Allison Rae
This woman is no bigger than a child. I don't know what she was thinking she could do to help me. She never ran when she saw me in wolf form either she just acted like she didn't see shit. I don't know how she was able to do all of that but she did and her toughness definitely held out longer than I thought it would. As we drive to my house I realize that I am going to have to explain what happened and why I was covered in blood. While I think of what I am going to say I get her out of the car and carry her inside. Once we are inside the house I put her on the couch in the livingroom and prop her head up on a pillow. I know she is just exhausted due to the traumatic event but I still want her safe and comfortable. As I look at her on the couch I start checking her out without even knowing im doing it really. She had long curly black hair that almost reaches her waist. Her figure isn't slim like a model but she isn't big either, she is built like she has had kids. Nice hips for gripping from behind, a little waist and nicely round curvaceous bosom. She is deluctible and I don't talk about women like this but, this woman is a goddess and she is human.
She starts to wake up and realizes that she is not in her home, her eyes start to tear up and she starts to slightly cry. After what she has seen today I would imagine that she is extremely scared and waking up somehwere unknown is not helping her. I get a little closer to her so her eyes focus on me, that is when she calms a little bit and gets up off the couch. I figure she is going to try and leave with a shy thank you but no, instead she comes over and tells me she is sorry for passing out and wants to make sure that I am okay. That is when it occurs to me that the last thing she saw was me bleeding and hurt. I am healed now other than a scratch and some bruising. She looks and examines me and then lets out a deep breath that she didn't know she was holding. She was still worried about me this whole time even after losing conciousness. I don't know what to do with this woman I really don't. I get her to sit back down for a bit before she realizes that she is not at her house once again and she gets back up wanting to know when she can get home. This is the part I wasn't wanting to tell her, she can't really go home right now. She is angry, and she has every right to be. But after the vampire saw her and knows that she saw and followed us they will be trying to follow her scent and find her so there are no witnesses. I can't have her getting hurt, instead I just tell her that we can't leave tonight because neither of us are in the condition to drive again and we haven't eaten either.
She agrees with that as her stomach growls and she kinda laughs. Her laugh is so attractive and is like music to my ears. I hear my brother and Beta coming down the stairs at a fast pace, probably due to the fact of smelling a human. I mindlink him and let him know what is happening and that he can calm down and I can hear the foot steps stop and go back up. He will let the others in the house know and everyone will stay out of sight tonight. Tomorrow we will go by her place and then to work and take care of things after that. For tonight I just need to keep her safe and alive. She is definitely a real woman, she is hungry for real food. I asked what she wanted and she asked if I had steak and potatos, which is exactly what I have because I am a wolf, that is pretty much my main meals all day long with other things inbetween. I smiled as I got stuff out and started prepping and cooking dinner. It was late but she was wide awake and sitting so happily while she waited for the food to be done. When I finished it we went to the bar and sat down to eat, it was about the first bite of steak in that she got teary eyed and dropped her fork. At first I thought I did something wrong but when I looked at her closer she wasn't even looking at me or the food. She was looking at my sister in the yard walking toward the house. She had her fangs showing and was growling the closer she got, she also had my mindlink blocked and im sure it was on purpose. She despises humans after what happened to mom and having one in the house is so much worse than working with them as far as she is concerned. This is going to get very ugly very fast.
I mindlinked my bets Sebastian and told him what was about to happen and that I might need him to get Allison out of the way, if my sister doesn't listen and won't back down. She walks right through the balcony doors and into the kitchen right up to Allison, her teeth are still showing but her growl has stopped and her eyes are watering slightly. I don't know what is happening but this is not the response I thought I would get from my sister. Allison has stopped being scared and has tilted her head to the side looking at my sisters wolf like she is curious. "This wolf kinda looks like the one that was being chased through the building at work today" the minute the words leave her mouth my sisters mind block drops and all I can hear is yelling. Then she turns around and leaves because the human has already seen to much and she now gets why I brought her here. She may not like it but, she understands it. I let Sebastian know that it's fine and not to worry, Courtney understands what happened and has backed off. I turn to see how Allison is doing and notice that her eyes have a gold flake to them and a goldish red rim around the outside green color. That can only mean one thing but, she smells completely human and reacts to this stuff not necessarily normal but not crazy either. I have to talk to my sister and my beta. Something more is going on here.