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Chapter7: Crushing the Archery Champion

"Elbert, I suggest you change your bow, or our match can end right now!"

Rex adjusted his glasses and wiped away tears of laughter. "It's not that I look down on you, but with that bow, your arrow won't fly five meters!"

"First, I need a 40-meter target."


Elbert gently blew the dust off his horn bow and calmly said, "Since Mr. Ingram is so sure I can't shoot an arrow, let's raise the stakes. Do you dare to stand in front of the bullseye?"

"This kid is interesting!"

Rex, not wanting to lose an ounce of his composure, casually swung his arm and walked toward the bullseye.

"Trying to show off in front of the girls, I get it, but the way you're doing it is impossible and will only make you lose face!"

Rex found the whole situation absurd!

With Elbert's small frame, he couldn't even draw the horn bow.

At a distance of 40 meters, forget about shooting; even if I stood still and let you throw it, you wouldn't reach me!

However, this match does serve a purpose!

In a bit, this kid will have to eat lunch standing on his head in front of my father, which will be the joke of the year!

He'll never be able to show his face in the Brown Family again!

Thinking of this, Rex couldn't help but show a mocking smile.

Meanwhile, Elbert selected the thickest arrow from the quiver beside him, made entirely of metal and as large as a spear!

The bowstring made a taut sound, scattering dust everywhere!

Rex elegantly turned around in front of the bullseye, only to be stunned in an instant!

Elbert moved, bending his arm, drawing the bow, aiming—all in one fluid motion, without the slightest hesitation, like flowing water!

180 pounds?

For Elbert, whose strength was enhanced to 286%, with a single-arm strength of 100 kilograms, it was very simple!

The moment he picked up the bow and arrow, countless archery techniques flashed through Elbert's mind like lightning, everything coming together naturally!

At this moment, Mary and Susan were just behind, looking up at Elbert.

They saw a tall figure, with long arms drawing a giant horn bow, forming a perfect full moon, exuding an innate wild aura. Under the dazzling sunlight, he looked as handsome as a sculpted Greek deity.

They were dumbfounded.

To draw such a giant horn bow to this terrifying extent, how much arm strength would it take?

Having tried to draw this big bow themselves, the two girls knew how rigid the bow was and how difficult it was to move the bowstring!

Seeing this scene, not just them, even Rex, who had won six championships, had his pupils contract instantly!

"Brother-in-law, don't shake!"

Elbert's arm was now fully extended, his left eye slightly squinted, his sight precisely locked onto the bullseye down to the millimeter!

And the wind speed of 1.5 meters per second, the weight of the steel arrow, the rate of speed decay—everything was under control!

With such precise data, combined with god-level archery skills.

In terms of archery skills alone, Elbert was the best in the world!

Suddenly, Elbert slightly tilted his head and gave the two girls a mischievous smile. "Ladies, do you faint at the sight of blood?"

The two girls, who were mesmerized by Elbert's handsome stance, suddenly gasped.

Standing in front of the bullseye was their handsome brother-in-law!

Elbert gently closed his eyes.

It was a blind shot!

The next moment, the giant arrow, as large as a spear, flew from Elbert's hand.The sound of the arrow slicing through the air, whistling, rushed towards Rex!

This arrow had the momentum to destroy everything in its path!

Rex had forgotten to dodge; the sheer force of the arrow left him no time to react!

The iron arrow pierced through Rex's collar, lifting his body into the air!


Rex's body was carried two meters away, crashing directly into the target set up earlier!

The massive arrow penetrated the bullseye, stopping halfway through.

And Rex, like a prisoner hung on the city wall, was left dangling below the bullseye, his clothes pulled up, exposing half of his belly, his expression dazed!

Everything happened too quickly.

By the time the two girls reacted.

Elbert calmly put away his bow and arrow.

Their brother-in-law had failed miserably!

"Brother-in-law, are you okay?"

Mary and Susan exclaimed simultaneously.

The two girls quickly ran to Rex's side but couldn't pull out the arrow embedded in the bullseye.

Rex, still in shock, stood there in a daze.

It was too outrageous!

Such a bow, such an arrow, spanning 40 meters, lifting Rex, and hitting the bullseye dead center!

"Elbert, you went too far!"

"You shouldn't do something so dangerous!"

Mary stood with her hands on her hips, her face flushed with anger.

"It was just a match."

Elbert put away his bow and lit a cigarette, looking indifferent. "By the way, I think I won, right?"

Susan pointed at Elbert with her small hand. "I'm going to tell our third sister and have her kick you out!"


Elbert shrugged. "Tattle about what? This was your idea for a match! Besides, he didn't get hurt."

"Elbert, you..."

Mary was about to continue arguing but was interrupted by Rex, who had regained his composure.

Rex grabbed the iron arrow and yanked it out forcefully.

After straightening his clothes, he seemed to return to normal.

But his face was now as dark as a stormy sky.

"It's okay, Elbert and I were just having a friendly competition. Don't blame him."

Rex said, his eyes sharply fixed on Elbert.

Robert's voice came through: "This guy's reflexes are beyond reconciliation with you."

"Wait! This guy is not ordinary!"

As Robert exclaimed in surprise, a detail in Elbert's perspective was magnified.

Rex's hand, holding the steel arrow, pressed it with his fingers, bending it instantly!

It was a small action, invisible to the naked eye, but it didn't escape Robert's monitoring!

Robert reminded, "A steel arrow, easily bent by a single finger, is not normal human strength!"

A flash of surprise crossed Elbert's face, and he smiled. "Mr. Ingram, are you okay? I just happen to have some brute strength from working on construction sites."

Elbert wasn't lying. Due to the aftereffects of his eye injury, he had been plagued by neurogenic headaches for three years, making it impossible to hold a long-term job, so he could only do odd jobs at restaurants and construction sites.

"I'm fine. Let's call it a day for archery practice and get ready for lunch!"

In an instant, Rex smiled brightly, as if nothing had happened, changing his expression like flipping a switch.

No one noticed that Rex's fists were clenched so tightly they turned white.

His gaze at Elbert was now as fierce as a beast's!

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