Alexander Santos
The owner of Eifel Robotics Systems, he is one of the richest and most well known men in Seattle, Washington. He has made a great career for himself and provided the city with an alternative to loss of limb. He is said to be one of the most handsome men alive. He has short black hair and olive skin. He is around 6' 4" and very much muscle. His suits fit him like every bit of it was tailored by a god and his green eyes are enough to make you melt. I have never actually met him we just know what he looks like because of his newletter every month. He cares alot about his employees and tries to make sure that we all know of changes and schedules coming up. I have worked here for 3 years now as a secretary on the 3rd floor, his office is at the top on the 10th floor. He doesn't come down a whole lot but every now and then he will call for one of us to go up there and usually it is not a good thing. Today was the annual lunch meet and like always he wasn't here but the manger says he sends his best wishes and wants us to enjoy our celebration. I know he is a good boss but I would like to meet the actual guy, though getting what I wish for may be a bad thing.
The lunch party finishes and we all head back to our floors for work. As the work day progresses different people clock out and go home, I love my job and live alone so I work long hours a lot. When everyone is finally gone is when I turn on music and kind of have the place to myself, I don't go crazy but, I do take off my heels and get a little more comfy while i work. This particular night I should of gone home though, I have my music going and my heels off when I hear what sounds like fighting in the stair well. Deciding to mind my own business and just works simply because I am not the only one who stays late, I just get back to work. That is when a man covered in blood bursts throught he stairwell door screaming about someone is trying to kill him. I only can see the man covered in blood and I am to shocked to even make a sound. He sees me and instead of heading toward me he runs around the room screaming that I should run for my life before he runs back into the stairwell and that is when I see what he is talking about. A giant white wolf covered in blood from it's mouth all the way down to it's paws. It has the most beautiful eyes for the split second before they turn super bright yellow and he growls at me. I turn back around and gather myself before getting it together and figuring out if I really saw what I just did.
Getting up slowly and tiptoeing to the stairs I can still hear the man screaming as he runs down the stairs, the white wolf on his tail and not paying attention to me watching. I am pretty sure that a wild animal made it into our building and is chasing an employee. I don't want to be on the menu next so I get my stuff together and take the elevator down to the car garage. After getting in my car and locking the doors I take a few deep breaths and gather myself before attempting to drive. I will definitely have to make a report about this to the boss on Monday, there is no way we can have wild animals running loose like that. I get into my car and start it, as I put it into gear and start to back out I see our boss in the rearview mirror and he doesn't look good. He has blood on his shirt and looks like he got in a fight. After the wolf and stranger inside the building and now this I really don't have the best of luck or at least today is not good. I put the car back in park and get out to go help my boss. I don't know why but him looking like he did made me want to help him. As I got out of the car he collapsed behind it. Now I am not a weak woman but, this man is huge compared to my little 5' 4" frame so getting him up and into my car is going to be difficult. To my surprise though as I get to him he starts getting back on his feet and I only have to guide him.; He reaches the back seat and practically collapses into it unconcious again. I don't have a clue what I have got myself into but it's to late to back out now. As I get back in my car and finish backing out this time I hear him breathing shallow and groaning and I can tell it's bad. I pull out of the parking garage and head toward the nearest hospital.
From the back I hear a growly NO and instantly turn away from the hospital. I am at this point driving in circles because I am not taking my boss who is injured from god knows what back to my house. I look in the back again and he has his shirt off and is examining his side. I am trying to focus on the road but it looks like he is pulling something out. I feel the adrenaline start to wear off and I start getting shakey and slowing the car. He has me pull over and get in the passenger seat to take a break. I am sitting trying to comprehend my day when suddenly I feel really dizzy and everything starts to go black. As I start to pass out I hear the seatbelt fasten and him say thank you. I don't know what is going on but all I see is black now.