Chapter 7

Alexander’s point of view: Who I am and where I came from.

Long before I was born, there was always war between the three realms, that took place over many centuries. None of the royal families were ever satisfied with what they already had accomplished. Each kingdom wanting more power, glory and riches the longer the war continued…

During one of those great battles, my mother and father found each other on the battle field and instantly fell in love, through the immortal mating bond. Both my father and mother weren't any ordinary vampire and fairy! They both came from long royal bloodlines. My father was a king of the vampires and my mother was the sister of the fairy king and great aunt to the present fairy queen.

I am Alexander Nikolai Vladimir, half vampire and half fairy! I am king of all vampires and the Emperor over all three realms.

Vampires need to feed on living beings and drink their blood to survive. But luckily, I have a unique metabolism that allows me to survive on both, blood and regular food, that other creatures such as fairies and werewolves also ingest.

It has been a while, but I'm finally back in the vampire realm. It has been quite an interesting journey, to and from the fairy realm this week! I heard rumours from my soldiers, who is in direct contact with the traders, working with the werewolf trading communities, that there’s unrest forming throughout the werewolf kingdom. At first, I didn’t want to believe it, but now I know for certain that the rumours are true.

For a moment I stopped in front of my frozen pond and breathed in some fresh, cold air. While clearing my train of thoughts, I lifted up my head and stared at the sky, it is snowing again in the gardens surrounding my castle. My favourite time is when the snow stops falling and the clouds clears for a few hours during the day and the night.

That’s when I can admire the beautiful, clear blue sky in daylight and the mysterious moon and her infinite companions the stars, at night! In that few wonderful hours, everything around me comes to life. You can hear the birds chirping while they spread their wings and take to the sky for their daily flight. It is also the perfect time to hear the sounds of the animals in the forest, while they are out foraging.

Whenever the snow starts to fall again, silence fills the air and all previous signs of life disappears…

This morning, I received a message from the fairy realm, the royal family invited me to their kingdom, to discuss the peace treaty ball. The royal families of all three realms come together to celebrate peace and friendship between the kingdoms. When dancing has concluded for the night, the celebration is held during the time of the great feast around large, decorated tables.

Since peace was restored within the three realms, every five hundred years, the ball and festivities have been held in my kingdom for many centuries.

The alliance between the royal families of the fairies and vampires still remains strong after thousands of years.

The same can-not be said about the werewolf kingdom. Back when my father was still the king, the werewolves haven't been very forthcoming and compliant. They always rebelled against the two other realms, but were never successful in their attempts.

The royal families of the fairy and vampire realms were always ahead of the werewolf rebellions and always had the upper hand, with our combined strengths and resources.

Just like all living beings with flesh and bones, someday perishes in the three realms, so have both my parents also passed on from this life to the next. Only their immortal souls will live on for eternity in the afterlife. Shortly after their passing, I succeeded to the throne as the next vampire king.

Throughout the years, I became known as a strong and just king within my kingdom. In the other two realms, I became known as a great and powerful ruler, not to be trifled with. Over the centuries, even the werewolves pulled back from their rebellious nature, out of fear of the vampire king's great and mysterious powers.

With mutual respect and fear, the royal families of all the kingdoms, decided in order to permanently regain peace within the three realms, they crowned the vampire king, Emperor.

For I am the oldest and strongest ruler of all.

Under my reign as emperor, there has been no rebellions or uprisings in the realms for thousands of years and peace remains victorious.

After my long voyage traveling throughout the realms, I finally arrived at the fairy castle. As always, I was greeted by my friends with so much warmth and respect, that I immediately feel at ease in their presence.

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