Embarrassed By My Sister
“Trust me, you’ll love it here. All the wealthy dudes come here to hang out.
Oh, I’m so sorry, Mia. You know seeing you in this cute outfit and makeup is so odd. For a moment there I forgot that you are a prude workaholic.” She said mockingly, earning her a disapproving look from me. She only giggled at my expression and she stepped out of the car. I came down as well and she lead the way to the entrance. She pulled out a VIP card from her purse and showed it to the bouncers. We cut through the long queue and we walked right into the club.
You could have just said that you have a VIP card.” I mocked making her chuckle even more. I’m going to show this naughty sister of mine that I can be the life of the party as well. I would let her see another side of me tonight, she would finally realize that I am not just a prude workaholic. I can party all night and have mad fun as well. Tonight I’m going to be the party queen.
It was a quarter to midnight, and the club was packed full of party animals who adore the nightlife. Carrie led me to the second floor which I’m guessing is reserved for the VIP. It’s crammed as well, but it is more spacious and glamorous than the first floor. Carrie was about to walk to a private booth, but I held her hand and led her to the bar, ignoring her protests. She stopped to speak with a cute blonde lady and she introduced her as Vikki, but I couldn’t care less. I swayed my hips as I walked over to the bar and I ordered some shots of tequila for Carrie and I, but I ended up taking both shots before Carrie could meet up with me.
“That’s enough, Mia!
You’re drunk already!”
If you continue this way, you would not have good fun tonight because I would have to drag you back home and put you to bed,” she scolded.
“Now, who is the party pooper?” I asked back with a smirk, earning a hard glare from her.
“Quit whining, and find me a nice guy that would take me home tonight and screw me senseless.” I said jokingly, causing her to burst into a fit of laughter.
“Dear God,
Where is my sister, who the hell is this whore sitting next to me?” she laughed.
Seems like the alcohol is bringing out the real you, Mia. Who would have thought that you could go at it all night? ” she kept on teasing me, ignoring my frown of displeasure. The bartender served us more shots of tequila, earning a frown from Carrie who thinks that I’m already drunk. I guess she Is right, I’m so tipsy, I can barely stand on my two feet. It felt like the entire building was spinning around me, and the worst part of it all is that I love this feeling of freedom. I wasn’t thinking about anything or anyone. You could say that I left all my problems and worries at home, all that was left was me and my happy, carefree mood.
I downed one more shot of tequila before going to the dance floor, with Carrie following closely behind me, keeping a close eye on me. I danced like never before, I have no idea who I was dancing with, I simply went with the flow. I swayed my body to the music, dancing as if my life depended on it. A strange guy danced with me, he had his hand on my waist and he flirted with me on the dance floor, ramming his budge on my ass as I grind my hips against his. I let him caress me on the dance floor, I was hoping he would be the one, I was hoping I would let him have his way with me, but I wasn’t feeling any connection to this dude.
I don’t know what I was expecting to feel, I mean, this is a club for crying out loud. I was not expecting to fall in love right here in the club, I wasn’t expecting love at first sight, but I need to feel the connection. If I’m going to lose my V-Card to this dude, at least I need to be a little bit drawn to the guy, right?
I don’t even know what I’m saying, I think I’m developing cold feet again. Carrie is dancing with some dude at the other end of the dance floor and here I am second-guessing myself again. Gosh, I’m so stupid!
I need a drink, I need more drinks. I hope I don’t pass out from too much alcohol. I turned around, and the guy I was dancing with a few seconds ago is now dancing with another girl on the dance floor. He is grinding and flirting with her the same way he did with me. The disappointment was evident in my face as I turned to head back to the bar for more drinks. But just before I walked away, I felt a strange feeling on my body, it felt so strange and alien, but at the same time, it brought me a bit of warmth. The hairs on my body alerted me to a pair of eyes watching me from a private booth across the dance floor. I followed my instinct and looked in his direction. Sure enough, he had his eyes pinned on me, and he looked vaguely familiar.
