Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Ch3 You're a what?

"Wait here," one man said as they left, shutting the door behind them.

There was a desk in the room; on one side was a normal wooden chair, probably meant for me, and on the other side was a wooden chair with red velvet-like fabric covering the seat and back. It could be a throne. There were books on the desk as well as a green lamp.

A man appeared behind me and made me jump.

"Oh, I do apologise, child. Didn't mean to startle you." The man was wearing a Severus Snape-like robe, only the underside was red and the outside was black. He had brown hair gelled down.

"It's fine," I assured him. He sat down and signaled me to do the same. I did.

"My name is Robert, Robert Leatherman. And you are...?"

"Anastasia Webb," I introduced myself. He nodded, crossing his hands together on the desk.

He began to speak again, "There is a talk going around the realm that a new face has entered. No one knows where you come from or who you are. So tell me, do you come from a different coven?"

"Coven? Realm? What are you talking about? I came from my house, from the cave." I was so confused.

"Cave? What cave? Start at the beginning. How did you get here?" With a nod, I told him how my dad gave me the key that revealed the stairs leading to the cave-like underground.

"The wall was rough. As my hand rubbed on it, I cut my finger." I went to show him my finger, but when I looked down, it was healed.

"Healed finger?" He nodded knowingly. I hid my hand and finished telling him how the cave wall opened to reveal the 'realm.' He nodded. "Your healed finger is proof that you are not a mere mortal."

I heard a bang behind me. I turned to see a man walk in.

He was wearing a black suit with a black tie on a white shirt. He walked past me and sat on the chair in front of me at the desk, the same chair that had been occupied by Mr. Leatherman, but Robert was nowhere to be seen. My mouth opened to say something but closed at a lack of what to say.

The man in front looked at me; his eyes seemed to pierce my soul.

"Which coven are you from? What are you doing here?" he asked in a monotone voice. If Mr. Leatherman looked like Severus Snape, this man sounded like him.

"I'm Anastasia," I told him. He raised an eyebrow.

"Tell him you're from the Midnight Coven," I jumped as I heard Mr. Leatherman speak next to me.

"Why did you jump?" the man in front of me asked, sounding bored. It seemed the man in front of me couldn't see Robert.

"Um, nothing," I assured. Robert nodded to tell him what he had said. "I'm from the Midnight Coven." I looked to Robert, who just nodded.

"Hmmm, and what are you doing here?"

"Tell him you were kicked out for helping a mortal." I repeated what Robert told me, although I wasn't sounding too convincing. But this man, it seemed, didn't really care.

"Well then," he stood, and so did I. He stuck out his hand for me to shake. "I am Head of Council, Thomas Birch. Welcome to the Uni-Taur Coven. Meet me here tomorrow for your initiation." He let go of my hand and, without a word, dismissed me from his office.

"Let's take you back to the cave, and I shall explain everything," Robert told me, his hand on my upper arm. I walked outside.

"Who was that?" I asked, referring to Mr. Birch.

"Shhh, don't speak. Just walk." People, I noticed, were looking at us, at me. I put it down to me being new.

"Yeah, but..."

"Shhh, I am not here. Do you understand? I'm. Not. Here."

I shut right up.

Then we got to where the cave wall had opened. I crossed my arms across my chest as I saw the side of a mountain once more. The mountain wall opened, and the two of us walked in. The cave wall closed behind us.

"I want coffee. Do you want coffee? We should get coffee," Robert asked. Now it was my turn to raise an eyebrow. He looked down in shame. "You may speak now. I'm sorry." I rolled my eyes.

Robert sat down against the cave wall, and I followed suit. He gave me a side smile and began his tale. "My name is Robert, and I'm a spirit. I died in 1980. I was burned."

I stood up and threw my arms in the air angrily, "Why can't you just speak the truth?" I shouted.

"I am," he assured as he too stood for emphasis. He reminded me how Mr. Birch couldn't see him and all the people outside couldn't see him either. I thought for a moment and started to believe him. "I would like to meet your father now, find out what immortal he is." We started to walk back home, and he said.

I shook my head, "You can't. He's dead."

I hugged myself as Robert stopped walking.

"Oh dear. Well, how did he die?"

"Three bullets to the chest."

"Silver bullets?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Hmmm, not a werewolf then?" He was thinking hard.

"My father is dead," I screamed. "I don't care if he was immortal!"

We were now at the stone steps that led to my house. I sat on the bottom step. He sat next to me and apologised. I accepted his apology by nodding.

After a while, we made our way up. We were able to find a switch that opened the floor that led into the study. Robert looked around the study, went through books and notes and files, whilst I just sat at the desk. I took my phone from the desk and put it into my pocket.

After about an hour

"Well, after studying and looking at everything in this room, I conclude your parents were human, but you are not." Robert said.


So that's the end of the chapter. See you next week with the next. Please don't forget to comment and vote.

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