Nathan was in a foul mood.

Despite what had happened the previous night, Suzanne had refused to let him kiss her, and furthermore, she had told him she wouldn't accept the deal.

That had him beside himself.

"Miss Peyton, have you finished the task I assigned to you?" he growled, and she just rolled her eyes.

"Not yet, but..."

He interrupted her.

"And what are you waiting for to do it? You're here to work, not to waste time."

"Believe me, I'm not wasting time," she said calmly, "and if I haven't finished your task, it's because I haven't been able to get in touch with Mr. Smirnov."

"Keep calling him until he answers."

"Yes, sir," she dialed again, but no one picked up.

Suzanne was fed up with him, although she was increasingly worried about her father's health.

Nathan stormed off to his office and started cursing, throwing a few things. She couldn't stand his tantrum-like behavior.

"You should calm down a bit, it's probably because you didn't have your coffee," she said seriously.

That was a grave mistake.

He looked up and gazed at her in a way she couldn't decipher.

"Have you managed to talk to Smirnov?"

"No, sir."

"Suzanne, I'm losing my patience, and I feel like only you can calm me down," the husky tone of his voice alarmed her.

"W-what do you mean?" she said nervously, an attitude that didn't go unnoticed by him.

"Go and get me a hot coffee," he snapped seriously, handing her a bill. "When you come back, I'll show you some things that will surely help me calm down."

Suzanne swallowed hard and said nothing, but she walked faster than usual towards the exit.

She bought the damn coffee, ranting on the way about having the most irritating boss on the planet... one who was sexy and temperamental.

"It's absurd that he and I reach an agreement, it's simply impossible," she murmured bitterly.

That annoyance and uncertainty gave her the answer she was looking for, thinking that perhaps she could apply for a loan from a bank or some charitable institution for the treatment.

"I won't be defeated, I'm stronger than this," she determinedly thought.

When she arrived at the office, he was standing with his back to her, looking out the window. The view was simply amazing, as was the sly grin on his face that made Suzanne uneasy.

"H-here's your coffee, Mr. Strong," she said nervously, swallowing hard as she saw him start to loosen his tie. "What are you doing?"

"I told you already," he smirked cynically. "I want you to help me unwind, let's start with a massage."

"You're crazy!"

"Yes, but crazy about having you in my bed, Suzanne..." he began to approach her menacingly, grabbing her arm. "You know, the only thing that really calms me down is a good roll in the hay. So, do you want me to calm down?”

"You're insane," she said as she tried to break free from his grip, but it was impossible for her. "I... I..."

The mere touch of his hand burned her. Why did she have to react in that damn way?

"See, you can't tell me no," he murmured as he slid a hand towards her buttocks.

He kissed her, and although she tried to resist, she sighed and parted her lips for a second, which he took advantage of to explore her mouth with his tongue.

She followed his kiss, feeling something inside her start to change. He was strong and warm, and her body gradually relaxed as she was carried away by the strange sensation coursing through her.

Unconsciously, she leaned against him, and as she felt his toned chest, she shivered with pleasure.

The kiss became wild, a moan escaped from deep within her, but she quickly pulled away from him, frightened by the intense sensations overwhelming her.

He looked at her with a confused expression.

"What's wrong?" he whispered.

He desired to take her to his bed, to undress her and show her how it felt to be a woman in his arms, in addition to all the wonderful and perverse things they could do together.

"This shouldn't have happened," she whispered breathlessly.

Despite how embarrassed she felt, she looked into his eyes, and his serious expression made her realize that the kiss hadn't affected him like it had affected her.

"Two million dollars and you'll be mine for 365 days," he said, serious.

The truth was he was already crazy about taking her to bed more than once; that kiss had awakened a beast in him, a beast only she could tame.

“Why her?” he wondered. “Why this girl when I had countless women at my disposal?”

But no, it was obvious he was infatuated with her and wanted her in his bed for a long time.

"I already told you I'm not for sale, and now I'm leaving, it's time for my exit," she said coldly, to hide her true emotions.

"The offer still stands, Miss Peyton," he replied calmly.

"Keep dreaming, Mr. Strong," she said before leaving and heading to the elevator.

She felt her legs shaking, her heart pounding frantically, and she still couldn't sort out her thoughts.

What was it that man provoked in her? Why did it feel so damn good when he kissed her like that?

She shook her head from side to side, trying to clear her thoughts, but failing. She was afraid to find out.

Nathan Strong smiled satisfied, noticing how she had melted in his arms. He knew it was only a matter of time before she fell; he had felt the intensity with which she returned the kiss.

He was sure Suzanne would end up in his bed soon. After all, what woman could resist money? To him, women were superficial creatures, at least the ones he had met were. Why would she be any different?

Women like her only cared about appearance, money, luxuries, physique. Perhaps she was playing hard to get to gain more advantage from the situation, but even though she seemed so naive and innocent, he told himself she wasn't.

"It's just a good performance on her part."

"Maybe I should increase the amount; I know she needs it and won't be able to resist this time."

Suzanne hurried out of the company, feeling relieved to have rejected her stubborn and cynical boss.

On top of his building, Nathan watched her with satisfaction.

"Very soon, babe. Very soon," he whispered to himself.

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