But that could be the alcohol speaking, I mean, how on earth would this strange dude look familiar to me? He is quite gorgeous, I must confess. But he has a ton of girls flirting with him in his private booth. He must be one of these socialites or celebrities that tend to party with lots of girls every night. That’s not what I want, I can’t share him with anyone. I need him all to myself.
I turned around and walked up to the bar to get a drink. And just as I sat down on the bar stool and ordered my drink, I heard a deep voice from beside me,
“That drink is on me?” he told the bartender. His deep voice is an indicator of dominance. He oozes of male testosterone, and as I turned to gaze at him, I was met with an athletic body that made my mouth water in desire. He gazed at me with tender eyes as he sat on the barstool next to me. He was saying something, I could see his mouth moving, but I couldn’t hear one word he was saying because I was ogling his gorgeous body.
How the hell did he get here so fast, and why the hell is he talking to me, is he planning to add me to his harem?
Not a chance in hell!
“I can pay for my own drink, chief,” I responded in an angry tone as I tried so hard to hide my emotions. He smiled at my remarks but he did not attempt to leave.
“I know. But that won’t stop me from buying you a drink,” he asserted confidently. I couldn’t respond this time, I just sat there and gazed morosely at his grinning face. I could feel his eyes perusing my body, checking me out. Originally, I would have been offended if a guy stares at me this way. But not tonight, and certainly not with this godlike man that is standing next to me. Do you remember the attraction and pull I was talking about?
Well, this is it!
I’m so sure that I’m drawn to this guy. I can already imagine his lips on mine, I can see myself wrapped in his muscular arms as he holds me close to his heart. You could tell by his abs and muscles that he spends a lot of time in the gym. I couldn’t help checking him out as well, my eyes lingered a bit when I got to his waist. I gulped down saliva when I sighted the bulge between his legs. I didn’t know was salivating until he snapped his fingers in front of my face, bringing me back to reality. I shook my head to get those dirty thoughts off, but I couldn’t shack them off no matter how hard I tried.
“W… What do you want, and who the hell are you?” I asked him angrily. I was trying to mask my desire with anger, but I failed miserably. The crooked smile on his face is enough evidence to prove that he knows exactly what I’m trying to do.
“I’m Drake, and I wish to keep you company, that is if you’re cool with it.” He extended his hand to me, grinning sheepishly as he did. I stared at his extended hand for a second before reaching out my hand to meet his.
“Nice to meet you, Drake, I’m Sofia.” I responded with a smile as my hand met his. Suddenly, the world stood still, he brought his other hand forward and enveloped mine, eliciting new desires in me. I don’t know why I lied about my name, I guess I don’t want to be recognized by him after tonight. I saw a flicker of emotion on his face when I mentioned my name, but before I could see it clearly, it disappeared completely. All I could see in his eyes were the same emotions that I was feeling within me.
His palm is so soft, so warm. I couldn’t pull my hand away from his because the feeling of our skin touching each other is just heavenly. He pulled back his hand and motioned for the barman to get him a glass of bourbon. Amusement seemed to be written all over his face as I whimpered at the loss of contact. Then he asked,
“What would a pretty damsel like you be doing here tonight?”
I scoffed at his flattering comment. He makes it sound like I'm one special girl, I’m sure he uses these same lines with his other female companions. I’m sure that he won’t even remember this conversation tomorrow. Guys like this only pretend to be interested in a girl just to get into her pants. It’s exactly what I want as well, I can feel the current flowing between us. The sparks were present, as well as the attraction and deep desire. I want him, I want to lose my V-card to this gorgeous stranger. So I’m not going to pretend or act like a goody two shoes In front of him, after all, we would never cross paths after tonight.
“Well, I’m just here to have fun… And get laid.” I let out seductively. I watched the color drain from his face as I flashed him my most seductive smile. I have never flirted with a guy before, and I seriously hope that I don’t look like an idiot right now.
