He Demands My Loyalty
POV: Selina
“When are you going to stop this games of hide and seek, why don’t you give up already?
You know, I’m beginning to think that you derive some sort of pleasure from making me search for you over and over again. You like it, don’t you?
You must get turned on and wet your panties when I find you eventually. Tell me, are you wet now, do you yearn for my touch?” He asked me in a hoarse tone masked with lust and longing.
He’s a predator, a narcissist. He is trying to make me shiver in fear, but I stood before him, my gaze unwavering as I declared,
"I would rather see you dead than be under your control again. I will not be a puppet dancing to your twisted tunes any longer. I am not yours, I refuse to be subdued by you!" I told him firmly, looking straight into his eyes, matching his glare with mine.
His eyes darkened with a mix of fury and confusion. His once composed demeanor shattered, revealing cracks in his confidence. I saw his hands tremble slightly as he struggled to maintain his composure in the face of my open defiance. He was not expecting this reaction from me. He expected me to shudder in fear or stay huddled up in a corner while he preys on my fears and make me fell less of myself.
"You dare to challenge me?" He asks me, his voice was laced with a dangerous edge, his words dripping with venom.
"You think you can escape me, you think you stand a chance?
Well, you don’t!
You belong to me, Selina, body and soul. You are who I say you are, you will answer to me whenever I call you, you will do as I asks and please me in any way I demand. I own you now, I will do with you as I please and there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it. I suggest you submit yourself to me willingly, else I’ll force it out of you. I’ll teach you to submit to me!" He lets out firmly, sounding so scary.
“How pathetic are you?
How did you turn out this way, were you starved of love and affection as a child, did you get bullied and hurt?” I asked in concern as my heart pounded in her chest, a mixture of fear and determination swirling within me. I knew the danger of crossing Felix, but the thought of submitting to his control once more was unbearable. I steeled myself, ready to face whatever came next. But nothing could have prepared me from the brutality that came next.
I didn’t see it coming, besides, I wouldn’t have been able to stop it if I saw it coming, he’s too furious to be stopped and he’s beginning to lose grip of his sanity as I stood my ground before him. He slapped me so hard that my face swung to the other side and I tasted blood in my tongue. Before I could regain my senses, I felt his hand wrapped around my neck as he lifted me off the floor, his fiery gaze fixed on mine,
“The next time you speak about my childhood, it’s going to be your last. I may love you, Selina, and I can try and put up with your games even. But I won’t let you cross the line with me, I won’t let you get away with it next time.” He warned fiercely, making me shudder in fear and hide my face before I’m struck in the face. The tension in the room was thickening, Felix's emotions is beginning to spiral out of control.
He said he likes me, and yeah, I believe him because I can see it in his eyes, in his possessiveness. His longing for my presence warred with his desire to crush my spirit. The internal conflict tore at him, driving him to the brink of madness. One minute he’s this cool dude that would do anything for me and the next minute he’s demanding loyalty and submission, hitting me if I dare to defy him.
“How long will you keep up with this charade, how long will you keep me in bondage?
I don’t want your money, I don’t need your protection anymore. Just let me go, else I’ll make life a living hell for you, I’ll never do as you wish, I’ll make you regret your actions.” I told him furiously, holding back my tears so I don’t look weak. I’ll never shed tears in front of him, I won’t let him break my spirit. I’ll be tough to the end, I’ll be tough until I regain my freedom.
“You can hurt me as much as you like, but you can’t break my spirit. I’ll never truly be yours, not when I can still fight you!” I told him, sounding tougher than I actually looks. I’m sure I look as pathetic as a chicken fighting an Eagle. Suddenly, Felix's demeanor shifted again, his expression twisted into a sinister grin.
"You think you can defy me? You are nothing without me, Selina. I will break you, mold you into what I desire, then break you again and let you submit yourself to me willingly." He threatens me. I felt a chill run down my spine as I realized the depth of his plan for psychological domination. The fear that gripped me was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. Yet, in that moment of clarity, a spark of defiance ignited within me, I just won’t back down and surrender my freedom to him so easily. With a fierce resolve, I took a step forward, meeting Felix's gaze head-on.
"I will not be your pawn any longer. I will fight you with every breath in my body. This ends now." I told him fiercely. He smiled at my resolve, clapping his hands in a dramatic way,
“Well played, baby girl…
Well played…” he commends me.
“Since this is how you want to play it, I’m taking away your freewill. By the time I’m done with you, you will have no choice but to submit to me,” he told me proudly. As he spoke, he pulled out his phone and dialed a number on it. The person on the other end picked immediately and he gave his orders
“Bring in doctor Steve Hubbard.” He ordered him sternly. He kept his eyes fixed on mine as he spoke, he knew I’ll figure out what he is planning and I’ll be scared again. He knew the moment realization dawned on me and he smirked in satisfaction as my eyes widened in shock. Steve Hubbard is a leading psychological hypnotist and he is bringing him here to utterly break my will, to ensure I can never escape again.
“No… No… Nooo,” I screamed in fear as he succeeded in breaking my resolve to be tough. I tried to make a run for it, but he was faster as usual. He caught me before I took two steps and he forced me against the wall, holding my arm behind me,
“Are you giving up already?” he teased, laughing evilly as I squirmed and struggled to break free.