Chapter 1
Sandra's POV
Night Bar, Las Vegas...
"Happy Valentine's Day"
I pushed the cocktail glass towards the bartender and gestured another one to him with my finger. The blonde guy smirked before preparing another mixture. The shouts of cheers made me roll my eyes as I tried to focus on the man's back in front of me.
"Hey, are you trying to get yourself drunk today?"
I turned my attention to Cat i.e. Catrina, my very best friend and of course one and only friend, "are not we here to drink?" I shrugged. "Cocktails are just fine — less alcohol I mean"
She rolled her eyes before ordering her drink. She gazed towards the music area then focused her attention back to me "how many drinks you already have?"
"Oh.....ummmmm.... Four?" I frowned at myself. Actually I lost count. I didn't even know how many glasses I had already finished. The bartender offered the new glass. The blue liquid in the glass made my gaze blurry. Am I drunk already?
"You ordered Angelo Azzurro? Girl it's strong" I heard Cat say but my eyes were fixed on the glass. "Hey you aren't allowed to make another drink okay?" She said again.
I frowned as I turned to face her but found her looking at the blonde guy with a warning look "what are you doing? He is just serving his customers"
Cat turned to me, "and I think you are getting affected by the drink. Sandra come on, don't tell me that you are still thinking about him"
I shook my head "there's no 'he' okay? I am already fed up with him. Besides I can see clearly he is beyond happy at this moment . Can't you hear him , shouting at his top lungs, almost cracking his chest" I grabbed the glass and drank the liquid.
"Oh my, that's enough?" Cat snatched the glass from my hand before I could finish the drink. I tried to take the glass back from her but she pushed it far away.
"It's just 5, it won't kill me" I rolled my eyes getting frustrated.
"Stop hurting yourself. You are not habituated with drinks. Since when are you started to get addicted to drinking?" She scolded me for no reason.
"Don't worry, those drinks has low percentage of alcohol" the blonde bartender replied from the side.
"See, you were worrying for nothing. Can I have another glass?" I smiled at the bartender.
"Hell no," Cat said, almost shouting.
"Wow, it seems like you two are enjoying the party?" A pitch voice shouted behind us.
"Not now," Cat groaned. I turned my body to look at the couple striding towards us. The woman has red hair with fair skin and her half nude color dress clutching on her body like a second skin. And by her side the black haired man, tall and masculine dressed in t-shirt and jeans. They are the famous campus couple Liam and Shaelyn.
"What happened? Were you startled ?" Shaelyn smirked as she hold Liam's arm tightly. I must say she looks good, a sexy baby for boys to droll. Besides, her mother is a well-known business woman. And she, the only daughter, has all the advantages of being rich. My eyes traveled towards their tangled hands.
"Free drinks are always on the list," I replied, moving my eyes towards the counter.
Shaelyn laughed, "oh come on Sandra, you don't have to pretend. I know you are sad because....." She paused. "But whom can we blame? Love is something like that. Liam only has eyes for me. He did try you know, but couldn't at the end..." She sighed, faking a sad face. "Don't be jealous, okay?"
I clenched my fist refraining myself from breaking her make-up face. She has got a point to taunt me around and I can't even blame her. How can I when the reason for this pain and hurt was the person beside her. I could never forget the day when he hurt me to no end. My mind blurred with the past memories reflected in my mind suddenly.
Liam was the hottest guy in the university. Many girls are dying just to get a chance to date him. And I was one of them. I am not like others, wearing sexy outfits, showing off the body and curves but instead I wear a simple knee length skirt with a plain looking shirt paired with my rounded spectacles. But the most weird thing is my blue hair. I never used any color but it came as natural. Even if I don't like it, I can't help it. Sometimes having this blue hair really annoys me, because it has become the center of attention.
I still remember the days when my long built dream suddenly turned into ashes.
I chose not to pay attention towards the gazes falling on me and had my way towards the locker room. I saw Cat was there shoving some stuff inside her locker.
