Chapter 5
Elise POV:
I feel foggy and like my body can’t respond. Someone lifts me up and walks me over to what I assume is the bed. They lay me down. I open my eyes but everything's so blurry.
“Cassian,” I can hear Kyros calling out to one of the guys. “You are going to hurt her. She’s not from here.”
“How can you be so sure, Kyros? The day you happen to be away on business you stumble upon a defenseless girl. You make a deal to help her out and bring her back here to the pack. She’s obviously not a werewolf. She doesn’t smell like a faerie either. What is she,” he asks in defense.
I hear growling. Then it's like whatever was making me feel ill slowly fades away. I can breathe easier. I open my eyes once again and see Kyros holding the guy with the white hair by the neck. It’s kind of surprising because that guy seems so much bigger than Kyros.
Juliangelly comes and sits next to me. She reaches out and touches my cheek. The cool of her fingers start to cool my face.
“Can I look at your legs,” she asks me. I sat up much to her protests. I look down at my legs and nod my head giving her permission.
She starts to look at the scraps and bruises on them. I see her hesitate to touch them when her hands hover above them. When she looks at me I nod my head again. I can feel a warmth on my legs as she moves her hands up and down them. I let out a gasp as my scratches and bruises start to disappear.
“Fuck,” I say a bit louder than I intended. That gets all the boys attention. They all turn to look at me. Kyros lets go of ,who I am assuming is, Cassian. I bring my hands up and reach out to Juliangelly. She does the same thing to my hands that she did to my legs.
My eyes widen as I watch them heal. This is real. I am really in a different realm. I can feel myself starting to panic. Is it going to be possible for me to go home? Will I make it out of here?
“Take a deep breath Elise,” whispers Kyros into my ear. I’m not sure when he came to me. I look up at him and tears start to line my eyes. “Shit.”
“I’m stuck here, aren’t I,” I ask him. The tears leave my eyes and make a trail down my cheek.
“I don’t know but I’m sure we can find the answers we need to get you home,” he says. He pulls me into him. It’s an odd feeling but feels pleasant. “I made you a deal and I’m not going back on my word.”
“But what if I can’t go back home,” I ask him as more tears run down my face. “I’m somewhere that is completely different from my world. This is pure fantasy to me but it's very normal to you guys. I’m not used to werewolves, faeries and magyck. How can I survive being here?”
“Look, I know that this is all new to you. But I did say I would teach you these things. There are lots of books you can read. We can even answer your questions when you ask them,” he says, pulling away to look down at me. “I can’t promise that it’ll be easy. But I can at least try to help as much as I can. Juliangelly will be here to help you out as well. She’s a healer and can help when you need her.”
He gestures to her as he finishes talking. She’s no longer sitting on the bed but standing to the other side of Kyros. She looks concerned. But I don’t blame her. A strange girl just broke down crying in front of them after she healed me.
I can feel my cheeks burning from embarrassment. I hide my face in my hands and let out a groan.
“Hey, don't be embarrassed. It happens to all of us,” says Juliangelly. “This is a whole new world for you from the sounds of it. What realm did you come from?”
“I didn’t even know there were other realms until this morning when I woke up in the forest. I lived somewhere called Earth. There were many places on Earth, kind of like your village. I lived in Washington. Both near the sea and the forest,” I look down as I explain it to them. “This place seems so different from home.”
“I’m sure we can get you back. We just need to find out how,” says Kyros. “I know it’ll be difficult but you got here somehow. There must be a way for you to go back.”
“Yeah,” says the blonde guy. “You’ll have us around to help you out. You’ll be home in no time.”
I know they are just trying to help me feel better and I appreciate it. It’s very kind of them. I do notice the way Cassian and Ezekiel are looking at me. They really don’t want me here. And at the moment I can’t help but feel like I need to stay away from them.
I look over at them and they glare back at me. I look away not liking how they’re looking at me. But I get it. I’m a strange girl that showed up out of nowhere. They don’t trust me and frankly I don’t trust them.
I guess I’ll have to take it one day at a time. Let’s hope I can get out of here soon.
“I’ll bring you some books in the morning,” Kyros says. “Now I know I’m hungry so you must be hungry. Are you feeling okay? Or should we bring you some food here?”
“I think I’ll be fine to join you all,” I tell him. He moves back as I go to turn my body. I get up and they start heading towards the door.
I follow after them. I didn’t notice that Cassian had stayed behind until I went through the doorway.
“You don’t belong here,” he says low enough for only me to hear. He had lowered himself and I could feel his breath down my neck. It makes me shiver but in a bad way.