3. A Deal Struck
“Do you honestly think you can keep me here? You know who my mother is.” Then the God of the Dead did the strangest thing. He threw his head back; his deep laughter began to reverberate off the walls. When his laughter died down, he looked at me. “I never would have thought Demeter’s daughter would be so funny.” In his laughter I had the opportunity to move away from his enormous frame and now stood with my hands firmly on my hips glaring up at him.
“All right my little goddess if you want to go, I will take you back to your mothers, but I will not be doing it for free.” I stared at him with a determined look in my eyes. “Here is what I will do, you are to visit me.” I moved further away from him, my face changing to depict my confusion about why the King of the Underworld wanted my company and then I replied “Hades I can not continue to visit you. My mother would never permit it and even if she did, I have no way to return to this place." Hades looked at me as if he expected me to say as much.
“My little goddess, your mother needn’t know and as for your travel it will not always be to my kingdom, sometimes it will be on earth. But I do have something that will make any location possible.” Suddenly, he held out his hand and a gold necklace appeared, there was a small pendant in the center. He handed it to me. I began to exam the necklace. “It is a golden drachma.” I raised my eyes to meet him hoping he would explain. “The pendent, the coin is a golden drachma. When it gets warm on your skin you will know I am summoning you and you will flip the coin over and it will teleport you to wherever I am.” I nodded and then shook my head.
“You can agree to my terms, or you can choose to stay. I am perfectly fine with the latter.” My face fell. “Fine, I will visit with you.” I mumbled under my breath. “Good then it is a deal.” "But first I need your name." "Persephone." He said my name and my breath hitched as he said it. I felt the deal snap into place. That is how it worked with us gods, a deal was law. “Now turn around Persephone Darling.” I shivered at the way he said my name. I liked the way his dark deep voice spoke each syllable. I turned, giving Hades my back. He moved swiftly and I felt his body pressed into me from behind. Another flutter came from my stomach, my skin once again heating. He was so close and yet not close enough. His smell engulfed me.
I tried to keep my breath steady as he began to lift my long light red hair. It was not dark like my mother's. Her hair was more of an auburn as mine was a lighter shade of red. Hades moved my hair to the front and placed my new necklace on from behind. His fingers brushed against my skin. I kept telling myself to remain calm, but once his fingers started to move over the expanse of skin, he had access to, I let out a soft moan. It was almost a whisper, and I knew I had never made that sound.
I wanted to shuffle away from him, but I stood frozen, my feet glued to his marble floor. Hades suddenly removed his hands from my neck and descended them down the sides of my body. Feeling my curves slowly as he went. Once he got to my hips, he pulled his massive arms around me and moved me closer to him. His face moved to the crook of my neck. I felt his hot breath on my skin. “You smell like a rose. Thats what you are my rose.”
I thought I would lose myself in that moment if I didn’t get away. My body was doing strange things. I had already released a sound I didn’t even know I could make. I had to make my body separate from his. It was an internal battle. Hades’ embrace was consuming me. His body was so much larger than mine. He was warm and something about him felt comforting, but I knew this was wrong. He was the God of Death, evil incarnate my mother told me. I forced myself to pull away from him. It felt physically like I had been hit in the stomach at the separation.
I turned back around to face him. There he was Hades, king of the underworld. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know if I should say anything. He nodded. “Well, my little Goddess, I guess it is time for you to return to your mother's estate. But remember the golden drachma will get warm when I wish for a visit, so please do not make me wait too long for your presence.” I nodded and then I thought of something. “Hades, if my mother sees the necklace she won’t like it. She will take it from me.”
Hades smiled “Demeter will not see it, just do not remove it for any reason Persephone Darling.” There he was again saying my name and I felt all fluttery again. This had to be one of his gifts as a god. I had been taught about all of them and whatever this sensation was, it was never mentioned to me. But it had to be something related to him and his divinity. I was then standing in the rose garden back at my mother's estate. Hades was nowhere in sight.
I didn’t know how long I had been gone. I looked up and saw the sun was still bright in the sky. But that did not confirm anything. I didn’t know if there was a difference in time between here in the Underworld. I hoped that time had existed the same there. I tried to think how long I had been gone but I had no notion. The best thing I could do was to find my mother.
I decided it was best to find a nymph first, somewhere outside of the home. That way if I was still supposed to remain outdoors, I would not be violating any more than I already had. It didn’t take me long to find someone. “Where is my mother?” The nymph responded politely “Demeter will not be back tonight. She has gone to Olympus, she said she would be back soon and that you shouldn’t worry.” Then the nymph smiled at me. I didn’t know why she was going there.
Mother never went to Olympus without warning. She always told me before she went. I worried she had found out I had been with Hades and my heart began to beat rapidly. Was she going there to do something about it? I didn’t know. I looked at the nymph who was still standing in front of me. “Do you know why she left in such a hurry?” The nymph shook her head. But my concern was written across my face. “Persephone, I don’t know if this is the reason, but she stormed out of the house after the lightning and then she left for Olympus immediately.” After a pause, the nymph looked around and whispered. “You know which god calls lightning?”
She was talking about Zues. He had been in my house. He had been there with Hades. The two of them had kicked my mother out to talk about their father, or at least something along those lines. I had heard the name Kronos. This whole interaction had driven her to Olympus, it was not because of me. I felt relief knowing I had not disappointed her. I never wanted to do that to her. She had done everything for me, and I knew what I had done with Hades would have broken her heart. I thanked the nymph and walked back towards my house.
My chest felt heavy, I didn’t know how I would continue this deal with Hades. I knew I had no choice despite wanting to get out of it. But when gods made deals, we had to stick to them, and I had gone and done just that. Not that I had any kind of choice in the matter. It was a deal or staying down there and that was out of the question. I was now obligated to spend time with the God of the Dead whenever he requested. I shuddered with both dread and excitement.