She's Too Stubborn

POV: Felix

“I’m not giving up…

I’ll never stop fighting you, Felix. I won’t stop until I get my freedom, I won’t stop until you let me go.” She let out defiantly, staring at me angrily. She intrigues and fascinated me, I love how she never gives up despite my mean attitude towards her. I can see her strong will in her eyes and in her attitude.

She would fight for her freedom no matter what I throw her way. Her defiance is like a challenge to me. I want to break her will, I want to make her beg for my affection. There are a thousand girls out there that would do anything to get me attracted to them. But I don’t want anything to do with those girls. I want Selina, I want to mold her to my kind of girl and teach her to obey my every command.

“Every girl has a breaking point, Selina. I’ll find your pretty soon and when I do, I’ll make you go down on your knees and beg for my affection. I’ll me you yearn for me, and you will come to realize that you cannot live without me. You need me more than you can ever imagine.” I told her.

Taming her is going to be more difficult than I anticipated. For one thing, she has nothing to lose, she has no family I can threaten to coerce her to submit to me. All she has is her job and a few friends who aren’t even that close to her. She is more than willing to abandon her job and flee the city to get far away from me. I have to be careful and smart so I don’t push her too hard and make her run away once more. She keeps running away from me the slightest chance she gets.

Our hide and seek games are getting old and boring. I have to make her stop before the press finds out I’m wooing an ordinary staff in my company. They will interpret my methods as bullying and that is exactly what I am desperately trying to avoid.

“Stand up and follow me to the car, I’m taking you home.” I told her sternly. I leaned over to give her a hand and get her up from the floor, but she wouldn’t listen to me. She sat on the floor with her knees raised up and her arms pulling them up and keep them in place. Is as if she has no plans of ever leaving that floor. She has made up her mind not to listen to anything I say. Her attitude pisses me off even more.

I pulled her up roughly and forced her to stand on her feet. She stood up because she had no choice, but she put up a good fight, trying to push me away. I firmly restrains her by the back of her neck, causing her to lose her balance and fall heavily to the ground as she attempts to escape. She screamed in pain as she hit her head and sprained her ankle while trying to get away from me.

To think that all she is achieving right now is just to piss me off. With blood dripping from a slight cut on her forehead and also a sprained ankle, she still tried to get away from me. She pushed herself further, dragging her body on the floor and trying to put more distance between us. I took a slow, intimidating steps in her direction, causing her to shiver in fear with every step I took.

The sound of my shoes on the floor could be heard. My aura alone us terrifying enough. But I still stayed on her tail, following her wherever she is going. With each step she takes, I take one of my own. I’m closing the gap between us, closing in on her. She made effort to get away, but I wasn’t ready to let her out of my sight and out of my arms In a state of panic, she looks back at me as I approached her and she went frantic on me, desperately kicking and screaming for me to stay away.

“Stay away!

Don’t come any closer!

Leave me the fuck alone, Felix. What do you want from me, why are you torturing me this way, what do you stand to gain from treating me this way?” she sobbed.

“Wrong question sweetheart, you don’t get to ask me these questions anymore. You don’t get to play the victim card and act as though you were being bullied. You know what I want, I’ve made my intentions clear to you. Now, it’s left to you to submit to me willingly or watch me force it out of you. At the end of the day, it’s your choice, baby girl. Should we do this the easy way or the hard way.” I asked her teasingly.

Im unfazed by her resistance, I could do this all day and I wouldn’t get tired. It may be torture for her but trust me, it’s so much fun to me. I kneelsl beside her and gently suggests we return home, promising a future where we won't hurt each other and she will grow to like him.

“If only you can take your time and get to know, Selina. I’m not a monster you know. I have a heart and I know exactly what I want. Why can’t you look past my errors, why can’t you love me as much as I love you?” I asked her as I stopped her from trying to crawl out of my reach.

“You are one tough lady, you know that?” I asked her teasingly as I picked her up and swung her across my shoulder, holding her in place as I took her outside. Despite her cries and attempts to break free, she only succeeded in making my grip only tighten around her as I kiss her forehead and carries her out of the room, reminiscing about the snowy night we first met. How did we get here in the first pace, how can I make her believe that I’m not a monster, I truly love her.

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