Chapter Two


The next day I was allowed out of my room on the account that I had to go shopping with Aunt Katrina. The only time this happens is when Uncle Sean wasn't in the mood to go with her. We had been gone for hours and didn't come home until the sun was setting. It started raining earlier which caused us to come home faster than usual. Aunt Katrina hated the rain, it made her bones ache, or so she had said.

As soon as we walked in, I immediately knew something was wrong. The house was quiet, and the atmosphere held a tension that I haven't sensed since I was fourteen years old. My body stiffened automatically, and my heart pounded hard in my chest.

Aunt Katrina walked in the kitchen carefully. As soon as I rounded the corner something quickly flashed in front of me and a sharp pain pierced the right side of my cheek. My body slammed backwards against the wall, causing me to fall on my ass.

"Did you think you could hide this from me?!"

Uncle Sean was standing over me looking angry, his face strained and red from his furry. My upper cheek throbbed as I held it and I shook with fear as I look up at him. He was shoving something in my face and what I saw made everything in me drop. I suddenly felt light headed from the dread that was seeping into my system.

There, in his chubby hand, was my cellphone. I look over to Alexia, who had her arms crossed and a satisfied smirk on her face.

"I knew you were hiding something when I saw the state of your room last night, so I figured I would look to see what it was. And what do you know, a cellphone! Last time I checked, you aren't allowed to have one."

Her voice grated on my ears as she spoke. I slowly stand back up and face my angry uncle. Roman wasn't around, which meant he was off somewhere with his friends and my aunt just stood on the side looking shocked. She didn't do anything to intervene.

"Where the hell did you get this? Who got it for you?" He demanded.

I refuse to say it was Sia. If I did then he would never be allowed back to visit, doesn't matter if Aunt Katrina accepted him, there was no way after this he would be welcomed in this house. I keep my mouth shut.

"You will answer me right now boy! Who gave you this god damn phone?!" He was starting to turn purple with his screaming.

Again, I didn't answer, but lowered my head instead. He grabs my sweater and slams me against the wall hard. I gasp out in pain from the brutal force of his fist against my chest.

"Sean!" I hear Aunt Katrina yell, but he ignores her as he gets right into my face.

"So help me, if you don't say something I will beat you so bloody you won't be able to walk for a week." He seethed.

"I found it." I quickly reply.

"Bullshit." Alexia spats while she was observing her nails.

"Open the lock on this, I want to see what you have been doing." Uncle Sean suddenly asks, shoving the phone at me again.

Blood drains from my face. If I opened it, they'll see all the messages from Sia and Cameron. I couldn't let that happen. So, I do the dumbest thing I have ever done in my life.


That one little word was all it took.

He slams me again against the wall and then slaps me so hard that I go flying across the floor towards the door. I hear my aunt scream and even Alexia gasps. I was in so much pain that I couldn't bring myself to stand.

"This is the last time you'll ever defy me." I hear him taking off his belt and I knew what was coming.

"Sean no!"

"I will not tolerate such disobedience from the likes of you! You do what I tell you to do, when to do it and how to do it!"

My eyes widen as I watch him fold the thick leather belt in half and raise it high into the air, ready to strike it down on me. Adrenaline flows through me like a tidal wave. I scramble to my feet and throw the front door wide open.

"Don't you dare run out that door! Get your ass back here now!"

I don't listen as I run as fast as I possibly could. Tears and rain ran down my face. My back hurt. My face hurts even worse. But nothing was as more painful than the damage to my pride and my self-worth.

I kept running until I could no longer breathe, and my legs were ready to give out. I come to a stop, lean over with my hands on my knees, breathing heavily. The tears wouldn't go away. I was so torn with hateful, sad, depressing emotions that I just couldn't take it anymore.

I stand up to see where I was at. I stopped inside some park that I wasn't familiar with. It was cold, wet, and dark. The streetlights were lit, giving me at least some light. I walk a little further until I reach a wooden bench that was under a big oak tree.

I sit down with a hard thump. My back wasn't in so much pain anymore, but my cheek was throbbing, and I could tell it was already beginning to swell. Getting hit twice in the same spot, I was glad the bone didn't crack. I reach up a hand and gently press my fingertips to the tender flesh. I wince and hiss at the pain that it caused.

More tears well up and everything that happened moments before flashed before me and I pitied myself more and more with each passing moment. I sat there under that tree feeling hopeless.

I don't know how long I sat there for, feeling sorry for myself. I finally registered the cold with my sweater and jeans completely soaked. The rain wasn't letting up at all. My hair plastered to my head while my lips, fingers, and feet felt numb with the cold.

At first, I didn't see him.

I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I completely ignored everything around me. I jerked at the sight of him, staring at me. He was tall with dark hair and he was broad shouldered. He wore a black shirt with a long brown trench coat that looked really warm and comforting. He had long legs that wore black jeans and black boots. He carried an umbrella with him.

He carefully walked up to me and quickly stopped when he noticed I stiffened with him approaching. He slowly sat at the other end of the bench, not caring that it was wet. We both just sat there for the longest time. I didn't want to seem rude getting up just because he sat down near me. I couldn't tell if he was an alpha or a beta, but I definitely knew for sure he wasn't an omega. He didn't have that look.

"You'll get sick like that." He says softly.

My shoulders tense at the sound of his voice. It was smooth and deep. The softness of it caused me to shiver. I still don't say anything to him. I didn't know what his intentions were. Was he just trying to be nice? Concerned for my welfare? Or did he have another motive?

My Aunt's words came flooding into my mind. Don't trust anyone. I took those words to heart, especially after what happened with James all those years ago.

I hear ruffling as if he was moving or something. Staring at the ground, I was hyper aware of my surroundings and I realized we were quite alone in this park. It was well into the night too. My heart started pounding, thinking that he could attack me at any time while my screams and cries for help wouldn't be heard by anyone.

I flinch when something heavy covers my shoulders. I quickly look over and see him move away a little. I look down at what he placed there. It was his coat.

"You shouldn't be out here alone. I don't know what you're going through, but it shouldn't be bad enough to risk your health. Life is important, you should cherish it."

I didn't know what to say. Tears well up again as I stare at him. How could someone be so gentle? So beautiful? So considerate? I may not know him, but just looking at him I could see he wasn't like most people.

I still don't say anything though. My voice was caught in my throat and I was afraid that I was going to start bawling my eyes out if I spoke. I suddenly hear a car pull up behind us. I turn to see a taxicab sitting there waiting.

"It's for you. You should head on home and get warm."

With that, he gets up and walks back the way he had come from. I blink at his kindness. I have never met anyone that would do something so generous for another and it threw me off. Getting up, I walk to the cab and get in.

"Where too kid?" The driver asks.

I told him my address. Sure, I didn't want to head back, but I had nowhere to go. I also didn't have any money on me. "Wait! I can't pay you." I felt the embarrassment flush my cheeks.

"No worries, the ride was paid in advance through the app." He knocks on a sticker that was attached to his window.

"Oh." It was the only thing I could think to say. I pull the stranger's coat closer to me. It smelt nice. The scent calmed my nerves and made me feel safe for some reason. I didn't even get his name, hell I didn't even say thank you. I wished I was able to at least say that before we parted ways.

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