Chapter 2


I held onto the white sofa with one hand for support, while I stared at the large wedding portrait of me and Mr Castello that hung against the wall of the massive main living room. A proof of my marriage with Mr Castello. We'd been married for two years already and I couldn't even remember a thing.

I took a deep breath, blinking away the tears that were about rising to my eyes. I just couldn't understand how so much had changed within two years.

How on earth did I end up marrying a stranger who was also Dad's business partner?

Dad would never use any of his daughters as a bargain in business deals, so why did I end up with Mr Castello, going far away from my family and everyone that meant something to me in Texas, and moving here to California? What about Tyler, we were planning to get married. Why didn't we get married as planned? What on earth happened to me?

My eyes burned with unshed tears, and once again, I pulled out my phone, trying to unlock it with a different passcode but it came out wrong. I couldn't get the damn phone unlocked. There was no way I could have changed my passcode. It was the day Tyler and I first met each other in high school. He was my first crush. My first boyfriend, my first in everything, and our relationship grew the more when Dad and Tyler's father Mr Whitman started doing business.

So none of these made sense. I had to find a way to access my phone and get in contact with Tyler. I needed to know what happened to us, I couldn't wait for my parents and sisters to return from their vacation.

Dr Quinn had told me they were on vacation in Maldives and weren't informed about my accident yet so as not to worry them and they would be back by next week.

But I couldn't wait. I had to figure out the missing pieces of my life.

I wiped off my tears at the sound of voices coming from the second floor, and slowly the voices became clearer as footsteps descended the stairs. It was Mr Castello's.

“I hope you have better news for me, Chris,” He said in annoyance. His voice was even harsher and colder like he had been with me at the hospital. And the drive back home was even more torturous. He'd barely spoken a word to me, and even when I tried to strike up a conversation the only response I received was a nod or a cold stare.

And that was the man I was married to. I sighed, sparing a glance at myself in the wedding portrait.

But something was strange. I couldn't recognize the girl in the portrait. The look on her face was sad. And her once bright honey-brown eyes were dead. Like she was completely broken and without a will to live. My heart ached for her. What happened to you, Elena?

“I'm sorry, Mr Castello, but our men haven't been able to find Rick yet since the accident. They've been to his house and even have eyes on every exit out of the country but still nothing and the cops don't have any lead on him as well,” Another voice sounded, causing me to turn in the direction of the stairs in time to watch Mr Castello and a young man descend.

At the young man's words, Mr. Castello stopped moving, his eyes darkened as he clutched his phone tightly in his hand. “There's no fucking way a mutt like him could vanish from the face of the earth,”

“I agree. Someone is hiding him, someone who doesn't want us to find him. Mr Castello, without a doubt this is the work of the mastermind,” Chris said, and I leaned closer listening.

The mastermind? Who's that?

Mr Castello let out an angry exhale. “Right now all I care about is finding that fucking bastard, Rick. He needs to be held accountable for Elena's accident. She almost lost her life, his life won't even be able to compensate for what he's done. Death is a luxury compared to what I have installed for him—”

Suddenly a loud sound pierced through the air, silencing Mr Castello. My eyes instantly dropped to my phone which had slipped from my hand to the marble floors. By the time I snapped my gaze up, I found Mr Castello's cold stare on me.

“Hi,” I broke the silence with an awkward smile.

Mr Castello's face didn't even break the ice but Chris let out a small smile. Regardless, I took a step closer, careful not to trip and fall.

“Who's Rick? How is he responsible for my car accident?” I directed my questions at Mr Castello.

He ignored my questions. “You should be in the bedroom, resting just as Dr. Quinn advised,” He spoke coldly, something in his words made my insides churn.

“Would you be in the bedroom ‘resting’ if you woke up from a coma as a result of a fatal car accident and you lost two fucking years of your life with no idea how you suddenly got married to a stranger? Would you still be resting in the bedroom, Mr Castello?” I couldn't hide the rising anger in my voice.

There were exaggerated seconds of silence. His cold eyes pierced into mine.

“Get some rest, Elena,” He finally said, before walking past me. Chris lowered his head to me before following behind Mr Castello.

‘Get some rest, Elena.’ I rolled my eyes.

Control freak!

I picked up my phone and found my way up to the master's bedroom at the top. Once I was in, I couldn't stop my mouth from hanging open. This mansion was insanely huge and the master's bedroom was way bigger than what I had imagined.

