Chapter Two
“People that aren’t happy in their marriage either get counseling to fix it or get a divorce so spare me the lies. We are both too old for this foolishness. Now get the hell out of my house and try to forget where I live.” I walked to the door to unlock it when for the second time I was picked up and carried away to my room only this time I kicked and screamed all the way there.
“Put me down! Have you really gone insane?” He drops me onto my bed and pushes me down climbing on top of me and kisses me hard. Why is everyone not following the rules? Kissing is only permitted on the neck and below but never on the lips. We always had wild and crazy sex but when he started kissing me he developed feelings and I don’t like him or any man like that and if I have my way, I never will. They keep thinking they can change me and are highly disappointed when they finally realize they can’t, then I am the bad guy. Oh well, I’ll take that title if it helps them sleep better at night. They are warned not to develop feelings and not to express them if they do but they never listen. When I don’t reciprocate or laugh as I usually do when they tell me I’m called “a cold-hearted bitch” instead of the usual terms of endearment. Moving my face back and forth to get him to stop only seems to turn him on as I can feel him getting harder given our current position. Note to self: start wearing your underwear to bed.
Taking advantage of my distracted state I hear paper tearing right before I feel him enter me and gasps then starts thrusting.
“Damn baby you feel good.”
“Tell me something I don’t know. Hurry up cause I have to shower before I go.” He slows down and looks down at me frowning a little.
“Where are you going and who are you going to be with this early in the morning?” I know he is not asking me questions.
“That’s none of your business and like I said you need to hurry up.” Suddenly he pulls out then rams hard and deep into me making me cry out but not in a good way. Pushing him off of me I get out of bed and slap him as hard as I can and run to the front door yelling as loud as I can.
“GET THE HELL OUT AND NEVER COME BACK! I lost my head for a second but I’m back now. You will never again come to my house or something bad will happen to you. I promise.”
“You don’t have to worry about me coming back. If I wanted to deal with a crazy bitch I’d stay with my wife.”
“Yeah yeah just get out.” I slam the door as he’s about to say something and lock it before heading to the shower and starts getting ready.
Two hours later I’m having breakfast and coffee with my sister at our favorite place and she’s telling me about some stuff that has been going on in her relationship and honestly my mind is replaying what’s happened to me the past two days.Thankfully she hasn’t caught on that I am barely paying attention and then my phone rings and it is our mother saying she’s ready to be picked up. We pay our bills and head to the hospital and pick her up, take her to her house and get her settled. We all talk and my sister cooks her some dinner and makes enough for her to have a couple of days then we get ready to leave once we see she’s sleepy. I tell her that I’ll check on her tomorrow and we leave.
Once my sister drops me off I plop down on my couch for a minute before taking a shower and then climbing into bed and falling asleep exhausted hoping that tomorrow is a better day.
Three months have passed and things are pretty normal and quiet. My mother is doing great and recovering wonderfully from her surgery and I guess my sister is doing great as well . I haven’t seen much of her since her boyfriend proposed to her on her birthday back in January. My life both professionally and personally have been great and drama free after I set Darrell and Keith straight and got rid of that very incompetent assistant of mine. I almost lost a client due to her incompetence and my boss chewed me out, so of course she had to go. My new assistant, Stephanie, has been an absolute dream to work with so no complaints on my end. Keith called to apologize but I just hung up in his face and blocked him from any and every way he could try to contact me. I even threatened to call the police if he tried to come to my house again. He doesn’t want his wife finding out he’s been cheating so that’s one problem solved. Darrell is another story entirely. He still gets jealous but now he knows better than to voice how he’s feeling. I don’t sleep with him as much as I used to because he needs to get used to me not being around. I am not and will not be his girlfriend and he needs to accept that fact. I would hate to have to replace him but I know that time is coming.
As I finish up my paperwork I see that it is almost five o’clock which means it is time for me to clock out for the day. Finishing up my last report I straighten my desk and stand up stretching. My assistant looks at me and smiles and I give her a smile back before telling her to go home. She quickly gets up and gathers her things before practically running to the elevator. I laugh and shake my head saying, “She must have a hot date tonight.” Gathering my things I head to the elevator then to my car and head home.
The next day I awoke to sharp pains in my stomach and I don’t know how but I managed to drive myself to the emergency room. “Great this is just what I need.” My sister called my job to let them know what’s going on and then she headed up here with my mother. Now we are all in my room waiting to hear from the doctor. “I’m fine now so why can’t I just go home?” In case you haven’t guessed I hate hospitals. My mother was holding my hand and my sister was playing on her phone between texting her fiance.
Finally, after waiting for hours and having all kinds of tests done, the doctor comes in and I sit up in the bed. He’s quiet for too long for my taste so I tell him to just tell me what’s wrong. Looking around he asks if it is okay for him to speak in front of them and I tell him that it’s okay. The next few words out of his mouth are not at all what I was expecting.
