The First
I sent away my granddaughter because she has not had her first shift and she would not understand if she were to see what may happen here. As I enter the bedroom and shut the doors behind me the king looks at me and with not much energy at all he smiles, "I wondered when you would come see me" he manges and it warms my heart. His father and grandfather both knew me and what I am and he does as well, knowing that he is aware somewhat makes my offering easier and he will understand it better as well. I place my bags on the chair and sit on the edge of the bed, grabbing his hand I can feel his pulse is very weak and his heart rate is slowing. 'Alexander listen to me carefully, I can make you better and get rid of your sickness completely, but there are consequences and you will have to make me a promise.' as I watch his reaction he doesn't seem affected by what I said, he just smiles weakly at me. " I trust you and I know what you are so if you can help me I will agree to whatever it is, I have always been a good and fair king and I am not ready to hand my kingdom over to someone who may destroy and tare it apart" and with that his hand loses it's grip in mine and falls to the bed. His heart has drastically slowed and his breathing is more shallow than I have ever seen. I don't have time to tell him what is going to happen to him or to explain what he has to do in return for me saving his life. Instead I am going to have to just do this and after it is done and he is awake and able to speak and move then I will explain it all to him. I remove my shawl and climb on top of him, I stretch my arms out long and move my hair back. As I do my eyes change to a yellow red color and my teeth grow to their full length, I can taste the serum coating them and know there is enough that it will work. I tilt his head to the side and right where his neck meets the shoulder in the soft tissue I bite down and inject him with my serum. Not enough to end his life but rather change him and give him life ever lasting. See I am the first werewolf ever and I am over a 1000 years old. I have generations of children like my son and grandaughter who live here in the kingdom. Me biting the king will heal him and give him strength that he never thought possible.
As I pull back and retract my teeth the holes in his neck close up instantly and he starts to breathe deeper and harder. I climb off of him and sit back in the chair and watch. It is painful for a human to be changed this way, normally we don't change them unless it is something like this but it is still never easy to watch. His body turns a paler white than it already was but all of his veins turn a purple black and become visible everywhere on his body. His skin starts to shredd off of his body and is replaced with fur, his face elongates and changes into a wolf form and his tail bone grows and a tail sprouts. By the time the change is complete he is laying in the middle of the bed panting and a full blown wolf. He is pure white with a black tipped nose and ears. His eyes are a rare grey color and pure happiness. He is definitely feeling better but now I have to show him what has happened and explain to him how he is able to change and deal with all of this. I get down on my knees in front of his huge frame and with my telepathic ability I talk to him inside his head. His giant wolf head whips in my direction and tilts to the side with a curious look on it's face which naturally makes me chuckle a little. He just stares while I laugh and I finish explaining. After a couple tries he is changed back to his self and is dressed. Of course he is also curious and wants to know exactly what I did, which is perfectly normal considering. 'Here is the deal Alexander, you are now a wolf and you will live for thousands of years. You will grow and change with the times but you will only age every so often. You will not get sick or fall ill to any disease. There is only one catch and you have to obide by it or you will die and it will be painful. You have to hunt. Not all the time but, every 10 years or so you will have to hunt and kill for fresh blood. The rest of the time you can eat whatever food you want but, every 10 years during the blood moon you will have to hunt something and eat it fresh after the kill in wolf form. NO HUMANS EVER is the only rule that comes with that. Otherwise you will live a long and happy life and be good for centuries.' he looks at me for a moment and then agrees. He takes a day to seal the deal and get use the being a wolf at will and the sheer size. He also sends the advisor into the market to purcahse twice the amount of food for the village than normal. He is a smart king and he does the right thing almost all the time. Buying the extra food will help with the appetite that he is going to have now.
After a few days I leave the castle and go by my familys home to let my son know what has happened and inform him so he knows and can help if the king needs it. My grandaughter will find out eventually but for now she just needs to enjoy the normalcy of life. When she finally does find out I am not so sure she will be as accepting as everyone else is. She has always been one with nature and has always had a healing heart but to know that werewolves exist and that her entire bloodline is pure blood wolves may be a bit much for her to be able to handle. We hunt animals and we kill evemies to protect family and our way of life, this is not something that she has ever been okay with. Harming anything including a bug is to much for her and she can't do it so having to harm an animal to eat she will definitely not be okay with, even if it si only every 10 years.