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Chapter 4 Red Headband

The people looked at each other in the office.

"You guys have no business in the boss's matters, so stop spreading rumors. You'll regret it if the boss finds out," the department manager, Janet Liam, walked into the office in high heels.

Everyone quickly returned to their positions and fell silent. Janet's gaze swept around the office and finally settled on Regina, who was still resting her head on the desk. With a frown, she walked over to Regina's desk and tapped it three times.

Startled, Regina snapped back to reality and immediately got back to work. Lucia, at the next desk, watched Regina's embarrassment and smirked. Regina had just joined the company, but her looks, figure, and skills had already earned her praise from the management.

Before Regina's arrival, it was Lucia who was often praised as the rising star. Now, Lucia felt suppressed and couldn't bear it. Lucia was good at socializing, and Regina's personality was the opposite.

Under Lucia's leadership, Regina didn't have an easy time in the office.

"I have no idea what she was up to last night. She hasn't seemed energetic all day," Lucia said mockingly during lunch break.

"She's always busy with dates. Last weekend, Marshall Mill from the marketing department took her out for dinner, and two months ago, I saw her sneak into a luxury car after work. I wonder who she was with last night. A young, beautiful woman with a good figure, that's her capital."

As Lucia said, Regina did have many suitors, but most of them were only enamored her looks. Marshall, whom Lucia mentioned, had been married for over ten years and had three children. After Regina joined the company, he did show interest in her, but Regina never accepted his invitation for dinner. Lucia was just spreading rumors.

As for the luxury car, it belonged to Philip. Accustomed to maintaining an air of pretense, the young nobleman exercised caution in keeping their liaison under wraps. He even made sure to pick her up in an ordinary luxury car, afraid of attracting too much attention.

Another colleague joked, "I don't admire how many men she sleeps with. In today's society, as long as a woman has the bold, those men can't hardly reject. If she's really that capable, she should go after our newly appointed boss. I would admire her for that."

"Are you crazy?" Lucia looked surprised. "Didn't our boss just announce his marriage? And why would he be interested in her?"

"So yeah, she's not that impressive. She can only date older men or an ordinary man." They exchanged a smile and stopped talking when they heard a noise outside the door.

Regina pushed open the door and walked into the break room, passing by the two colleagues.

The most popular topic in the company today was the news of the newly appointed CEO's marriage. Regina had been hearing everyone discussing it all day. Perhaps the most shocking discussion was when someone suggested that the marriage license might be fake.

After all, all they had seen was the cover of the marriage license; they hadn't seen the contents. "Perhaps the marriage license is a cover-up for the CEO's true sexual orientation," someone speculated.

Regina felt helpless. She had been too busy to check social media today and hadn't seen the news from Century Group or the marriage license. It's not her thing. But yeah, as a well-known company in the United States, it has been a powerful entity in the last century. Today, Century Group's business spanned globally, but the people behind Century Group are known for their low-key and traditional ways. It was said that the new CEO also embodied these qualities.

However, when Regina thought about the news online regarding the CEO's sexual orientation, she couldn't connect him with being low-key.

Meanwhile, as Douglas drove back to his residence, he received numerous calls and messages from his relatives and friends. Everyone in the family group chat was discussing the exposed marriage license, which seemed to have dropped a bombshell in the calm sea.

Douglas ignored them and casually answered a call from his grandfather, Leo Semona. He took a deep breath and slowly asked, "Are you really married?"

"Yes." Douglas's tone was always calm, and he felt confident in controlling everything.

"So, you got married to someone without consulting us. But certain procedures should not be neglected. Marriage is a big deal. You despise it too much."

" My marriage is not a trade."

"You have grown but are still immature."

While Leo said so, he did not blame Douglas. After all, the Semona family had a capital that many people wanted to butter up. He knew Douglas's abilities and knew he had countless means to profit from the Semona family rather than sacrificing his marriage as a bargaining chip for his gain.

"Now that you're married, you should take your wife home. Even though you didn't consult with me beforehand, proper procedures shouldn't be skipped. Marriage is really important. Don't neglect your wife."

Leo is the head of the family. By saying this, he basically approves of Douglas's marriage. As for the kind of person Douglas married, he doesn't seem too worried. After all, Douglas has good judgment.

Douglas responded lightly and hung up the phone.

Half an hour later, Douglas returned to his residence. He had several homes in Oriant, but he had always preferred this riverside apartment. However, he hadn't stayed here for over a month.

He took off his suit jacket and walked into the bathroom, noticing a bright red spot on the deep blue bedding, which caught his eye. Douglas's gaze lingered on the red item, and he furrowed his brows slightly. He hesitated for a while before slowly bending down to pick up the red headband. The touch of the hairband was delicate, soft, and smooth.

It reminded him of her skin.

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