Chapter 6
Elise POV:
I pick up the pace trying to get as far away from him as possible. I catch up with the others. After a quiet and uneventful dinner I returned to my room. I decided to explore the room. Off to one side were two doors. One an empty closet and the other a bathroom. There was a tub perfect for soaking and relaxing.
I think a bath sounds perfect but I don't have any clothes. I walk out of the bathroom. Maybe I can ask Juliangelly if I can borrow some clothes. I don’t think I’ll fit in it since she is curvier than I am but I need something.
As I’m walking to the door someone knocks. I open the door and standing there is Juliangelly. I step back to let her in. She has some stuff in her hands.
“I thought you could use some clothes. I took some shirts from Kyros that you can use to sleep in. And then I brought you a couple of my dresses you can choose from for tomorrow,” she says with a smile as she hands me the clothes. I took the clothes from her. “Tomorrow I will take you into the town and we can get you some stuff.”
“You are too kind,” I tell her. A small smile spreads across my face. “Thank you for this. But are you sure Kyros doesn’t mind me wearing his clothes?”
“I’m sure he’ll be fine,” she says, shrugging her shoulders. I chuckle at her actions. I think I’m going to like her just fine. We both walk over to the couch and sit down. I set the clothes on the little table nearby.
“This is all going to take some time to get used to,” I tell her. She nods her head.
“Well I can tell you that you will be just fine. You have me, Hunter and Kyros to help you,” she says. I raise my eyebrow in question. “Don’t worry about Cassian and Ezekiel. They are harmless. They both are weary of new people. We wouldn’t put it past Ezra to send someone to spy on the werewolves.”
“I hear he is the dark faerie prince. I don’t know who he is but Kyros told me he’s a bad guy,” I tell her. I’m hoping she’ll tell me more.
“He’s ruthless. He goes on killing sprees when he gets angry. I’ve only seen him in person a handful of times and he’s just a plain asshole,” she says.
“So, he’s really scary then,” Iask. He must be a hideous beast looking guy. I can’t even imagine what he could possibly look like.
“Scary yes because of how cold hearted he is but he’s not ugly,” she looks towards the window. “I gotta be quiet saying this or Kyros might skin me alive. But Ezra is very beautiful. Even more than Kyros.”
I try to stifle my laughter as she looks around the room, almost expecting Kyros to barge into the room. She finally looks over at me and smirks.
“I mean you’ve seen Kyros. He’s not bad looking. Now imagine someone who looks even better than him but without a soul,” Juliangelly shivers as she says that. “Everyone fears him for a reason. If someone were to think he really isn’t that bad then they are crazy.”
“Well, I guess I’ll be staying away from this guy,” I say.
“We can talk more tomorrow. I’m going to let you get settled for the night. If you need anything I am two doors down on the left,” she says getting up. She heads out of the room after we both say goodnight.
I stand and grab the clothes I will need for my bath. I walk into the bathroom and get the water running at the perfect temperature. I see some bath stuff on a shelf. I pick the ones I liked best and add them to the tub.
I step out of my dress and get in the tub. The water is perfect. The water helps to soothe my body. I enjoy my bath and wash my body and hair until the water starts to get cold. I get out and get ready for bed.
Once in bed I spend most of the night tossing and turning. At one point in the early morning I woke up panting. All I could see was pitch black darkness. I could feel someone watching me. I could feel the faintest touches against my skin. And the voice of pure darkness. His voice told me he would find me.
With me still panting and sweating from that nightmare, I get up. I walk over to the window. I look outside. There is barely any light in the sky. It must be super early. I find the door handle and step outside.
The fresh air seems to help. I walk around but not too far so I don't lose my way back. There is a slight chill in the air but I’m not ready to head back yet. I’m sure walking around barefoot and without a jacket isn’t the best idea.
I start to turn back when I hear voices near me. I can’t make out anyone. I shrug my shoulders and start walking back to my room. Before I get too far someone bumps into me as they turn around, knocking me down to the floor. I grab onto whoever it is and bring them down with me.
“Fuck,” I say as I hit my head on the ground. I’m still holding onto the other person. My eyes burst open as I feel them move. There on top of me I see Kyros.
“What the hell are you doing outside this early,” he says, his tone full of annoyance. I let go of his arms. His dark blue eyes glare down at me. That’s when I remember I’m only wearing his shirt as pajamas. I feel the heat spreading on my cheeks.
“I couldn’t sleep well,” I say, turning my head so I’m not looking at his eyes. He moves and starts to push himself up. He gets off of me and stands. I continue to lay there for a couple more seconds. But before I can sit up on my own so I can stand, he grabs my arms and pulls me up.
“What are you wearing,” he says. I snap my head up and see that he is looking me up and down.
“Huh, um,” I stutter. “I hope you don’t mind. Juliangelly gave me a couple of your shirts to use for bed. She said she would take me to town to get some stuff today.”
“I don’t care about you wearing my clothes,” he says, rolling his eyes. “What I want to know is why you are dressed like that out here. Are you trying to flaunt yourself to anyone who might possibly see you?”