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The Alp

1801 words

Chapter 5


Galinn held his hand out to stop the other two, sniffed the air, his eyes closed. “The Alp has changed his course.” Bending down he felt the ground, lifted his finger to his nose, sniffed. Lifting his head up, Galinn looked down the mountain towards a small white house.

“Let’s go towards the house to look around, maybe we’ll find the scent there.” Kallisto nodded to the house, holding his gun in front of him, prepared for a fight.

They walked to the edge of the woods, stopped as the breeze blew around them. Warriors picked up the Alp plus human scents.

A sweet scent blew with the wind, wrapping around the warriors. They sniffed the scents with closed eyes. The memories of soft female bodies moaning from the sexual enjoyment with the brothers. Suddenly they longed for a woman’s touch, their guts clenched with the longing of a home they thought they had forgotten.

Slowly opening their eyes, a figure walked out of the back door of the small house. The wind was whipping her brown hair around her face. She looked at the ground while she walked with a slight swing of her curvy hips. Stopping in the middle of the yard, lifting her head, she stared straight at them. Leoma could just see the outlines of their bodies through the trees. She knew they could see her.

Smiling widely, she lifted her arms, waving them over, hoping whoever was out there would pick up that she was friendly…she just hoped she was doing the right thing.

Keeping a smile on her face, she saw three gorgeous drop-dead men, tall, tanned, muscular with hair just past their shoulders tied back.

Oh. My. God. Thank you, thank you, thank you, God. I just died and went to heaven.

Realizing her jaw was hanging open, she knew they could pose for gorgeous action figures, she would take out her 401K to buy the lot.

Chapel didn’t have men looking like that, even Levi wasn’t quite built like that. Although they were built well, these guys had a unnatural muscular build to their bodies.

Kallisto, Galinn and Alexios walked towards her cautiously, not having been around another human in a very long time, especially a female.

Walking up to Leoma, Galinn hungrily stared from her face down to her toes. She could feel the testosterone roll off his body and hit her like a Mac truck. Not that she would complain, that there was a lot of testosterone and, wow, would she love to rub her hands all over those muscles.

“Hello, I’m Leoma. Are you guys from around here? I’m pretty sure I would remember … Oh, are you all hunters? Just to let you know you’re on private property, so I wouldn’t get caught with those funny-looking guns up around here.”

The breeze blew across Leoma, Galinn inhaled, caught the scent of perfume. He closed his eyes and pictured her leaning against a tree, naked with her arms above her head, waiting for him to slide his cock inside her.

Slowly opening his eyes, he noticed she was staring at him with those deep blue eyes. Galinn slightly opened his luscious lips and said “Hello, I’m Galinn, these are my….brothers, Kallisto and Alexios. We’re from out of state so we didn’t realize this was private property.”

While Galinn talked to her, she couldn’t help skimming her eyes from his lips down across his massive wide shoulders, across his huge dark, muscular arms…that chest

Wow, that chest stretched the t-shirt tight, all muscles with narrow hips. The faded jeans that hung low on his hips and those kick-ass boots. He was a man that just oozed fuck me.

The only thing Leoma could do was nod her head while she shut her mouth before drool started to drip. After a few seconds, which felt like an eternity, she finally forced her face to smile at him, momentarily glancing at the other two. They were handsome as well, something about Galinn just drew her to him. She could feel her pussy dripping in her panties.

Galinn could sense her arousal, he fought back the sensation of his cock wanting to break free from his jeans and fuck her in front of everyone.

She looked like an angel to him, her shoulder-length brown hair with the biggest blue eyes. She had a gorgeous body with full firm breasts, rounded hips with thick thighs, they were thick…just the way he liked them. She looked soft, the way he remembered women looked. Damn…he was going to fuck her before they were forced to return, that was something he was determined to find a way out of, returning. That is.

“Would you guys like to meet my cousin Levi?”

"Sure, maybe we could get some good tips on the best places to hunt.” Raising his hand, Galinn motioned for Leoma to go first. They followed her inside as they watched the sway of her plump ass.

