Chapter 7

Jasmine watched without a word as the other women chided Leila. Just then, the door opened and Cara entered, a tray of juice in her hand.

As she tried to set the tray on the table after greeting the women, her hand pushed one of the glasses, and the drinks poured on Leila's dress.

Jasmine furrowed her brow and yelled at Cara, in a bid to stifle a laugh as Leila screeched, knowing that Cara had intentionally done that. She must've been at the door and overheard what had happened and decided to revenge.

"You clumsy fool!" Leila yelled as she glanced at her cream-colored dress that now had a deep red stain in the middle.

"Get her another nice dress, Cara, and be careful next time," Jasmine said softly.

"Be careful! I ought to have your head on a spike! Oh, the joy that would bring to me! You clumsy dirty brat!" Leila yelled.

"Careful now, Leila. That's my Personal maid and unless you want to get on my bad side, you'd be careful to not speak to her in such a way."

Leila gasped and turned to Jasmine sharply, her fury reflecting in her eyes.

"She is like this because you keep pelting her instead of scolding her! She is just a slave!"

"Leila! Cara is a maid and not just any maid, mine! She is my assistant! And I will not allow you to talk to her in any manner," She then glanced at Cara who was smiling inwardly, knowing that Queen Jasmine was always going to have her back.

"Get one of the newest dresses for Lady Leila, dear."

Cara walked away and instead of bringing one of the latest arrivals for Leila, she took one of the dresses that the Queen had given her and took it to Leila who snatched it from her after muttering a string of curses under her breath.

When Leila joined them later, after changing into the dress, just one glance at her and one would know that it wasn't a new dress. Instead, it was a dress that had been worn multiple times by Cara.

"Now, I didn't call for this meeting today to talk about meaningless gossip. I want us to talk about the forthcoming full moon festival. What are your thoughts?"

Leila, who had been sulking since she got back was the first to speak.

"Why don't we host a ball? It's been a while since a ball was hosted for the unmated wolves to find their mates."

One thing that Jasmine loved about Leila was the fact that she was smart and always brought good ideas. Apart from her gossiping and poke-nosing, every other thing about her was good.

"Hmm, it's not a bad idea actually," Jasmine said and glanced at the others who were quiet.

"Any ideas, ladies?"

They shook their head. "I think it's a good idea," Maya stated and the others nodded.

"At least, one of us might be lucky," Leila said and I shot her a warning glare, knowing that she was talking about Rose.

Rose was the only single one among the five women. At twenty-six, she has yet to find her mate and has decided that she is better off alone. She's had many suitors but chased them off due to the fact that she was looking for her mate.

"Very funny, Leila. Perhaps, I should pour a bucket of paint right on your face," Rose retorted, not sounding angry whatsoever, even though she was. She hated being reminded of her circumstances.

"Anyways, a ball sounds perfect and that's what we'd do. Now, all that remains is for us to plan it and…."

"We have to make it perfect. After all, it's your first ball since you became queen. It has to be the talk of the community."

Jasmine watched them chatter amongst themselves, her mind had deviated from the meeting and had gone to her husband. Their life wasn't as it used to be anymore.

She had tried severally to get back that same spark that used to be in their marriage, but nothing she did changed him and she decided that she'd had enough and left him as he seemed to become worse with each passing day.

And now, someone who wasn't living in their mansion had found out. If she didn't do something quickly, the whole kingdom was soon going to know.

She sprang up immediately, surprising the other ladies who furrowed their brows in confusion before Leila spoke.

"Where are you going, your highness?"

She smiled weakly, knowing that they were soon going to be gossiping about her if she left. They were all snakes, very vile and pretentious.

"I think I'll leave the planning to you ladies. I'll hear what you all conclude during the next meeting. For now, I have to rest a little. I don't feel too well."

As Jasmine walked back to her room, she had only one plan in mind, getting her husband to love her again. He was in love with her before, his heart had not forgotten how to, all she needed to do was to bring it out.

"Where is Cara?" She asked another maid who was by her door after they had greeted her.

"I have no idea, your highness. But she walked out just now after getting a message from Madame Eve…"

Jasmine didn't wait to hear whatever the maid was saying, she hurried to the boys' chambers, having a feeling that something was wrong.

She had been uneasy throughout the meeting and had attributed the cause to be because of what Leila had said earlier. But now, upon hearing what the maid had said, she knew that something was indeed wrong.

"Boys!" She yelled as she went into their chambers, ignoring a maid who was warning her against going inside.

"Fuck the bloody rules!" She yelled, pushing the maid as she went inside.

"Your Highness," Cara said, a frown marring her features as she glanced at the Queen, who looked like she had aged in the last hour.

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