I moved to the double glass doors at the far side of the room, which led to the balcony which had a beautiful view of the beach. I strolled to the two doors in the room, one led to the king-sized bathroom and the other was a walk-in closet.

I strolled in, going around, my fingers gliding through the perfectly arranged clothes of Mr Castello hanging together in their various sections. I moved to the other side of the room, stopping before a mirror and what seemed like my own clothing section.

I ran my fingers through every one of the clothes hanging there. They were in the two colors I detested. Black and ash. Each of the clothes was either in baggy pants or loose-fitting tops and dresses that no doubt fell on me like a potato sack, just like the ridiculous baggy pants and top I was wearing.

Did I also lose my fashion sense in the last two years?

I brought my gaze to the mirror, taking in my shabby reflection. I ran my fingers through my rough and hazardous hair. I still didn't understand the unnecessary fat that rounded my entire body. How did I go from a perfect figure to this?

As I felt the exhaustion weighing on my body, I went back to the bedroom, dropping on the soft sofa opposite the bed. I had no idea when I fell asleep, but by the time I woke up, I found myself on the bed with the white silken sheets on me, and the morning rays were peeking in through the velvet curtains. The other side of the bed was cold and empty, it didn't seem like Mr Castello returned last night.

I headed straight to the bathroom to shower. I ran myself a hot bubble bath, and slid into the tub, closing my eyes as I loved the feel of the magic around my skin. I let my thoughts wander for a few minutes while I thought about Mr Castello's conversation with Chris last night. I was curious about who Rick was, the mastermind Chris mentioned, and more importantly how Rick was related to my accident.

I sighed as just thinking about it all made my head hurt. I couldn't wait for my parents to get back from Maldives. Maybe then everything would make sense, and it'd be even better if I could contact Tyler.

I got out of the tub and donned one of the white robes hanging in the bathroom. I made my way to my clothing section of the walk-in closet. I didn't even know what to wear at this point. If I was forced to wear something like yesterday's fashion fiasco, I might end up going completely crazy.

I glanced at the other side of the closet, even Mr control freak had nicer clothes than I did. I couldn't deny it even if I wanted to, he had an exquisite sense of fashion.

I strolled over and plucked out a white button-down shirt of his. I hope he wouldn't mind if I borrowed it. I dressed quickly, and even though the shirt was big, it felt nice on me and the vibrant color was a plus too. I sprayed on some perfume before moving next to my hair. No matter how I searched everywhere, I could find not a single hair tool or makeup kit. There was no way I couldn't have any of those.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and I went to open it.

“Good morning ma'am, Greta asked me to inform you that breakfast is ready,” The maid said and I nodded with thanks, before returning to make my hair look a bit more manageable. But some things couldn't just be saved.

When I reached the large dining halls, I found several delicacies on the table.

“Would Mr Castello be joining me?” I asked the maid who had been placing some side dishes on the table.

She shook her head. “He left very early in the morning,”

I nodded dismissing her. So he came home last night.

My eyes fell back on the dishes and for the first time, I knew just how Elena Duval could have gained so much weight.

I made my way to the massive kitchen, and found a middle-aged woman near the counter, working on some vegetables. The instant she saw me her eyes brightened.

“Ma'am Elena, what are you doing here? Do you need something?”

“I would like some fruits and vegetables instead for breakfast,” I said, and regretted immediately, as the glow in her eyes died.

“Is there something wrong with the food I prepared for you? Don't you like it? I made all your favorites,”

“No, that's not it. They all seem so delicious that I might end up finishing the entire dishes but I'm trying out a new thing. Dieting. To lose some fat,” I told her, and she just stared at me wide-eyed.

“Okay,” She said before going about the kitchen, and I pulled out one of the chairs to sit in.

And in a few minutes, she prepared a nice plate of fruits and vegetables.

“How are you feeling after the accident?” She asked suddenly.

“Good, I guess. My brain is still messed up but I know once I see my family, it'll do me some good,” I took a bite from my breakfast, watching the colors drain from the woman's face. And there was an uncomfortable silence in the air. “So,” I decided to break the ice. “I can't remember much so I'm curious, who are you?”

She laughed half-heartedly. “I'm Greta. The chief cook now but I was Dimitri's nanny when he was just a boy,”

“Oh, you were Mr control freak’s nanny. Tell me, has he always been like this when he was younger or he started to resemble the devil slowly as he grew up?” I leaned over the table, asking seriously which made Greta laugh again.