Leoma entered the living room where Levi and Jed stood. Rachel was sleeping on the couch, she wasn’t looking very well. The three warriors followed her into the small room. “These are Alexios, Galinn and Kallisto. They were hunting in the woods and weren’t aware they were on private property. They’re hoping you could give them some tips on where to hunt.”

Levi turned to the three warriors, his eyebrows drawn, looking them over. He had never seen anyone built as muscular as they were. Not trusting them because of the creature he had just encountered, Levi was cautious to letting his guard down.

“Where are you folks from? I have never seen any guns like the ones you all are carrying.” Levi drawled slowly in a low voice, a frown on his face.

“We’re from the next state over. We work for a military weapons company that issued us these weapons to try out, to see if there are any defects. Thought we’d use them to hunt with, so far we haven’t found anything to hunt.” Kallisto was working with what little he could come up with, trying to earn Levi’s trust. He knew they needed human allies if they were going to be able to find the Alp.

Galinn and Alexios looked over at Rachel. They studied her as Kallisto spoke with Levi.

Alexios looked over to Kallisto, nodded. “

Brothers, her soul was stolen by the Alp, she had seen him. Shit, we were not fast enough. The Alp is not wasting any time, next he will be searching for food or a mate.”

“While up in the mountains did any of you notice anything strange, maybe a different type of animal?” Crossing his arms, Levi cocked his head to the side, asked nonchalantly. He didn’t want to say like maybe a tall black leathery creature.

“No, haven’t noticed anything, why have you?” Shrugging his shoulders, Galinn shook his head. He was hoping that Levi would volunteer information rather than having to force him to talk to them about the Alp. Obviously, Levi saw him also. They couldn’t afford more people to know about the Alp. There is nothing worse than a bunch of frightened locals forming a hunting party.

Levi decided to go for broke and spill the beans. “We just had this tall, brown, ass-ugly animal…I guess it was an animal, kind of looked human also, standing next to Rachel on the porch. He was trying to do something to her before I shot it with my gun.” Levi ran his hand through his short blond hair. Looking down at the floorboards.

The three warriors all looked at each other when Levi mentioned the Alp.

Jed looked at them and had a strange feeling that these guys showing up was not just a coincidence.

" I think you people need to be honest and tell me what’s going on.” Jed could feel the rather large men standing in front of him were lying through their perfectly white teeth.

We’ll explain later, it looks like you could use some help hunting, since we are here, we might as well help out.' Kallisto put a hand on Levi’s shoulder to show support for what Levi just witnessed.

Levi and Jed shook their heads in approval. Consequently or not, they will probably need help.

Leoma was scared. Galinn noticed her eyes, how blue they were when she was scared. He wondered if her eyes would be that blue under him while he licked her pussy as he held those beautiful thick soft thighs.

“Think she would consider a threesome?”

Alexios thought about Galinn and Kallisto as he also watched her. “

She sure is pretty, with those curves. I could think of a few things …..”

“Alexios stopped thinking about sex with Leoma. By the way, Galinn is looking at her. He will shoot your ass before we get a chance to kill the Alp. He wants to keep her Kallisto. Galinn deserves to be happy.”

Galinn softly growled at Kallisto, showing his teeth. He wasn’t going to share her with anyone. They might have shared the Queen, but Leoma would be his, only his.

They didn’t have the time to waste thinking about anything other than that damn Alp. Hiding his smile, Alexios felt like chocking both their necks.

“If you all want to catch this Alp thing, then let’s head out boys.” Oblivious to the three warriors mentally communicating with each other, Levi reached for his gun.

Walking over to Rachel, Leoma looked down and brushed a strand of fallen hair out of Rachel’s eyes. “Will Rachel be OK sleeping here alone? I’m not staying here without you guys.”

Taking a deep breath, Alexios knew they would have to explain soon.

“I’m going back home,, I would feel safer at home than hanging out here, Levi.” Turning to the front door, Leoma opened it and walked out to her car.

All five men walked out the back door and into the woods to hunt the Alp before it attacked a human….or worse, mated with one.

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