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Chapter 10 - Feel guilty

Emily's POV

"We're here." Willow's voice pulled me back out of my thoughts. I lifted my gaze to the exit of the forest overlooking my home. My four-wheel baby is already parked in his spot in the driveway.

Willow handed me control, and I shifted back to human.

Just four feet further, I found the clothes hidden in a hollow stump. Mila must have placed them there; they were still crisp and smelled like laundry detergent.

I got dressed while making my way down the forest path toward my home.

I lived in something similar to a duo home, sharing the house with Mila and Jax.

We shared the same garden and driveway, but our entrance was allocated to the opposite side of our home.

When I first decided it was time to move out of the pack house, Mila wanted me to live with her and Jax.

I refused.

I knew Mila didn't want me to be alone, but I didn't want to invade their privacy.

Yet Mila pushed; she was determined to have me live close to her.

After numerous arguments, Jax came up with a perfect solution, keeping us both happy.

"Finally!" Mila squealed excitedly when she noticed me coming down the path. She was busy gardening when I jumped to her feet and rushed closer, pulling me into an embrace.

"Hi, Mila," I said, laughing. "I guess you are glad to see me!"

"Glad?" Mila shrieked, shaking her head. "No, I am happy to see you. I have missed you so much!"

Jax made his way out of their home and got closer.

"Welcome home, Parker," Jax said, stretching his hand out to me.

"Thanks; I am relieved to be home," I said, shaking his hand. "I have missed this place and its people."

"Hopefully, we were at the top of the list!" Mila hinted.

"Yeah, you were," I said. "Well, Lex took first place, then you all followed with the rest of the pack."

"You had better have missed us as much as we missed you," Mila stated.

"So?" I asked, laughing. "Where's my little handsome man?"

"The little guy is at the back," Jax said. "He's playing with Lilly. I will go get him."

Jax went off toward the back of our home.

Lilly was Jax and Mila's pup and was a couple of months younger than Lex.

Lex was crazy about the little blond girl and treated her with love and respect as if she were his mate. Some days I felt a bit of envy and wished Lex's father could have loved me in the same way.

"Em, now that you are back," Mila said, as my eyes followed Jax until he disappeared around the corner. "I was wondering if you would like to go out tonight."

"Tonight?" I gasped, surprised.

"Yeah, tonight," she said, "there's a masquerade party at one of the clubs tonight, and I want to go."

"But I just got back," I argued.

"I know," she said. "I haven't spent any time with you for so long; I thought maybe it would be nice to spend some time together and have a little ladies' night. Just you and me. Jax has already agreed to watch the kids."

I lifted an eyebrow, searching for my best friend's gaze.

"Mila," I said with a sigh, shaking my head. "I-I-I don't know. What would Lex think of me? I just got home, and now I will be going out again, spending time with someone other than him. He hasn't seen me for so long. I feel guilty."

"You should go with Auntie Mila, mommy!" Lex's voice rang in my ears, cutting me off, and my gaze snapped to where he, Jax, and Lilly were coming closer.

I knelt on one knee, opening my arms for my little guy. Lex rushed into my arms, grabbed me around my neck, and hugged me for dear life. The little man's embrace was warm and full of emotion, and I melted in his small, warm arms.

I have missed him and the unconditional love that this child has for me.

Lex pulled away from me after a moment and seriously looked at me. He had placed his hands on the side of my face, making sure to claim all my attention.

"Mommy, you need to unwind," he said. "Go have fun with Auntie Mila. I will still be here waiting for you, and when you are back, we will spend some time together and bake cookies and make some homemade milkshakes and pizza."

My heart ached for this child of mine; he was so selfless.

"Are you sure, little man?" I asked carefully. "Mommy just got back from a long trip. I don't mind staying."

Lex shook his head and wiggled himself out of my arms.

"I am sure, mommy," he said.

"But I don't have anything to wear..." I tried to argue, but Lex cut me off.

"Auntie Mila has the perfect red dress and mask picked for you," he said proudly, and my gaze snapped toward Mila's direction.

"I helped her," Lex continued. "The color and cut of the dress would suit you perfectly."

Mila bit her lip and shifted her weight from one leg to the next—a habit indicating that she was nervous about my reaction.

"You bought me a dress?" I asked, a bit annoyed.

"Borrowed," she corrected.

I can just guess who would be willing to lend her an expensive dress.

"You borrowed a dress from Xavier? Didn't you?" I asked again, feeling my blood boil in my veins.

Xavier had quite a collection of expensive ballroom and cocktail dresses for fancy functions. The dresses belonged to his late mate, and I had borrowed quite a few over the last five years.

"I..." she said, dropping her gaze. "We were all so excited to see you again. I couldn't help it."

I sighed, pinching the top of my nose.

"Come on, mommy," Lex said. "Don't be angry. I want to see you in that dress; it is really pretty."

"Fine!" I said, giving in, and Lex and Mila squealed excitedly. "But I want to be back before two am."

"Done!" Mila said, a smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"And no pushing your boundaries tonight," I warn.

"Promise!" She said, rolling her eyes.

Lex grabbed my hand, pulling me toward our home.

What I saw next had the air knocked out of my lungs.

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