Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Ch4 I'm a what?

Hi lovely readers, thank you for reading this far, you are amazing, here's the next chapter, enjoy.


"Well, after studying and looking at everything in this room, I conclude your parents were human, but you are not."

My shoulders sagged. I had watched enough movies to know that if my parents were human and I am not, it means they weren't my real parents, so obviously, I was going to argue with him.

"How could you possibly know this?" Hmm, seemed like a good question.

He pulled out a photo album, "How old did you say you were?"

"Twenty-two?" I answered, a little worried.

"You were born in 2001?"

"Yes, in November." I was very worried now.

He opened the photo album to a picture of my parents. They looked happy, drinking beer.

"The picture was taken on Halloween. Look at your mother, look at her stomach." I looked and realised she wasn't pregnant in the picture. If I was born in November, shouldn't she have a big belly in this picture?

"Maybe the pictures were mixed up," I concluded, "from a different year."

"Look through the whole album. There isn't one picture of your mother pregnant."

He was right. So maybe my mother was too shy to have her picture taken during pregnancy, but even I knew that was a long shot.

"We could check the library in the other realm, do research on your parents. What about your mother? I take it she died too?"

I nodded.


"Car accident."

"Your mother was definitely human. Immortals cannot die in a car accident. It's impossible," he shrugged.

We made our way back down to the other realm. My blood wasn't needed to open the portal again, as the cave wall 'recognized' me, as Robert said.

Once in the other realm, he took me in a different direction to the library. Once there, I saw thousands of shelves filled with thousands of books. I could get lost and be happy here; it was amazing.

"First, I need to know your father's name?"

"Steven. Steven Webb," I nodded as we walked towards a computer. I sat down at the desk and started my research. Robert talked me through what to do, but when I typed Steven Webb, it pulled up no results. This was complete proof that my parents were human, but we were sure I was immortal, so the question arose: what am I?

"We need to find out who your real parents are," Robert concluded. I already knew this.

"How? I never even knew my parents weren't my real parents. They never even mentioned anything." Even with his final breath, my dad just said 'desk,' nothing about him not being my real dad. I didn't know what upset me more: the fact that they weren't my real parents or the fact that they never told me, not even with their last breath.

"Well, there is a way, a human way, but effective."

I raised an eyebrow as if to say 'yes?'

"A DNA test."

I scoffed at Robert's suggestion. "It will be effective, and it's instant in this realm," Robert said quickly. He then pointed at a man and told me to ask him to do the test. I huffed but obliged.

"Excuse me," I whispered after walking to the man Robert had pointed out.

"Yes?" The man turned to me, he had blue eyes and his ears were pointy, he had light brown hair.

"I would like to have a DNA test done please," I said politely.

"On?" He asked, sounding bored.

"Myself," I told him as I rocked on my feet back and forth.

He looked me up and down then walked me back to the computer I had been using.

"Sit," he instructed. I did. But the chair now faced him, so I was no longer facing the computer.

"Hold your hands out, palms facing up," I did as he said. He then held his hands above mine palms facing down, not touching my hands but hovering above them. I was looking at him as he closed his eyes. There were sparks between our hands, not painful but cold, the sparks flew towards the computer screen and I looked at the screen to read but one name.

Edward Long.

"That is your father," the man told me, then walked away.

"Thank you," I called after him, he just gave me a wave without even a backward glance.

"Wait, I've heard of him, this man was killed by the council," Robert announced.

"Great," I said sarcasticall. My father was a wanted man, a criminal, by the sound of it.

"Type his name in the search bar," Robert seemed excited. I searched the man: he was married to Maria, and after they got married a prophecy was revealed to them. It was revealed that their first born child would rule, not just the coven but the realm.

It also said that the couple were killed by the council, before they had any children. They were killed because they revealed their secret of being witches to a couple of mortals-this was a big no no. It also said that the council, instead of killing the mortals, erased the memory of the mortals in question, as the couple had a child, and the council didn't want to make the child an orphan.

The names of the mortal couple was also mentioned-I'll give you three guesses as to who the couple were-yes you guessed it. Steven, and Caroline Webb.

I sat back in the chair to get my head around this new information.

There were so many holes in this story.

The librarian came back with a black leather book. He put it on the desk-the book had no title and it was closed with a button

"I was entrusted with this journal, it belonged to your father. It cannot be opened by anyone but they who have the same blood as him. It was lost, no one knew he had an heir. Word of warning: don't tell anyone who you are," he warned.

"But why?" I asked.

"Did you read about him? The prophecy?"

I nodded.

"It is said that the firstborn of Edward Long would rule over the realm. But you're a woman, and the council would sooner kill you than allow you to rule."

I was gobsmacked. This wasn't their decision to make; it's what the prophecy revealed.

"Look, my advice? Read his journal, see what it says, then make your decision." He was right. I nodded a thank you, and he left.

Robert and I left the library and made our way back to my house. Robert, however, decided to stay in the other realm. He decided I needed space. He was probably right.

The question "Did I want to be part of this world?" lingered in the air as I walked into the study, closed the floor, and made my way into the kitchen. I made myself a bacon sandwich and sat at the dining table to read the journal. It took me less than ten minutes to read the whole thing.

Everything made more sense now.

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