Chapter four

Emma's pov

"Why is she here?" Lucas asked with a frown on his face. "She is my new friend and she will be staying with us", Eva replied and pulled out a seat beside Lucas. " Have your seat", she said with a smile and I sat. "How did you guys become friends?",a guy who i know to be Noah asked. "She just asked me to be her friend and I said yes",I shrugged. " Just like that, this means you are not a bad person like we presumed you to be",Chris smiled. " She is a bad person. Don't let her pretence deceive you",Lucas scoffed. " And what exactly is your problem?" I asked him in a Stern voice as I glared at him.

"You are my problem, please leave this table",he replied me and my anger was on the high priority ler level. "Lucas stop it, that's rude",Chris said to him. I stood up and left the cafe."Emma, please wait",I heard Eva's voice behind me. " I think you should let me be",I said in a low voice, my voice was on the edge of breaking. "No, Emma. I'm so sorry about Lucas. Please forgive him on my behalf", Eva apologised as she held my hand and looked into my eyes.

"Why? Why does he hate me that much. I....", I muttered and broke down into tears. " I'm sorry , Emma. He is just stupid",Eva said and gave me a hug. I cried, I let all my tears out. This is the first time I showed my vulnerable side to someone. "I'm so sorry, I like you and I want to be your friend", she said to assure me. I finally calm down and wiped my tears. " Thank you so much",I said in a shaky voice.

" I will talk to Lucas and make sure he apologise to you", she smiled. "Please don't because I will hurt him if he comes close to me", I frowned. " Just calm down. I will see you later",she hugged me and left. That bastard called Lucas, I want to hit him and hurt him. Everything he has done and said to me today really hurt me. He is the first person to ever challenge me in this school and I will show him that I'm not weak. The last two periods were boring. I took in a deep breath as I walked towards my car. "Hey! Wait up!!", Someone said. I frowned when I turned and saw Lucas.

" What do you want?" I asked in an angry voice. He stared at his shoes before he looked up to me. We maintained eye contact like a staring competition. "I'm sorry for talking to you in that manner earlier", he apologised. I looked at him and hissed. " Keep your apology to yourself", I said and he gasped in shock. " What?! Is that what you are going to say?" He yelled angrily. " Yes and I hate you so much", I scrowled, entered me car and drove off.

"Good job, Emma", I said to myself with a smile on my face. I love the look on his face when I rejected his apology. I will show him hell and I promise. He made my cry, he will suffer for it. "Hey sis", I said as I entered my sister's house, I live with her. Her house is a bungalow with three bedrooms. It is a nice house and my safe place."Hi baby, how was school today?" Joan asked and she gave me a hug. She is twenty - five and I just clocked nineteen last month. "Tiring, stressful and annoying", I groaned. "That's a first, who frustrated my baby sister today? ", She quirked a brow and handed me a packet of cookies.

"There is this new guy who joined us today. He hates me and he insulted me alot today. I made a new friend and she invited me to her table then I saw the guy his name is Lucas. He asked me to leave the table immediately", I explained to details about what happened. "Why is he so mean?" Joan asked. "I don't know. Even when I spilled my drink on him , I apologised so I don't know where the problem is",I replied.

" Maybe he likes you?" She suggested. " Like me? He hates me more than hate itself", I chuckled. " He may actually like you, he is the only guy that has ever looked you in the eye and challenge you despite been his first day", she said. " That's not it, Lucas is just a bully. He can never like me and even though he does like me, I hate him so much",I countered. " That's a lie, I will be here when you will tell me you are in love with him",she teased. " No, Joan. I won't, love is not for me. Even though I fall in love, it can never be Lucas. I hate his guts", I rolled my eyes as I said.

"I will remind you, Emma", she said with a chuckle. " Oh please, you are making matters worst", I yelled and left for my room. I went to take a bath and changed my clothes to a more comfortable one. "Dinner is ready. Chicken alfredo",Joan said with a smile when I came out of my room. "Thank you! You are the best sister ever",I gave her a hug. "Thank you dear",she grinned. I love my sister, she is my best friend and everything. "How was work today?", I asked. "It was fine, Mom called",she replied and I stopped eating. My mother, she left us with our father when I was ten, she left our dad to marry another man.

When she left, I was depressed likewise my dad. Everything was hard for us, my dad was there for us. He was everything to us when my mom left unfortunately he died two years ago from depression. He truly loved my mom but she betrayed him. "What did she say to you?" I raised a curious brow. "She wants to see you, Emma. Give her a chance to explain", Joan pouted." No I won't see her. She betrayed dad and she killed him. She caused my sickness, she is the reason why I am like this",I yelled.

" But Emma she is still your mother",Joan countered." She is not my mother. A true mother won't leave her kids without looking back. You know what I'm not hungry anymore", I said and left the dining. " Emma.. okay I'm sorry, come back here let's talk",Joan pleaded. " No, I want to be alone", I said and locked my door. Tears rolled down my cheeks and my breath picked up. I paced round the room to calm down.

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