Chapter 1
Odette’s point of view: The Beginning.
Eternal love for Immortal Mates...
Since the beginning of time, there has always been a heavenly and demonic universe, separated by space and time. In the middle of these two universes, there are three realms, with unique living creatures of flesh and blood existing in each one of them.
The heavenly universe is a place where all the gods and goddesses spend their eternal lives. It is also a place where the creatures with pure souls go, when their time in the three realms has come to an end and their immortal souls leave their physical forms behind.
The demonic universe is a place where demons and demon lords spend their eternity. It is also a place where creatures with dammed souls go, with no hope of redemption.
There are three kingdoms, each one in its own realm divided by rivers accessible by magical ferry boats. The ferries were personally built eons ago by the royal fae family.
The fairy realm is the most lively and beautiful realm, with its lush green forests, high mountains, fields of colourful flowers and beautiful blue lakes and rivers that never dry up. We built our houses and other buildings out of loose rocks that were produced from the mountains over millions of years. For the roofs and other indoor furniture, we used tree branches and leaves, the trees shed when it gets too heavy for them to bear. Other villages in the fairy realm, also built their houses out of materials native to the areas where they are situated.
The vampire realm is the coldest of the three realms. With its white landscape and snowy skies, it is the perfect environment for cold-blooded creatures such as the vampires. The vampires built their houses out of limestone, which is a smooth and white textured rock only known to exist in this specific environment. It was formed over many centuries, in the coldest and dampest conditions of the mountains and is found throughout the whole kingdom.
Surrounding these mountain tops are frozen forests that grow large, strong and study trees. Native to the vampire realm and that flourishes in cold and harsh conditions. They use the wood from these trees to build rooftops and other furniture needed in their houses. The vampire realm is also known to have beautiful, frozen lakes and crystal clear, slow-flowing rivers that leave you breathless!
The werewolf realm is a very harsh and dry place, where it only rains a few months every year. The werewolves can change into two different forms, their two-legged form and their four-legged form. It makes them quite unique from fairies and vampires, who don’t have the ability to shape-shift. In their own realm, they prefer to spend most of their time in their four-legged forms. Only when it rains or when they visit other realms, the werewolves would change into their two-legged forms.
Werewolves, with their thick skin and fur-covered bodies, have adapted perfectly to their environment. The werewolf realm has lots of dry, stony hills and mountains. Because of that, the werewolves didn’t build their houses on the unstable sandy surface that covers most of the landscape. They carved structures with connecting rooms and tunnels into the hills and mountains that they used as houses. The tunnels also lead to underground rivers that formed naturally over time.
From the very beginning, the fairies, werewolves and vampires lived in their own unique and wonderful realms.
The vampires are the strongest and oldest species of all, especially the vampire king. He is the oldest and most powerful vampire of them all.
The royal families of every kingdom decided to crown the vampire king as emperor over all three realms combined, which ensured peace for thousands of years.
My name is Odette and I am one thousand years old. I'm part of a small community of forest fairies.
We live in a village, deep in the mountains, surrounded by a thick green forest with a beautiful lake. There are other small villages just like ours hidden throughout the whole fairy realm.
We have a joyful and carefree life. The mountains and surrounding forest provide everything we need in our village, all year round. We are all friends and family in our little community, hidden away from the rest of the world. I live happily with my mom, Sofia and my dad, Charles, but he prefers to be called Charlie.
Every morning starts the same way, with me getting ready first and then waking up my parents. We take turns cooking breakfast and always sit and eat at the table as a family. Afterward, we would clean up, before going our separate ways the rest of the day. Evenings we cook dinner and always spend some time together, before going off to bed.
Every fairy has unique abilities suited to their personalities. I am a healing fairy. Altho I am part of the forest fairy community, I can also heal any creature within the three realms.
That makes me one of the rarest fairies in existence. I have only heard legends of one other fairy like me, that lived millennia years ago. Only my parents and the rest of our friends and family in the village knows about my special abilities.
Our community might be small, but every fairy has a job suitable for their unique abilities. The girls and women have to look after the plants, trees, rocks and flowers. The boys and men have to look after all the animals and insects that live in the mountains and surrounding forest.
The older, more fragile fairies that have retired look after the new-borns and teach the young ones about nature and the important roles we as forest fairies play in keeping the balance of nature in our realm.