Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

“Let's end this for good.”

Tears fell out of my eyes when I pleaded with him to end it. I tried my best to hold back my tears, but I ended up giving up when I closed the door. Fat tears rolled down my cheeks. A sob left my mouth. I tried to suppress it, but I couldn't hold back the pain, fear, and anger I was feeling inside. If I go with him to the pack hospital, he will immediately learn about my pregnancy, and I can't let that happen. I know he won't be happy after knowing I'm pregnant. What scared me most was what would happen if he asked me to abort my child. My hands wrapped around my flat stomach in fear of losing it. No! I will never let that happen. My child only belongs to me, and I will never let any harm happen to him or her. My pup will see this world. I kept sitting there, crying my eyes out.

“Roslyn, open the door.” There was a knock on the door once again. My brows furrowed, and my body, once again, became alert when I heard his voice. Why is he back? What does he want from me now?

“Open the door,” he once again said when I didn't respond the first time.

“Please, open the door.” This time he pleaded, and my eyes widened. I was beyond surprised to hear it. I don't know why or how, but I immediately stood up, and my hands opened the door even before I could get a hold of myself. I was surprised at my actions. Why did I open the damn door? I should have kept it locked and never opened it, but here I was. I stood in front of him with tears running down my cheeks. Like a stupid kid, I ended up opening the door as soon as he pleaded with me. It was all happening because of the stupid mate bond. I wanted to blame everything on it. He was standing there, looking dishevelled. His hair looked like he had moved his fingers countless times.

He was standing in the same spot before I closed the door. Did he never leave? My heart started to beat fast at that question. More tears ran down my face because my heart refused to believe it. He moved forward and cupped my face. I felt sparks all over my body when he touched me. His thumb slowly wiped away my tears. His grey eyes looked down at my face with so much emotion in them. My breath became shallow at his gentle touch. He was never gentle with me. He took a deep breath, looking at my crying face. His face looked like he was in pain after seeing me cry, but I would be a fool to think it was true. Facial expressions can be deceiving too, and I have learned my lesson. I won't fall for it again. He moved his face forward and connected our foreheads. It made me close my eyes tightly. His warm breath fanned my burning skin.

“You are burning, Roslyn,” he whispered over my lips. My breath became even more shallow. I swallowed the lump that had formed at the base of my throat.

“I will not go to the hospital,” I said, firmly refusing to go anywhere with him. I wanted to sound firm, but my voice came out weak. I was exhausted. I wanted to take a bath and rest. I was all sweaty from all the packing I did. I don't know if he would listen to me, knowing how stubborn he is. He is the most stubborn and hotheaded Alpha. I know. I don't know what he will do now.

"Ok, I won't take you to the hospital,” he said softly, surprising me even more. I opened my eyes, finding it hard to believe.

“What?” I asked with surprise. My glassy orbs looked at him in disbelief. I blinked my eyes while looking at him, and I didn't miss how the corner of his lip slightly lifted in amusement.

“I won't take you to the hospital,” he said, repeating himself. He repeated himself. That was a shock to me.

"Come, let's go inside.” He took hold of my wrist and tugged me inside with him. He closed the door on its way.

“I want to take a bath,” I said to him when he was taking me towards the bed. Without a word, he nodded at me. I thought he would let go of my hand, but instead, he changed direction and took me to the bathroom. He ran a cold bath for me. It would help me lower my fever. I thought he would walk out of the bathroom after it, but instead, he started helping me undress.

"No, I will do it on my own,” I said when he took hold of the hem of my top. My heart was beating fast to be naked in front of him again. It wouldn't be his first time seeing me naked, but I couldn't help when a blush climbed up my neck.

“You are already feeling so weak. Let me help you,” he said, helping me undress even though I protested. He helped me take a bath. I was surprised to see his gentle nature.

“I will dress on my own,” I said while wrapping a towel around my naked body. My wet hair stuck to my face and neck. His eyes lingered on my neck. His lips then moved to my slightly trembling lips. My mouth went dry, and my heart started to beat fast.

“Please go out,” I whispered in my small voice. He took deep breaths as if he were finding it hard to control himself, but he still turned around and walked out. I let go of the breath I was holding. Once he was out, I immediately changed into my night clothes. My hair was wet, so I decided to blow-dry it before going to bed. I stood in front of the washbasin and started to blow dry my hair while looking in the mirror. I was so busy that I didn't even notice when he entered the bathroom. My breath became deep when his fingers touched mine. Sparks! He took hold of the dryer and started helping me. He kept looking at my reflection in the mirror. His grey orbs once again lingered on my lips, and I lowered my eyes. My heart was beating fast at his touch. He turned me around when he was done. He took hold of my chin with his thumb and forefinger. I looked at him, and I saw all the emotions that lingered in his eyes before he crashed his lips on mine. He kissed me softly while cupping my face, and his other hand kept holding me in place. The kiss was so gentle and soft that it made my heart beat in happiness, and my legs became jello. My hands grabbed his biceps to steady myself when his cell phone started to ring. He groaned, not licking it. But it kept ringing.

“Go lie down on the bed. I'm coming,” he whispered on my lips and pecked my lips. Swallowing hard, I nodded my head and went to bed, and he walked to the balcony to answer his constantly ringing phone. I know who was calling him, but I was still stupid enough to expect him to come to bed. I was hoping, but my hope died when he walked out of the room without a word. A tear slipped from my eyes. I knew he would leave.

Mason POV

I got a call from the hospital saying Lilian's health had suddenly degraded. She was asking me to come fast, and I had to leave Roslyn. Lilian was fine. She was happy to see me. I decided to leave without a word when she hugged me tightly from behind.

“Please stay with me tonight.”

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