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The Enemy Of Your Ememy

As the old saying goes, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. Elaine was simply following the old saying. Jimmy was getting married to Ria even after their two years of relationship, wouldn't it be fair that she gets married too? To someone who was more dashing, wealthy and influential than him? After all, fair is fair.

If there was one thing that hated to the core, it was time waste and Jimmy wasted two good years of her life. All those fake dates, the kisses, the fun, everything. He would have to pay for them. Those times that she spent with him instead of working were precious to her. And Ria? Her role in the betrayal was an insult and she would have a piece of her vengeance soon.

“So we have a deal?” His deep voice that dripped with sexiness broke her away from her thoughts.

As if sealing her fate, her eyes met with his.

“When are we having a wedding?”

Xavier laughter echoed through the room, his throat bobbing as he drained the content of his glance in one single gulp. “One might think you're desperate to become my wife, no?” With his eyes on her, he teased.

“I’m only desperate to restore my company and watch those who betrayed me crumble to dust.”

Before he could reply, the blaring sound of his phone reverberated in the quiet room. Pressing on the green button, he placed the phone on his ears.

“Boss,” the person on the other line spoke.


“The reporters are here, boss. We've lured them into the hotel. They must be outside your suite as we didn't bother stopping them.”

“Good job. Keep them occupied.”

The line went off. Elaine gaped at him.

“You got the reporters to follow us? Why?”

“If we want to make this look real, we need them. You know, us in this suite alone must mean just one thing, darling.” He took a sip from his drink. “I’ll do all the work. You just have to be present, doll.”

She frowned. The men in Jimmy’s family must all be crazy. She thought. Just this time, in this arranged relationship between them, she’d be the one doing the using, not the other way around.

Together, they stepped out for the presidential suite, the reporters immediately crowding them at the first step that they took, demanding answers to their questions.

Elaine’s heartbeat increased.

She felt Xavier wrap his hand around her protectively as they walked through the swarm of reporters.

“Mr Romano, what do you have with the bully?” One of the reporters yelled a question. Xavier stilled.

“About that,” he started. “The reports are false. My fiancée is being wrongfully accused of being a bully. The truth will come to light soon.”


The roar of questions increased, the reporters surging forward only to be halted by the wall of security guards who paved way for Elaine and Xavier as they walked out of the hotel, his hand wrapped around her waist.

The day's incident and the words of Xavier Romano continued ringing in Elaine’s mind even as she walked into the Rock mansion, the servants bows ignored as she made her way the living room.

In the words of Xavier before he dropped her off, their wedding would be taking place soon. That means, she would pay back Ria and Jimmy soon.

As the servants pushed open the door of the living room, all eyes turned to her, their full attention now focused on her.

“Speak of the devil.”

She heard their murmurs, hatred, and resentment laced in their voices that she could almost taste them.

“Good evening,” She greeted with a feigned smile.

Her gaze shifted from her dear mother, Bianca to her first sister, Emily before finally settling on Ria who was the center of attention before she walked in. They were all over her crying self, patting her back and consoling her.

“Elaine!” Their mother roared.

Rolling her eyes, she turned to make her way up the stairs, heading to her room but before she could take more than a few steps, Bianca blocked her path, her red hair tied in a tight bun as she glared at her.

The sound of a slap ripped throughout the living room, the silence frigid and penetrating.

Elaine’s head whipped to the side, her hair cascading over her face, shielding her expression from view.

“How dare you do that to Ria? Was it because Jimmy choose her over you? Are you so jealous of your sister’s success that you stooped so low?”

“Mother,” Elaine’s voice shook.

“Don’t. I've tolerated your insolence up until now. But this, I will not excuse.

Emily charged forward, her fingers digging into Elaine’s arms as she forced her to face her.

“Did you come back to finish the work properly? How dare you show your face after what you did to our sister,” She spat.

“I didn’t do anything her. She’s lying.”

“Just one time that you have to help this family. This is why I tried to convince Ria to stop being obsessed with your little fashion ventures like you.” Emily spather words like daggers. “She could have been part of our family’s business under me.”

Elaine’s fist clenched as she turned to their mother, he voice gentle.

“Mom, you have to believe in your dau…” But before she could complete her words, Bianca turned away rm her, giving her cold shoulders. Elaine’s heart crumbled. What had she even expected? Her whole life, it has always been about Ria, Ria and Ria, the cute pretty youngest child who could captivate the world with a single word.

“Ria,” Elaine called. “Why don’t you tell everyone the truth? Did I for once do as you accused me of? I treated you even more than my employees. Tell them, liar.”


“Sister Emily, let it be.” Ria slowly rose from the couch. “Sister Elaine said that she didn’t do it, maybe she was only disciplining me and I took it seriously.” She rushed to the two sisters who seemed that they would pounce on each other if care was not taken, her sweet and calm pitiful voice sounding like a lullaby.

Emily stared, her eyes welling up in sympathy.

“That’s a lie. See how you look, she put you into this. Ever since we’re kids, Elaine has always been the jealous one. She can’t stand seeing someone succeed, especially if they’re better than her. She’s just a jealous bullying bitch.”

Elaine’s eyes flashed in annoyance, her head tilting back in exasperation. No one was talking about the fact that Ria stole her man. “So everyone’s going to act ignorant? like you all don’t know Jimmy was my boyfriend and Ria is getting married to him?”

Bianca replied,

“It’s not anyone's fault that you can’t keep a man.”

“So Ria stealing my man now has to do with me? She seduced him, they cheated behind my back and all of a sudden, I’m the bad person?” She chucked in disbelief. “I can’t believe this. Don't you have a heart of your own, Ria? I worked so hard for everything I had and you destroyed it all, everything I worked my ass for. You always have to take what’s mine. Well, Good luck with the hand-me-downs.”

Just then, Elaine’s phone pinged, announcing the arrival of a new message. Bianca’s hand shot out, grabbing the device with speed.

“Xavier Romano?” She exclaimed, her eyes widening as she read the message aloud.

“Get your things ready. You’re moving in with me.”

Everyone’s gaze snapped to Elaine.

“What do you have with him?” Bianca demanded.

“Oh, y’all missed the headlines, I see.” Elaine’s lips curved into a smile at the horror on her family’s face. Perfect, just perfect. “Well, I’m getting married to Xavier Romano. The one and only. Be happy for me.”

“What?” They exclaimed in unison.

He phone pinged a second time and Bianca wasted no time to read out loud, her voice laced with disbelief.

“And oh, tell your damn family to keep their doors open. I hate knocking.”

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