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Chapter 2 Itchy! Itchy!

A nurse rushed over in a fluster, "Dr. Johnson, something's not right!"

Jennifer furrowed her brow, "What's the matter? Why the commotion?"

The nurse informed, frantically, "Dr. Johnson, a family is causing a scene looking for you. You better steer clear. They're on their way up."

"Family causing a scene?" Jennifer was puzzled.

Having worked for so long at Lindwood City Hospital, she had never encountered a situation where a family member came looking for her. The patients under her care were usually discharged with commendations for her skillful treatments.

Others also found it perplexing. Jennifer was renowned for her medical expertise and remarkable success rate in the entire hospital. Why would someone be causing a scene over her treatments?

"Yes, a family causing a scene!" the nurse affirmed, "It's concerning the young boy you treated a few days ago. His condition has worsened, and his family is causing a ruckus downstairs, threatening legal action against you!"

Jennifer was taken aback. She replied, "That can't be right. The boy had a common skin ailment, which I had already treated. As long as he avoids oily and spicy foods, there should be no relapse."

Seizing the moment, John interjected, "It must be that the parents fed the child something provocative, triggering a reaction, and now they are here to extort money.

"Jennifer, rest assured, with me around, these troublemakers won't stir up any storms."

As he spoke, he deliberately glanced at James, his tone challenging, observing James standing there with a furrowed brow, silent as ever, which only fueled John's sense of superiority.

James distinctly remembered the young boy. He was present when Jennifer treated him, and despite privately suggesting an alternative approach, Jennifer had rebuked him harshly, disregarding his advice.

Seeing James being bullied by John to this extent, Jennifer let out a disappointed sigh. She had held some hope for James, expecting him to stand his ground as a man. Yet now, it seemed James was beyond redemption, a complete disappointment.

With his head down, James, unaware of the interactions between Jennifer and John, appeared visibly intimidated.

Focusing solely on himself, James sensed a loosening of the seals within him. Clenching his fist, he harbored no doubt that his punch could end John's life then and there.

For five years, enduring constant ridicule and disrespect, he had been belittled by everyone around him. Finally, he felt liberated from living in such wretchedness.

John Johnson, the accursed one, would be the first to face his wrath.

Suppressing his excitement, he glanced towards Jennifer, only to realize she and the others had already descended the stairs. After a moment's contemplation, he followed suit.

An angry voice declared, "I am going to sue you, sue your hospital! A bunch of quacks turned my precious son into this state. Your hospital better prepare to be shut down!"

As James descended, he saw a commotion unraveling. One middle-aged man among the group was furiously pointing at Jennifer's nose and hurling insults. Clad in designer labels and exuding an air of sophistication, it was evident they were not ordinary individuals.

Someone urged, "Sir, please calm down. Dr. Johnson and our team will address your son's condition."

The middle-aged man stated, "Treat? What treatment did she provide? My son simply had an itch on his skin, and now, look at what she's done!"

The middle-aged man removed the boy's hood, startling everyone around him.

The young boy, around seven or eight years old, was covered in large, red blisters, appearing particularly gruesome.

Somebody questioned, "Goodness, what illness is this? Why does it look so horrific?"

Another asked, "Could it really be due to Dr. Johnson's treatment?"

Jennifer, upon seeing the boy, also paled, exclaiming, "How could this happen? This patient initially had a common skin ailment; a simple anti-inflammatory medication should have sufficed. Blisters should not have formed."

John weighed in, and said, "Indeed, did you perhaps neglect Dr. Johnson's advice and feed the patient stimulant-inducing foods?"

"Nonsense!" The middle-aged man retorted angrily, "Do you think I lack common sense? Let me make it clear; if you fail to cure my son today, be prepared to face closure! Honestly, let me tell you, my father-in-law is the director of the Health Department!"

Someone exclaimed, "What? The director of the Health Department!"

Another added, "This is turning disastrous!"

Everyone was shaken. Private institutions like theirs feared entanglements with Health Department officials. Failure to cure the boy could indeed lead to the hospital's closure.

Jennifer, feeling somewhat anxious, hurriedly reassured, "Please, do not worry. I will heal your son."

As she prepared to administer an injection to the young boy, James, unable to stand by any longer, approached and restrained her hand.

He advised against it, "You must not give him an injection. It is ineffective and will only worsen the child's condition."

Jennifer immediately flared up, forcefully shaking off James' hand. "What do you know? Get out of my way!" she insisted.

Upon witnessing James' actions, the others displayed expressions of disdain and mockery.

John, in particular, sarcastically remarked, "You, a janitor, what do you know about medicine? Stop meddling here. Hurry off! Have you even finished cleaning the toilets today?"

Ignoring the taunts from others, James earnestly gazed at Jennifer. He said, "Trust me."

When Jennifer locked eyes with James, she felt a slight tremor within her. A sense of unfamiliarity washed over her as James seemed like a different person at that moment, instilling an unexplainable sense of security in her.

Upon witnessing James boldly defy him, John became furious. He forcefully pushed James aside and then, in a calm tone, addressed Jennifer, "Jennifer, do not be deceived by him. He is just a janitor; what does he know about healing? He simply aims to harm you."

Straightening his posture, John addressed the middle-aged man confidently, "Greetings, I am John Johnson, the head of the dermatology department here. Entrust your child to me, and I will swiftly cure him."

His statement exuded strong confidence and pride. Being in his early thirties and holding the esteemed position of department head showcased exceptional ability and limitless prospects.

In comparison to certain individuals who rely on others for their success, John stood out significantly.

Upon hearing that the individual was a department head, the middle-aged man's expression improved somewhat.

He nodded and stated, "Very well, I will trust you once more. If you can heal my son, I will not pursue this matter further. However, if you fail to do so, prepare for repercussions."

"Rest assured, with me in charge, success is assured!" John declared confidently.

Observing his confidence, the other family members felt reassured; since he was a department head, his medical expertise was undoubtedly profound.

Kneeling down to carefully examine the young boy, John soon smiled and announced, "Diagnosis confirmed. It is a simple case of viral chickenpox. With my expertise, a swift recovery is imminent."

Upon hearing this, relief washed over everyone present.

Only James shook his head in resignation, noting how John's poor medical skills somehow earned him the position of department head.

James had already discerned that the young boy was not suffering from ordinary chickenpox but rather had been infected with something more sinister. Throughout the entire hospital, only he possessed the ability to heal such a condition.

Within a short timeframe, utilizing Western medical methods, John administered an injection to the young boy.

John declared, "This is the most advanced medication in our hospital, highly effective against this type of viral chickenpox. In a maximum of two days, the patient will be cured."

Someone flattered, "That's fantastic."

Another added, "The department head truly lives up to his reputation; his skills are remarkable."

Various sycophants began to flatter him. Even Jennifer's gaze sparkled with admiration.

However, just as the situation appeared to have calmed, the previously tranquil young boy suddenly let out a piercing scream, "It itches, it itches!"

He began to thrash violently, and the swollen blisters on his body started to enlarge, with two even bursting open, emitting a foul odor.

This unforeseen turn of events shocked everyone present.

The middle-aged man immediately erupted in anger, landing a resounding slap across John's face. "What have you done to my son?!" he questioned.

John, his glasses knocked askew from the blow, stood there in disbelief. "This can't be happening. How could this..." he said in a panic.

"You are an incompetent bunch of quacks, worthlessness! If anything happens to my son, every single one of you will pay!" the middle-aged man seethed, retrieving his phone to make a call.

At that moment, a figure stepped forward, declaring, "I can cure your son."

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