Chapter 3_ Kane Maranello
Upon arriving at the dimly lit bar, Arya spotted Chloe, already seated at their usual table. As she made her way over, Chloe poured her a glass of liquor and they began chatting. The conversation inevitably turned to Chloe's tumultuous love life.
"After Rodrigo, there was Shane," Chloe began, a sly smile on her lips. "And let me tell you, he was a wild one. The best s*x I've ever had."
Arya raised an eyebrow. "How can you be so sure?"
"Trust me, Baby. I just know," Chloe insisted, her voice dripping with satisfaction.
"But if he was so great, why aren't you still together?" Arya pressed.
"Life happens, I guess. He was great in bed, but that's all there was," Chloe shrugged.
"Isn't it possible to have both? Amazing sex and a solid romance?" Arya pondered.
"I've never found it all in one person... except maybe in you," Chloe said with a wink.
Arya couldn't help but laugh as Chloe ordered another round of drinks. "Well, what about you? Do you think it's possible to have the best sex and a great romance?" Chloe asked.
"Absolutely," Arya confirmed, taking a sip of her drink. "How can I love someone who can't satisfy both my body and my soul?"
"Preach, sister," Chloe nodded, raising her glass to clink with Arya's.
"And how's work?" Arya inquired. "Are you still writing about the city's nightlife?"
"Nope, I've moved on to something better. I'm curating a series of articles about street racing," Chloe revealed with excitement.
"Street racing?" Arya repeated, intrigued.
"Yes, it's the hottest topic right now. And I'm currently working on an article about Kane Maranello, a rising superstar in the racing community," Chloe shared.
"Maranello?" Arya raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, that's his last name. Does it ring a bell?" Chloe inquired, a subtle smile playing on her lips.
Arya shrugged nonchalantly, stating, "My boss's name is Maranello, and he happens to be in the car manufacturing business. They could be related."
"Quite the astute observation, Sherlock! Kane is actually Franko Maranello's eldest son. I must say, you practically live at work, how could you not know him?" Chloe exclaimed in a ridiculous manner.
"Perhaps because I am there to do my job, not to socialize with the boss's son?" Arya retorted.
"Well, my dear, you should consider shifting your priorities. Kane is not just a successful street racer, he is also incredibly attractive and a playboy." Chloe remarked with a hint of admiration.
"Sorry, but that doesn't sound like my type." Arya rejected the idea with a shake of her head.
"Oh really, do you have a 'type' now?" Chloe prodded with a sly smile.
"Not exactly, but-" Arya began, only to be cut off by Chloe, "Enough with the 'buts', there's always a 'but' with you. Trust me, he's great. He just won another race. He always wins, earning the nickname 'Kane the King'."
"Okay, so he's wealthy and he can drive. What about being kind and responsible? I bet his ego is as fast as his car. I'm looking for something entirely different, not some playboy." Arya asserted confidently.
"In my opinion, it seems like you're looking for a woman, not a man. And I'm just waiting for you to realize it, babe. I could be the perfect partner for someone like you, you know?" Chloe joked with a wink.
Arya chuckled at her friend's words and responded, "Thanks for the compliments, but I'm not desperate enough to sleep with my best friend, nor do I swing the other way."
Just as the words left Arya's mouth, a large, intimidating man made his way to their table. His arms were tattooed, and his presence was imposing. He commented, "Who's sleeping with whom around here?"
Arya turned her head to look at the man and calmly stated, "Hello, Piston. Sorry, but that's none of your concern."
"Well...unfortunately, by looking at you in that outfit...that's all I can be concerned about," Piston retorted, his gaze filled with desire as he looked at Arya.
"Quit it, Piston. It's not the right night to be a jerk. It's been a long day," Arya responded.
"Hey, hey, I'm sorry, Arya. I wasn't trying to be rude, you know me, I'm just a little spontaneous sometimes," Piston tried to amend.
"Whatever. So, are you going to be a good boy and leave us alone?" Arya asked, attempting to maintain a polite tone.
"It depends, would you mind joining me for a dance?" Piston inquired, his eyes filled with longing as they had been many times before.
"You are always kind to ask me, Piston, but I don't think we are meant to be together," Arya declined politely.
"Yeah, but things change, you know? I'm a patient man, Arya. Very patient, you will see," Piston said before walking away.
"Who in hell was that?" Chloe questioned.
"Oh, that was Piston...we grew up in the same neighborhood and he's been trailing me since third grade, but he's always been more harmful than helpful," Arya explained.
"I see...he's pretty creepy," Chloe remarked.
"He is. He's also a womanizer who treats girls like trophies," Arya commented.
"I hate to break it to you, Honey...but that includes the vast majority of men," Chloe said with a sigh.
"I know, right," Arya agreed.
"Come on, Let's keep drinking until we get wasted," Chloe suggested, but Arya shook her head.
"No, I can't. I have a meeting for my side hustle tomorrow morning and I can't show up drunk. From now on, it's only non-alcoholic drinks for me," Arya declared with a giggle.
"Damn it, Arya...you can't be such a granny...if you keep this up, your virginity might grow back," Chloe teased.
"Come on, Chloe, you know I don't have many options. I need to keep my mind clear and my eyes on the future," Arya defended herself.
"Look, Honey, I know you have a lot on your plate every day, and you are my personal hero for that. You really are. However, the future lies so far ahead, and you are young and attractive now. Take a reprieve every once in a while, indulge in intimacy and enjoy yourself!" Chloe exclaimed.
"Oh, Chloe, you have no idea how badly I am craving physical intimacy at this very moment." Arya admitted, her mind drifting inevitably towards the dashing (yet arrogant) stranger she had encountered earlier that day.
‘God, why am I even thinking about that guy? Though I can't help but wonder how things might have played out if he weren't such a jerk with such irresistible looks.’
Arya mused to herself with a sigh, turning to Chloe. "As much as I would love to follow your advice, I have an overwhelming amount of responsibilities to attend to at the moment."
Chloe, predictably, begins to nag Arya about how she always has an unmanageable amount on her plate, but Arya's gaze wanders out the window as she silently reflects, ‘Maybe she's right. I will always have something demanding my attention and filling up my plate. Perhaps I should take a more relaxed and laid-back approach.’