"Hey" I said as I walked forward.
"I was about to call you, where have you been?" She grinned when she saw me.
"Library" I shrugged. Catrina was the only one who talked to me without judging my attire. She never raised any questions nor she asked for anything and this is what I like about her. No compromises but a pure friendship bond.
"How's your date with Liam?" She smirked almost like teasing.
"Shut up" I blushed.
She nudged me "come on tell me. You are dating the hottest guy and you are not telling anything. Did you two kiss?"
My eyes widened and I glared at her, "what are you saying? You are just too much"
"What? It's common on dates isn't it?" She frowned.
I chuckled " you are advancing here" I shook my head. "Actually I don't know myself. I never thought he would ask for a date. I mean he is famous in the campus and now look at me, a totally nerd type"
She rolled her eyes "what it got to do with dating? Is he going to date your dress or the make up?"
I laughed, "Aren't hot guys preferring sexy girls more?" I said it but there's something in my heart. Truly I really don't want Liam to view me in that way. I want him to like me the way I am. But hasn't he already asked for dating? He didn't ask about my clothings or anything, he just smiled and asked for a date night.
"Don't be too harsh on yourself. You think too much" Cat closed her locker then turned to me "where did he take you for the date?"
"Umm..." I bit my lips "he.... Took me to a restaurant and it was amazing. I never dated anyone nor ever dreamt of it so the first time sitting with him was kind of special" I felt blush on my cheeks again.
"Oh my, you are blushing already" she laughed "I am so happy for you girl. The other girls in the campus are so jealous of you"
I opened my locker and placed some book in it before closing the door "it's almost class time, are not you going?"
"I have an assignment to submit. Need to find my partner first then submit it"
I nodded "so see you later?"
She laughed "yep, wait for me in the cafeteria"
I nodded "okay, I have to go"
I left her then headed towards my class room. I was walking when I heard sounds of laughter at the corner. Maybe some guys? I shook my head and wanted to walk pass but the words said next made me rooted to the place.
"I must say, you are such an eye catcher man" I heard a male voice roar with laughter "to fool someone to this extent. You fucker, you are making use of your good face"
I stood there listening to it. Why did I suddenly feel my chest tightened? It must be just some guys talking about random things isn't it?
"Come on, who can resist the charming smile of Liam? The other girls are dying to get close to him. Let alone that nerd" then another laughter.
I leaned my back on the wall as I felt my breath stuck and it's making me suffocate. They are talking about me, aren't they? Why?
"Leave it, I won the bet, don't forget about the price we talked" then I heard Liam's voice which made me shudder. Him? Why? He played with me? Toyed me like a doll around his finger. How could he do that to me?
"Yeah, you wasted enough money taking her on a date?" Another voice asked. "I saw how she was looking around the restaurant with amazement. Looks like she has never gone to any date"
"Who's gonna take a nerd like her on a date? Are you crazy?" Another man said. "Man, I pity you for enduring the time. You could have just taken her to some cheap place, I bet she couldn't even make any differences" then they laughed again.
I closed my eyes when the pain in my heart started to burn. All of these were their plans. They were batting on me like some toy. They never thought how the others would feel about it yet, they played me for fools. I was definitely the biggest fool to think...
"Shut it, I don't want to talk about it. Dating her for a week is enough. Now you guys-" Liam's voice faded when he suddenly turned towards my direction. I walked out and looked at the bunch of guys before me. They were laughing and making fun of me behind my back like I was not a human but a play toy for them.
They stopped and looked at me with wide eyes. Liam pressed his lips in a thin line. There's no emotions playing on his face which made me feel even more hurt. He didn't even regret it. Does he? I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth. I thought he was different but again it was my fault to think that way.
"Thanks for this lesson, I will forever remember this" I said with a gritted teeth before turning around and heading towards my class.
I got a lesson that day, a lesson that taught me greatly for a lifetime. I don't think I could ever see Liam in the way I used to again.