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Ch5 The revelation

After the prophecy was revealed to Edward and Maria, they were happy, but they knew a girl wouldn't make it too far. So they prayed for a boy. They told no one of the pregnancy when Maria became pregnant and moved to the mortal world, telling friends that they were going on holiday. They lived in the mortal world and checked into a mortal hospital when the time to give birth came.

When a girl was born, they decided that the only way to keep her safe was to give her up. So after Maria was discharged from the hospital, Edward and Maria began looking for someone to adopt Anastasia. They needed someone they could trust, but also someone that wouldn't cause suspicion.

They had decided an orphanage was out of the question. They found a mortal couple that had no children of their own; this couple was perfect. Not only did they have no children, they had no family, not many friends. They were perfect, as no one would question a sudden child.

They went to their house and explained the situation. Edward had explained to Steven that he was a witch, and he explained the prophecy and also explained how his daughter was in danger due to being a girl. Steven promised that he would look after young Anastasia. Edward asked Steven to send Anastasia to the other realm on her sixteenth birthday, so that she can receive her powers. To this, Steven and his wife had both promised.

Of course, the question remained: how would young Anastasia get to the magical realm? Edward and Maria smiled wide; it was time to show these mortals what witches could do.

Edward and Maria, with a wide smile and a tiny bit of showing off, proceeded in making the desk and the tunnel. They made a key, which Edward gave to Steven, telling him to give this key to Anastasia when she turns sixteen. Edward explained to Steven that no one except Anastasia will be able to enter the tunnel, as Edward had used his DNA to lock the desk. The tunnel was easy to make; Edward had used magic to dig. Maria helped all she could, as she was still recovering from labor; she really couldn't help much.

Steven and Caroline were fascinated as they watched Edward and Maria at work. If there had been any doubt in Steven's mind about Edward being a witch, the doubt was no more.

Edward made sure that there was a light source after his daughter entered the tunnel network under the house. He used a spell to create light and also made sure there was only one path. Because they were in a tunnel network, he found there to be many paths, so he and Maria made sure to block all the paths they were not using.

Maria also used a well-revised spell to make sure that no rats, bats, or spiders could come in here. She hated rats, bats, and creepy crawlies; she shivered just thinking about them, to which her husband smiled knowingly. Maria rolled her eyes at him as she completed the spell.

Halfway through building this tunnel, Edward had removed his jacket and shirt, finding it hot. Maria simply used another spell to fan her husband. Steven, Caroline, Edward, and Maria had a good laugh.

"Will all these spells hold for sixteen years?" Steven asked.

"That's the great thing about magic," Edward began with a hand on Steven's shoulder, "these spells will last forever."

Edward smiled. Steven looked at Maria, and Maria smiled with a nod, confirming what Edward had said to be true.

"Wow," Steven whistled, "I wish I could do magic," to which Edward just smiled, as if to say, "You have no idea what you're missing."

Finally, he found the spot he thought would be perfect for the portal. He wrote the incantation on the wall, cut his finger to seal the spell with his blood, and ensured that only his blood could open the portal. He then created the boulders that would block the portal. Finally, the portal leading to the magical realm was ready. Edward was proud of his work. He then left the portal, wrote everything in his journal, with a promise to be back.

He blinked to the library and entrusted the librarian with the journal, making him promise to give it to his daughter when she comes.

The journal ended there, and things started to make sense now. After Edward had returned to Steven's house, the council must have found out that Edward had broken a rule.

So the council killed him and his wife.

Then they must have gone to kill the mortals, but when they saw that the mortals had a child, they settled to wipe their memories instead. Because Steven and Caroline had no memory of meeting Edward, they didn't send me to the other realm on my sixteenth birthday.

Now it was time to decide what I should do. The prophecy stated I was a ruler, but the realm wasn't ready for a female ruler. It was my right. But I knew nothing of this world.

I knew nothing about being a witch, and most importantly, I had no powers.


Sorry for short chapter.

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