1763 The Kingdom of Sardinia. King Alexander is ruler over these lands and is a good king. He is fair and he never jumps to judgment, he is a good business man and he treats everyone fair. The kingdom thrives and prospers and most of the village people here in the kingdom trade and make goods so everyone is taken care of equally. No one family is doing better than the other and the king helps his people not just with being a good ruler but physically as well. He helps set up the shops for trading days, he helps bring in goods from the kingdom that he has made for use of this day. He also does it for free, he makes deals with other kingdoms and has a generous income for his lands so he takes some of the extra he has and uses it to make goods to trade at the markets. This way he is trading useful items to his people and he can get things he wants for the castle in exchange. It is a system that works and it works well. Lately though we have not seen the king and only his subjects from the castle have been down here to trade. Instead of trading for items for the castle they are trading for herbs and medicines instead. I don't want to upset anyone or jinx anything but, I think that our king maybe has fallen ill. No announcement has been made but I have this feeling. He is never away from his people this long unless there is a good reason and there has not been any carriages for travel leaving the castle.
It has been two days since the last market and we still have not seen the king. Some of us are so worried that we have decided to go and check in with the advisors and see what is going on, as we get to the castle doors they open and the advisor is waiting with watery eyes. I have a feeling that it is bad. "Sir we just wanted to ask if the king is okay, we have not seen him for days and we are beginning to worry." that is when he informs us the king is ill and if we cannot find the source or something to help him he will die soon. My grandmother is a medicine woman and has tricks I know she might be able to help. I bid the advisor fairwell and head out, I have to see if my granny is home. He is too young to die and he really needs his health back. I take the long walk through the kingdom and past my village to the outer lands where you can see and smell the ocean. Granny lives in a little cabin on the edge of the kingdom territory, she likes to be alone and do her own thing so living with the rest of us is to much she says. It takes me almost half of the day to get to her house and when I arrive she is already packed and ready to head back with me. I don't know how she does that but it's like she is around when stuff happens because when I come to tell her she already knows and is trying to help. As we head out and head back to the castle I notice granny is pretty fast when she wants to be and her stamina is amazing for an older woman. I am not even sure how old she is as she will never talk about it and father says it is rude to even ask her.
We arrive back at the castle that night and without even a word from my grandmother the whole walk, the minute the advisor answers the door "take me to him" a nod is the only response and we are instantly escorted into the castle and straight up to him room. I have never been this far into the castle let alone in the kings bedroom. I feel weird of this until I see him, he is super pale and has lost a bunch of weight. He is very ill and seeing him like this breaks my heart. My granny takes a look at him and checks him over, says a few words to the advisor, and then has him escort me back home. I want to stay but granny never lets anyone witness her magic and her healing ability so I don't ever argue I just see the health and that it worked when she is done, and it has always worked. I leave with the advisor and head back to my house, once I arrive I see that my father has also arrived back home from work and is waiting for me outside. Once I am home safe by his side the advisor bids us a good night and heads back to the castle. I hope that when grandmother is done there that the king will feel better and be okay. Two days later grandmother comes by the house and lets us know that she was able to help him and by weeks end he should be much better and back to his old self in the kingdom. For thanks and appreciation we had her stay for dinner and company with the family, she only comes so often so it will be nice to have her here. She stays for dinner and stories by the campfire that night, but when bedtime comes she insists on going back to her house and being in her own space and bed. We don't fight it because she will not listnen to us no matter what, there is no point in arguing.
As grandmother said by the end of the week King Alexander was back and just like he was before, only not. He looks healthy and has his same attitude he just looks different. I don't want to say it's a bad thing but, he looks better than he did before he got sick. It's like his body was replaced with a better more healthy body and he has more stamina and strength. I can't really explain it but his recovery is amazing and the fact that he is this much better just makes me wonder that much more what granny did exactly to help him to get better. I have also realized that, if I ever get really sick I will not even see a doctor I will just go straight to granny and have her get me well. I am not seeing anyone but her because everyone who sees a doctor see her in the end and she is who helps them not the doctor. So with the king healthy and good to go now he is taking care of everyone in the kingdom again and making sure there is plenty of food for everyone for the whole year. Still though what did granny do?