“Well, Miss Chevis, we found a cyst on one of your ovaries and it seems to have burst. We couldn’t really tell from the X-Rays but it looks as though you may have another one as well. We’re going to have to perform surgery to remove it and to treat any possible infection from the other one. Given your condition, I’m sure you already know that you are prone to getting cysts.” I just nod my head yes and he continues talking.
“Have you ever had any before now? Do you have any questions for me?” My mouth seems to have gone dry and I can’t form any words. Honestly I just thought it was a bad virus or something but he’s talking about cysts and surgery and it is too much for my brain to handle at the moment. Thankfully my mother jumped right in asking questions while squeezing my hand reassuringly.
“How long will the surgery take?”
“About one to two hours if there are no complications.”
“Are they cancerous?”
“We won’t know until we remove them and do a biopsy.”
“Will she be able to have children after this?” I roll my eyes but still wait for his answer. Leave it to my mother to think about children.
“Again, we won’t really know until we get the results from the biopsy but I don’t see why not based on what I’ve seen, her ovaries look to be in good condition aside from the cysts. Do you have any more questions for me?” He looked how I felt, which was ready to go far away from my mother. I love her but she’s way too protective sometimes and she was unleashing all of that mama bear protectiveness oto this poor doctor so I spoke up finally finding my voice.
“I just have one question. When is this all supposed to take place? I have to take off from work and let my assistant know what needs to be done in my absence.”
“I would like to do it as soon as possible. I’d rather not wait since you’ve already had one burst.”
“Okay I understand. I guess I won’t be going home today.” I lean back and close my eyes.
“I’m so sorry but I have another patient. If you all have any more questions please feel free to have a nurse contact me immediately. My nurse will get you admitted and we will go from there.” He shakes all of our hands and I return to leaning back with my eyes closed soaking in the information. My mother is still holding my hand and my sister steps out to make some phone calls.
“Baby you’ll be alright. God got you and so does your family.” I open my eyes and look at her smiling slightly.
“I know he does mama and I know that you do too and I love both of you for loving me.” Sometimes you parents can work on your last nerve but they’re always there when you need them the most, and right now my thirty-seven year old behind may as well have been six cause all I wanted was my mother.
They got me to a room about an hour later and after getting all of my information, and giving me plenty of information about the surgery that was scheduled for eight in the morning, I was finally left alone for a while. Of course my mother and sister stayed with me but I sent them home when it was close to dinner time. I hugged them both and said that I would see them in the morning. They left and I laid down finally left to my own thoughts and started to cry silently though I couldn’t figure out why. Wiping my eyes I rolled onto my left side since the I.V. was in my right arm and fell asleep.
The next morning I am more than cranky and I think they can tell because I haven’t seen a nurse in a while. All night they kept coming in and out of my room checking vitals and asking if I needed anything. At one point I yelled, “Yes! I need sleep now please leave me alone.” After that their visits weren’t as often and whenever they did come in they apologized for waking me. I’ll have to remember to apologize for my behavior once I feel better because it wasn’t happening anytime soon. At around seven-thirty my mother and sister showed up and we prayed before they came to take me down for surgery. The nurses and anesthesiologist explained everything that he was going to be doing and had me read and sign some consent forms before getting started. After getting all the paperwork signed and getting me prepped, they wheeled me into the operating room. He sat in a chair next to my head and let me know that he was about to start and told me to count backwards from ten. I started to count and all I remember is getting down to seven before everything went blank. The last thing I heard was the voice of the doctor saying, “Okay let's get started.”
Three hours later I awoke in a room that wasn’t the one I was in before surgery and I tried to talk but something was stopping me. I began to panic and when I went to remove the obstruction, hands came out of nowhere to stop me. The nurses started talking to me and explained that it was a breathing tube put in to help me breathe but they could take it out now if I wanted. Slowly I began to calm down and I shook my head yes to remove the tube. They gave me a few sips of water to help my scratchy throat and believe me those few sips felt like Heaven. I laid there just looking around for a few seconds then asked where I was and where my family was. One of the nurses was taking my vitals and the one told me that they were in the waiting room and that I was in a recovery room, and that I would be taken back to my room within an hour. She also said that my family was in the waiting room being informed by the doctor about how the surgery went and she told me that it went well before I could ask then told me to relax and let my voice rest. I leaned back against my pillow and started getting drowsy and I was knocked out again.
The next time I woke up, I was back in my regular room and my family was there watching television or playing on their phones. I just laid there quietly until I started coughing. Since my mother was closest to me she gave me my cup of water and I sipped through the straw greedily. When I was done I laid back against my pillow then I noticed them looking at me so I smiled and said “I’m awake.” We all burst out laughing but I stopped quickly because laughing hurt.