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Chapter 1 After the End of the World, I Was Reborn

Pain, excruciating pain!

Intense agony spread throughout Steven Rogers' entire body.

This wasn't just a feeling; it was a harsh reality happening to him.

At this moment, he was being mercilessly trampled by friends and neighbors he once trusted and helped. Their fists, feet, and even the sticks in their hands rained down on him.

In this resource-scarce apocalypse, they didn't even consider the help Steven had given them before attacking him!

In his dying moments, he vaguely saw his goddess, Alice Sanders, standing at the back of the crowd, pitifully shouting, "I was the one who made him open the door. You have to give me an extra share of the supplies!"

It was this woman who tricked Steven into opening the door and then caused his death.

Steven looked at her, his eyes filled with hatred and regret.

He could only blame himself for being too foolish and kind-hearted, which led to him becoming a sacrificial lamb in this apocalypse.

How he wished everything could start over.

If given another chance, he wouldn't show mercy to anyone; he would live only for himself!

Steven's vision quickly went black, and he lost consciousness.

However, in the next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the couch.

The hellish scene he had just experienced, the unbearable pain, was hard to forget.

Steven gasped for air, his entire body quickly drenched in sweat.

"What's going on? Wasn't I killed by those vicious neighbors?"

After regaining his composure, Steven began to survey his surroundings.

This place was familiar; it was his own house.

The comfortable temperature in the air surprised him.

In December 2050, Earth was affected by a supernova explosion 500,000 light-years away, ushering in a global cold storm.

Global temperatures plummeted, and in Starlight City where Steven lived, daily temperatures were around minus sixty to seventy degrees Fahrenheit, with blizzards lasting a month, burying the entire city.

It was said that in the northern part of The Astralium Kingdom, temperatures even reached a terrifying minus one hundred degrees Fahrenheit, and the land was completely buried in ice and snow.

Various species went extinct on a large scale, and even humans saw a death rate of over 95% in this disaster.

Steven stood up and took a bottle of water from the fridge, gulping down more than half of it.

Although the refrigerated water was very cold, now it tasted so good that it almost brought him to tears.

In the apocalypse, the only way people could get water was to go out, braving the extreme cold of minus sixty to seventy degrees, and dig snow to melt into water.

Such behavior could easily lead to freezing to death.

After drinking the water, Steven checked his phone.

It showed the date "November 12."

There was still a whole month before the apocalypse arrived.

"Looks like I've been reborn."

Steven took a deep breath and quickly understood what had happened.

That month's experience couldn't have been a dream, especially the pain of being dismembered; it was too real.

Steven lifted his head, feeling immensely grateful for his new lease on life.

At the same time, a sharp glint flashed in his eyes.

He remembered clearly those who had caused his death.

In this life, he was determined to live well and would no longer show mercy to those beasts.

Moreover, while ensuring his own safety, he had to exact severe revenge on those despicable people!

But for now, Steven needed to consider how to survive the apocalypse that would arrive in a month.

Steven's living conditions were relatively good.

His parents had passed away early, and he inherited a 1,300-square-foot house in Starlight City.

He also had over $300,000 in savings, which would be considered quite comfortable in normal times.

But with the apocalypse coming, the world would face a massive shortage of resources.

With just the money he had, it wouldn't be enough to sustain his life for long.

After all, surviving required a massive amount of supplies.

Given the chance to prepare in advance, Steven didn't just want to survive; he wanted a certain quality of life in the future.

Food and entertainment had to be considered. Otherwise, over time, his mental state would easily collapse.

Moreover, weapons and equipment were a must. Only with them could Steven ensure his safety and complete his revenge on the neighbors.

Just then, a white light suddenly appeared before Steven's eyes.

He thought his right eye was a bit blurry, so he reached up to rub it.

But suddenly, a strange idea surged into his brain.

It seemed that this white light was a part of him, and information about the white light appeared in his mind.

With a thought, Steven's consciousness instantly entered the white light.

Once inside, he found himself in an enormous, vast white space.

The area inside was unknown, just a large expanse of emptiness.

"Is this the extradimensional space?"

"Looks like after being reborn, I have some special abilities."

Steven was instantly overjoyed.

It seemed that the gamma rays had caused his body to mutate, giving him extraordinary powers.

With this enormous space, storing supplies for the apocalypse would be much easier.

However, Steven wanted to know how much the space could store and whether there were any limitations on the objects it could hold.

His consciousness immediately returned to his room, and he began trying to place items from his home into the space.

He started with a teacup and a washbasin, which were easily placed inside.

Steven then tried to put larger appliances into the space.

TV, refrigerator, washing machine, computer, air conditioner, vacuum cleaner.

The white space accepted everything without hesitation, taking all these items in.

Moreover, with just a thought, Steven could retrieve items from the space.

However, objects subjected to strong external forces and not existing independently were difficult to store in the space.

For example, when he tried to pry a floorboard from the ground, the extradimensional space had no reaction.

"The extradimensional space seems to have many rules that I need to explore slowly."

"But just having this enormous space to store items allows me to stockpile a massive amount of resources!"

He licked his lips, a bold plan forming in his mind.

Steven worked as a supervisor at Walmart's southern warehouse.

As the world's largest supermarket, Walmart has an extensive range of goods.

In The Astralium Kingdom, it had three giant warehouses: the central warehouse, the southern warehouse, and the northern warehouse.

These warehouses were enormous, especially the southern warehouse.

Built in 2040, it was 5,000 feet long and 2,300 feet wide, covering over a million square feet! It was the world's largest warehouse!

It was once hailed by the president of Walmart's Woodvale District as the eighth wonder of the world!

Of course, the world officially recognized only seven wonders, and the eighth wonder was a self-proclaimed title with thousands of contenders.

But the size and storage capacity of the southern warehouse indeed topped the global warehousing field.

Its stockpile could supply several cities with millions of people for a week.

In other words, if Steven could empty one warehouse and transfer the supplies to his space,

he wouldn't just be set for life; he would have enough supplies for ten lifetimes!

The key point was that Walmart's quality control was very strict.

There were no low-grade, off-brand products in the warehouse.

Whether it was food, household goods, or luxury items, they were all reputable brands.

If Steven could empty a Walmart warehouse, he wouldn't have to worry about supplies when the apocalypse came, and he could live very comfortably.

As a warehouse supervisor, Steven was extremely familiar with every shelf, surveillance equipment, and staff schedule in the warehouse.

Emptying the warehouse wouldn't be a difficult task for him.

With this plan in mind, Steven felt much more at ease.

Just then, Steven's stomach growled in protest.

He touched his stomach and glanced at the pizza on the table.

Steven hesitated for a moment, then smiled and shook his head, deciding to forgo the takeout.

"In a month, the apocalypse will be here. I should enjoy as many good things as I can now, or I might never get the chance again. Why be stingy with myself?"

Having endured a month of cold and hunger, he was now eager to eat some hot, delicious food.

Money was no longer of use to him.

After doomsday, money would become worthless paper, so he might as well spend it all now to avoid waste.

Steven turned around with a carefree attitude, ready to find a high-end restaurant he had previously been reluctant to visit and have a hearty meal.

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