to conceive in the future. It's new and hasn't really been tested. I haven't given a definite answer yet.
Cameron: Do you think it's too much of a risk?
Cameron: Of course, I won't know if it'll work without an alpha of my own.
Cameron: I'm being too desperate, aren't I? Respond when you can. I really need advice on this, and you're the only person I trust in this world.
My mind is full of questions of this new injection. I wasn't so sure about him using it, especially if it was new and not tested on others. I knew he wanted to be able to give his future alpha a child, but this just seemed too much of a risk for someone who didn't deserve him if the only reason was to produce a baby.
I go to respond when I suddenly hear the deadbolts unlocking. My heart jumps to my throat and quickly hide the cellphone under my pillow. Just as I turn back around, I see Alexia standing there.
"Didn't you leave?" My voice sounded defensive and I silently curse myself.
She scowls at me. "I forgot my purse, what are you doing?'
Ignoring her, I cross my arms and ask a question of my own. "If you forgot your purse, then what are you doing in my room? Your purse isn't in here." I nearly snap.
She walks further into my room, looking around and frowns. "I don't need a reason to be in here Tristan, besides, it's after midnight and your light is still on. Don't you have a curfew or something?"
I scowl at her. "Can you please leave my room? I don't have time to play your stupid games, Alexia. I would like to go to bed." I stand up and head to the open door waiting for her to get the hell out.
She stares at my floor where all the things were still laid out from when I pulled them out from under the bed. My heart picks up double time, afraid she might question about the mess, but to my surprise, she turns around and walks out, not saying another word to me. I shut my door and she relocks the deadbolts.
I give a sigh of relief and quickly respond to Cameron telling him to hold off on the injection until he knew more information and a second opinion about it. I understand the need to feel wanted. I knew the emotions he was going through, being treated like a complete outsider. But his health and well being were far more important to risk something like this without knowing the damage it could cause.
I turn off my phone and place it back into the box. I shove everything back under the bed and turn off my lights. Lying in bed, I couldn't sleep. So many things ran into my head with the thoughts of Sia visiting and Cameron's insecurities.
Eventually, my eyes began to droop, and before I knew it, I fell fast asleep.