He raised his brow in amusement, and he gulped down his drink as he stared at me. I can practically see his eyes dancing with laughter and I wondered if I’m doing it wrongly, or maybe he thinks that I am speaking under the influence of alcohol. I admit, I am. I wouldn’t be this bold if I wasn’t drunk. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t know what I am doing. I decided to show that I am not as drunk as he think. I stood up, with my eyes fixed on his. I took the glass from his hand and I placed it on the bar table.
“Dance with me Drake,” I whispered in a voice laced with seduction. I held his hand and pulled him to the dance floor, I never broke eye contact with him. I wanted him to feel what I’m feeling too, and so I danced with this guy, the same way I danced with the other guy, but this time, it was different. As I grind and roll my hips against him, I felt something different. I felt a tingling sensation all over my body, it felt like a fire burning within me. A fire that only this gorgeous stranger could put out. These feelings are alien to me, I never felt this way, even with Riley.
For a moment he held back from touching me on the dance floor, but I can feel his burning gaze on my body. It was as if he has something else on his mind or something. I did not let him kill my vibe, I kept grinding my waist against his bulge which was getting harder by the second. After a few minutes, I felt his warm, soft hands on my hip and I felt an electrifying thrill that radiated from my fingertips to my spine. Then it moved down below, settling between my legs. I felt the liquids pooling between my legs, I had to squeeze my legs together to curb my wild desires.
His arms encircled me, and he gently pulled me to him, forcing me to look into his eyes. He stared intensely at me, pulling my hair away from my face to give him a good view. Our dance became more intense, more sexier. I had my arms around his neck, and I felt his dick pulsing with life as it jabbed against my stomach. I’m drunk, way too drunk, but there is no denying what I’m feeling right now and I know that I want this guy to screw me.
He was flirting with me while we danced. He dropped butterfly kisses on my neck and shoulders. I moaned softly and my whole body shivered in desire. His eyes kept gazing into mine, drowning me in their blue depths. My hand involuntarily flew to his cheeks as I caressed him softly, pulling my hand through his soft locks. He shut his eyes firmly, then tilted his head sideways, offering me more of his cheeks, and I gladly accept it. I ran my hand on his cheeks, moving them down slowly. I heard a throaty groan when I got to his chest and his eyes snapped open immediately and I saw a burning desire within his deep blue pools. A desire that matches mine. Without warning, he leaned forward and kisses me fiercely. I wasn’t expecting that, and I wasn’t prepared for the intensity of his kiss, I’d never been kissed like this before, except for that night when I stupidly lost my way and ended up in a guy's bed. It’s a good thing that Riley had cheated, I don’t know how I would have told him about my escapades with that guy. It would have been so embarrassing.
It took me a while to adjust to his pace and match his kisses with mine. I kissed him as fervently as he kissed me and we got lost in the moment. We stopped dancing completely as we made out like two horny teenagers on the dance floor. There is something about him that made me feel like I could trust him. It could be his body spray that is exactly the same as Riley’s or maybe it’s the fact that he arouses a deep desire in me. I just could get my hands off him, I could get enough. We continued kissing and caressing each other on the dance floor and we would have gladly kept going at it, but we got distracted by a throaty cough from someone standing right next to us. We stopped immediately, and we both chuckled at our uncontrollable desires. I looked up at the intruder and I saw Carrie standing in front of us with a smirk on her face.
“Get a room already, you two. I didn’t come to the club to watch an adult-only movie!” She teased, feigning anger.
“Get the hell out of here.” I shushed her away, but she just wouldn’t leave without embarrassing the life out of me.
“Don’t come back pregnant!” she warned me in a whisper as she slipped some condoms into my hand, making my cheeks go red with embarrassment.
I’m going to kill this girl!
I swore under my breath as she went away giggling at my expense. I looked up at Drake and he had that amused smile on his face. It’s obvious that he had heard everything and now I’m so embarrassed that I couldn’t look up at his face anymore. I wish the ground would open up and swallow me. How on earth is this girl my sister?