Chapter 3
Growing up, there was only one man who had the right to control my life. Luther Duval. My sweet Dad. And as much as Mr Castello's words had somehow sent a shiver down my spine. I hated it when people tried to control me or boss me around.
I drew in a long inhale, still holding my breath as those words left my lips. They somehow made Mr Castello halt instantly with his back to me. Slowly, I turned around and I fell right into the trap of his cold gray eyes.
He didn't say anything, his unreadable deadly stare only hardened as he took a step closer, and instinctively, my feet moved to take one backward.
He took a couple of steps forward, and I took more backward until I was backed against one of the stone pillars and Mr. Castello's hard body pressed up against me. His eyes bore dangerous holes into mine.
“What did you say, Elena?” He counted each word carefully, and they were laced with a terrifying tremor that caused my bones to vibrate against his.
Suddenly, I felt my legs weaken. I couldn't tell if it was from exhaustion, the way he was pressed against me, or from his deep masculine scent. I wasn't sure.
I swallowed a lump in my throat, looking anywhere but his piercing gaze. “I was saying… uhm… I would change right away. You didn't have to make a scene. It's… uhm…” My words dragged on as his finger rested under my chin, and lifted my head a little so that I could stare right into his eyes.
“It's what, Elena?”
I froze completely, staring into his eyes. They sent a strange feeling down every bone in my body and the way my name rolled off his tongue was like a spell, completely binding me. His nose was almost touching mine and his hot minty breath made the hairs on my skin stand.
“It's just a shirt, Mr Castello,” I bit out, fisting my hand around the bottom of the shirt. His stare at me remained for a while before he pulled away, retreating into the mansion.
I released a big breath I didn't know I was holding as I collapsed against the stone pillar. As soon as I entered the mansion, I made my way straight to the bedroom, shutting the door behind me. My heart was still beating erratically. I couldn't explain what happened back there a few minutes ago. That was the first time in my life I had completely shut down. And it was all because of him.
Oh my gosh, he was more than a control freak. He was the devil.
I fell on the bed and I didn't dare step out until Mr Castello and James had left. After I was done with my lunch I spent the rest of the day with Greta and the day after. It was more devastating that the days after were also the same. It was like an exhausting monotonous routine and I was a second from being officially declared mentally insane. Mr Castello was never home, I still couldn't tell if that was a good thing or not, because whenever he was home, he was always in his office, and I was with either Greta or Lydia.
With a final groan, I fell back against the sofa. To say I was frustrated was the worst way to describe what I was feeling. Amongst the storm of emotions, I felt the familiar emotions of fear, worry, and anxiety. I had been using Lydia's phone to call my parents’ and sisters’ numbers for days now, and every time, I was greeted with one line of response. Not in service.
They were supposed to be back from their vacation a few days ago and should be heading here first before flying back to Texas. And I still couldn't reach them. Yesterday, I snuck into Mr Castello's office and used the spare computer to send an email to Dad, but he hasn't replied.
And what's worse, whenever I brought the issue up with Greta she always seemed to be avoiding any topic that had to do with my family or my accident. And it was a terrible idea to speak to Mr. Castello about it too, only with one deadly stare, he would coldly shut me up, and I wouldn't even have the strength to put on a fight against that, and besides, he was away on a three days business trip which he left for just yesterday.
I shut my eyes, several thoughts running through my thoughts and I couldn't halt the uneasiness in my bones. I had to see my family and figure out what on earth was happening in my life. And as I snapped my eyes open, I knew exactly what I had to do. In a hurry, I rushed into my room and searched through my belongings for my bank cards. Luckily, I found them in an old purse in one of the drawers, and amongst it was a Black Amex card under Mr Castello's name.
Quickly, I headed to Mr Castello's office, using one of his spare laptops to book a plane ticket to Texas. Fortunately, there was a flight scheduled in two hours. But as I tried to pay with my credit cards, all of them declined.
A dreadful feeling rocked down my spine, and more than ever, I needed to find out what was going on. Otherwise, I would go completely insane. I tried to use Mr Castello's card but I didn't know the password.
I was up from my seat, searching through the pile of papers on his table until I found some paperwork with his private bank account information.
My heart was beating with confliction and vacillation at the wrongness of my intentions. Yet, I had no choice. I had to leave this place and meet my family.
Before I could think more about it, I picked up a pen, tore out a paper, and copied the information. I slipped it into my back pocket.
I hurried back to the bedroom to get dressed. I took only a handbag with everything I needed. I didn't want to raise any unwanted suspicion, because I knew Greta and the guards around wouldn't let me leave, so I snuck out from one of the back doors, and without being seen, I made it out into the streets and made my way to the bank where I took out a little cash, heading to Airport to buy a ticket.
Throughout my flight to Texas, several thoughts were racing through my mind and every one of them held an unmistakable fear. My heart was pounding so fast like it was about to explode, and thinking of what I was about to find scared me.
In a few hours, we touched the soil of Texas, and I took a cab, heading to my family villa. I listened to the sound of my pounding heart while the car drove down the familiar streets of Dallas and soon the front yard of my home was in view. I paid the driver off as I got out of the car, walking to the familiar fancy door.
I drew in a quick breath, before pressing down on the doorbell. After a while, I could hear footsteps behind the door and immediately, it was pulled open and I was shocked out of my bones at the woman standing right in front of me.
“Yes,” A woman pulled open the door, and she eyed me up. “How can I help you?”
My brows creased in confusion as I stared from the residence number hanging on the wall and back to her. “I'm sorry, but who are you and what are you doing in my house?”
“Your house?”
“Yes. This residence belongs to the Duvals,”
“Look lady, I don't know who you are but I suggest you leave —” She tried to slam the door, but I stopped her with my hand.
“Where's Luther Duval? What happened to my family? How did you get in here?”
“Wait, your family? You are a filthy Duval?” She spat in hate as she took a few steps forward.
A filthy Duval? Before I could speak, she grabbed me by my coat. “You better leave now before I call the cops,”
I pushed off her hands. “I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what you are doing here in my family house. What happened to my family?”
“You do have a lot of nerve lady, coming here after everything your family has done,”
“What? My family—”
“Your family is dead,” She screamed and I froze. “This is my house now and you are trespassing,”
“What the hell are you saying? My family can't be dead,” I was still in utter shock as she brought out her phone and began to make a call.
“Save that for the cops,” She ranted as she started making complaints over the phone.
I pushed her aside, marching into my home, and to my surprise, everything was so different even down to the interior design. And I couldn't find the huge portrait of my family hanging up against the wall.
No. Something has to be wrong.
“Zoey? Chloe?” I started for the stairs calling out for my sisters as I made my way to Chloe's room but I couldn't find any of them. “Mum? Dad?”
Before I could move further, the woman stopped me. “Stop this at once you crazy bitch, don't you remember? Your family died in that fire two years ago and you should have died with them too,” She screamed in rage. “Take her away,” She gestured at the two men that stood behind her in uniform.
At once they grabbed me and cuffed me. As I tried resisting, one of them but me hard on the face, causing my vision to feel faint. I was dragged out of the house and into the car outside, driving me off to only the heavens knew where.