“Dimitri has just been Dimitri. Not everyone finds it comfortable being around him,” She said with a deep smile. “I was really worried about you ma'am Elena, I'm glad you look better than ever,”

There was something about her comment that touched my soul. “Just call me Elena,” I smiled, suddenly a thought hit me and I leaned forward. “Do you know who Rick is?”

The mere question caused her to almost freeze, and her eyes lifted to me. “Rick?” She asked cautiously and I nodded. “Well, uhm… I think you should ask Mr Castello about that,” She smiled, and I forced a smile back, masking my disappointment.

After breakfast, I spent a few good hours outside the mansion, strolling around the villa. It was massive and my favorite place was the view near the beach. It was truly beautiful. Weirdly Greta had insisted a maid had to follow me, and I was glad. I had a few questions, and Lydia was the chatty type. We were returning to the mansion when I started asking her a few questions. I learned from her Rick had been my bodyguard and we'd been together on the day of the car accident. I slowed my walking as Lydia kept talking.

“I shouldn't be telling you this, but I overheard Mrs Greta and Mr Chris talking about it and I don't know much of the details…” She stopped walking, glancing around briefly, before leaning closer to whisper into my ear. “But everyone believes Rick was somehow responsible for your accident,”


She nodded. “They don't think your car accident might be a mere accident and I think so too, even though for just the few months I've been here you've more than a few times attempted to take your own life… I think —”

“I did what?”

“You don't remember that either?” She asked, her eyes fell slowly on my wrist where I had a few scars. “There were a few times you jumped off the stairs, and the last time, a few days before the accident. You had slit your wrist, drowning in the tub of the bathroom. It was ma'am Greta that found you just in time otherwise, we wouldn't be here having this conversation—”

“What conversation?”

Lydia and I jerked back in shock at the sudden loud voice behind us. I whipped my head in the direction to find a guy— well a very handsome guy— standing a few feet away from us. His keen eyes were on us with a lopsided smile.

“Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I just heard the last part, so tell me what conversation we are having?” He said smiling, and I glanced at Lydia who was now behind me, her head tilted slightly in a bow and eyes trained on the ground.

“Well…” I cleared my throat. “...uhm… wait, who are you?”

His smile deepened, and he placed a hand on his chest. “You really don't remember me? Well, I'm Savio. Let's just say I'm one of your favorite buddies,” He winked as I raised a brow.

I was about to speak when another voice sounded cold.

“What are you doing outside?”

I looked behind Savio to find Dimitri strolling over to us, he stopped right next to Savio, his dark eyes gliding down my body, almost lighting up my skin until I became aware I was wearing one of his shirts that stopped scandalously somewhere mid-thigh.

“Am I not allowed to take a stroll outside, Mr Castello? Or am I a prisoner here?” I stared deep into his cold gray eyes, waiting for an answer. And not to be sidetracked or anything, but I couldn't help but notice again how handsome he truly was. I have only seen him in suits but frankly, he was gorgeous in every one of them.

“Of course, you are, sweet Elena. Pay no attention to Dimitri. He's just been Dimitri,” Savio broke the heated silence, smiling.

“Now, I see how you could easily be my favorite buddy,” I smiled, making him release a throaty chuckle.

“That’s a first, I made you smile. It's official, I love this new version of Elena Duval. What do you think Dimitri? Doesn't she look exceptionally beautiful today or is it just me?” Savio muttered, not taking his eyes off me, and my smile ran deeper.

I spared a glance at Mr Castello only to find murderous cold eyes on Savio. Either the latter pretended not to notice or he just didn't care.

“Come on, let's head inside. I'm famished,” Savio headed inside, and I was about to follow behind him when I felt Mr Castello's cold hand wrap around my arm, pulling me against the hardness of his body.

I glanced up to meet his dark gaze as he lowered his head, bringing his lips to the shell of my ear.

Suddenly, I didn't know why, but my heart started pounding in an uncontrollable rhythm in my chest. I felt the heat of his breath on my skin, sending a shockwave down my spine. I held my breath as he spoke calmly in my ears.

“What the fuck are you wearing, parading in front of everyone and my guest. Go up and change, Elena. Now!” His firm grip on my arm loosened, and he started to walk to the door.

“And what if I don't, Mr Castello? What are you going to do about it?” If I had first thought about what I was about to say, maybe the words wouldn't have carelessly slipped from my lips, because the second they did, I knew I had just made a mistake. A big costly one.

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