Chapter 6
Perched on the edge of a cliff, she focused her camera lens on the most beautiful sunrise she had ever seen. Nobody was up yet. Having spent the last day covering more miles than before, everyone was wiped out. Not her though. No, she was vibrating with energy that compelled her to just keep exploring and never stop. She was busy aiming her camera when she heard footsteps behind her and she turned around: “Oh hey Taylor”.
“Stay away from him, will you”. An irritated, aggressive reply came in return.
Shocked at Taylor’s almost violent tone she turned completely towards her. “Taylor, we’re just friends, okay? You have nothing to worry about from me. You just have to go tell him about how you feel”. Raegan tried to be polite even though her temper was already starting to flare at Taylor’s stupidity. Instead of growing a pair and telling Chris about her feelings she took her to be the easy prey. Yeah, not likely kiddo.
“Do you think I’m stupid? Do you think I can’t see how hard you are trying to get him in your bed? You’re pathetic. Just stay away from him if you know what’s good for you. HE IS MINE”.
“Whoa, okay. You guys go break a leg. I really couldn’t care less”. With that Raegan turned around with her camera in hand.
“Why don’t I just break your neck bitch”. Taylor rushed forward like an angry tornado. Raegan turned back, but wasn’t fast enough before she was shoved hard off the cliff. With a shocked cry she fell backwards. A scream ripped through her throat while she tried frantically to find something to grab onto – to break her fall. But she kept falling.
There were trees below. Pointy pines that loomed near – deadly – she closed her eyes; readying herself to get impaled on one – but luckily she just got tangled up in branches on her way down that slashed at her exposed face and neck, her hair ripping out of her head. The torture didn’t stop even when she hit the ground as her body kept rolling downhill – her head hit a tree trunk and everything went black.
Before embracing the oblivion – her body screaming with pain and broken bones – the last thought that occurred in her mind was “Finally – I’ll meet them again”.
On his way back from meeting with his mate, Christian Dragomir D’evreux halted in his steps. He was nearing the portal when a gust of wind hit him in the face bringing with it a scent – blood – human blood - a lot of it by the smell. He lifted his nose in the air and inhaled deep and long – and froze. The sickly sweet of death hadn't yet permeated the air but something in his gut told him that death prowled very near. There was a bleeding human lying somewhere near who might still be alive and in need of instant help. Probably a tourist, he thought.
He ran towards the scent of blood – cloaking himself, he summoned his wings and took off flying to cover more ground. He flew higher in the air; gaze sharp, searching the dark grounds beneath, his nose following the scent. He spotted a bent leg peaking from behind a fallen tree trunk. He landed swiftly next to the severely injured girl who was probably taking her last breaths if the brokenness of them was any indicator. She wouldn’t make it to the nearest hospital even if he flew her there. Her breathing was becoming shallower by the second.
Mind made – he gently scooped the unconscious girl and flew back to the portal. The healers of Evreux would have to work a miracle on her now – they were her only hope at life.
Bringing her limp body close to his chest he tucked her face in the crook of his neck bringing her in contact with his skin to take her across. He was careful of her many broken bones and ruined flesh.
He entered the portal, praying for the girl’s life, who seemed to be no more than a college student. She had so much to see yet – she shouldn’t die. He felt sympathy for the poor child. His son would look about her age if he wasn’t still stuck in that wretched curse. That thought brought a pang of sadness deep in his heart – for not only his son but many others who were living a life he wouldn’t wish upon his worst enemy – maybe upon Velar, he grunted to himself and wretch of a witch.
Dragomir hurried towards the healers’ crypts. That was exactly what the name suggested. Under the city was the healers’ town because they needed to be near the pure water outlets, and rich, nurturing and pure soil for their magic to work best. They needed to be away from the impurities of the world above the ground.
After making sure the healers would be looking after the girl, he headed back to the fortress to seek out his son – to tell him all about his mother and read him her love filled letter. He knew the heartbreak his son and mate suffered for not being able to see each other and it tore away at his heart.
The next day Dragomir had sent his son; Valiance to bring news of the girl and see how she was doing. And automatically Damien had tagged along. Those boys were inseparable since they were kids and for that he was thankful – he was thankful to Dimi for always being there for his son. For the lonliness of the curse would've been too much for his kind hearted son. the boy who felt so deeply for every one around him. who loved with all of his heart and who was loved in return by every one who met him. Now Valiance - he would've made a perfect king for the people of Evreux. if only he could find his mate who would break his curse and love him ,like he deserved.