5. Dinner Date

I checked myself in the mirror over and over again. I wore a yellow dress that was not overly abrasive. It had embroidered pink and red flowers, with green vines. The thin straps held up the corset and the skirt laid flat and came up to mid-thigh. My light red hair fell in nice curls down my back. The only makeup I wore was some light mascara. On very few occasions did I do a lot of makeup.

I sighed looking at myself. My stomach was fluttering in anticipation. I wanted to see Hades, but I also was nervous. Was Lola, right? Did I like the God of the Dead? I didn’t have long to consider that thought as I felt my necklace begin to heat my chest. I took a deep breath and turned it over. I was transported to a small dirt road.

I instantly saw Hades. He was wearing a black suit that only accentuated his large muscular frame. He stared at me with an intensity that I only associated with him. The sides of his mouth lifted slightly looking at me. He was leaning against a black car. Hades moved so he was standing in front of me. I was forced to look up to meet his eyes. He was so much taller than I was. “Persephone Darling you look ravishing.” I felt myself getting warm all over. I knew I was blushing.

“Shall we be going? We have plans.” I nodded reluctantly. Hades grabbed my hand, a surprising gesture I thought. His touch bringing back memories of what he had done in his throne room. I felt a weird sensation. Hades held the back door of the car open. “After you Persephone Darling.” A flutter shot through me hearing him say my name. Soon he was sitting next to me. “Hades.” I said softly and he turned his head. “I have never been in a car.” I felt embarrassed admitting it.

There never had been a reason to. I always remained on my mother's estate so there was no need to be in a car. “Demeter is a piece of work.” He spoke. I sneered and said sternly. “Do not speak about her like that.” Hades raised his eyebrows. He didn’t comment on my remark and turned his head straight and then spoke. “The Satyr driving us is Kit. He is a steady driver, so you needn’t worry Persephone Darling. He has never been a car accident.” I nodded looking forward and catching a glimpse of Kit. The satyr took off. Hade's hand came up placing it on my freckled thigh. His thumb began making small circles on the inside.

My heart pounded a little harder as he stroked me. “Hades?” He looked at me again. I looked forward, not wanting Kit to hear us talking. Hades knew what I was thinking. “Kit will not repeat anything said in this car but if it makes you feel better.” He then leaned forward keeping his one hand on me. He hit a button, and a partition began to rise between the front and the back seat. “Now what is it you wanted to say?” I whispered still not wanting Kit to hear.

“Why do you always want to touch me.” I looked down to where he held my leg. Hades was matter of fact in his reply. “Because I want to.” I looked at him. I supposed that was a kind of explanation. I nodded and turned to look out the window.

The silence dragged on. I took it as Hades was not a big talker. We drove for a while, the scenery changing the longer we remained in the car. I began to see developments. Then not long after that tall buildings rose into the sky. I practically pushed my face to the window wanting to see the tops of the buildings. “I take it you have never been to the city either?” I shook my head. “I haven’t been anywhere. The Underworld was the first time I left the estate.” Not looking at Hades as I spoke as I wanted to continue looking at the new environment. Hades made a low growl.

“Well then I should warn you Persephone, the world of mortals wants to know us.” I then turned to face him once more. “What do you mean?” I asked confused. “All of us gods are well known. When we walk among the mortals which is something a lot of us do frequently, we are usually swarmed with cameras people taking out their phones snapping pictures of us.” I stared at him feeling blindsided. Mother had never talked about that. I knew the mortals worshipped us, but I had no idea that the gods would walk among them, surly my mom didn’t do this. I would have known “I know what you are thinking, and no Demeter is not often seen in public she is one of the few gods who likes to keep to herself. "I nodded. I knew she wasn’t like that.

We pulled up to a tall building. Kit kept the car running, but he ran around and opened the door for me, offering me his hand. I was about to take it when he pulled it away. I could hear that Hades had released another low growl. It was an odd thing to do. I went out by myself and Hades behind me. “I will shoot you at text Kit when we ready to go to Nox.” Kit nodded. “Very good my king.” Hades grabbed hold of my waist wrapping his arm around me and began to walk with me keeping pace. Once inside I looked around. There were light yellowish marble floors and the walls seemed to match. I noticed a few people around and most of them were looking at us. I leaned into Hades for some kind of comfort. Hades tightened his arm on me pulling me closer.

I knew about the world I just never experienced it. I watched movies that my mother approved of, as well as books. So, I knew I was not completely ignorant but seeing it on a screen or reading a description was not the same thing as experiencing it. I saw a woman holding up a phone. She had it facing us. Hades leaned down and whispered in my ear. “She is snapping a photo.” I felt awkward being gawked out. Then fear shot through me. What if my mother found out about this outing. Surely if there were photos, she would see it. “Hades what if my mother finds out.” I felt my voice tremble slightly. Hades leaned forward and pushed a button opening the elevator. “Demeter won’t find out anything. I have people that sweep the whole of the internet. I don’t allow pictures or articles to come out about me unless I want them to. And Demeter is not among the humans to hear physical gossip among the mortals.” I nodded but still was apprehensive.

Once out of the elevator we approached some glass doors that looked to be clouded over. Upon entering the establishment, I noticed the low lights and the formal atmosphere. "Right, this was Lord of the Dead.” A tall blond women said as we approached her. She obviously looked a little concerned, seeing Hades. I knew most people were frightened of him. I didn’t feel that way, then again, I would never be one of his subjects in the Underworld. I ignored the looks of a few onlookers. Some looked as if they were about to pass out seeing him. Then there were some looks of confusion when they looked at me.

Hades leaned down and whispered to me “They have never seen you my little goddess. They are curious, and why wouldn’t they be. Your mother has kept you locked up and all to herself. The world is curious and well you are out with me. So, that too is surprising for the mortals.” “Do you never hang out with women?” Hades turned to me and smirked, not answering my question.

Hades and I were seated at a secluded table. None of the other people there were able to see us. “A waiter will be right with you.” The woman said before turning and practically running away. “Do you like wine Persephone Darling?” Hades asked me. “Yes.” I looked at the menu. There was so much to choose from. “Hades I don’t see what I want.” I said quietly. “What are you wanting?” I looked at him. “I kind of want chicken nuggets and fries.” My mother hated that meal, so I only ever had it for dinner when she was off the estate.

Hades suddenly laughed loudly. After he seemed to gain his composer, he said. “I will make sure you get what you want.” I smiled and said, “Thank you.” A man came up to the table. He already had a bottle of wine and filled our glasses. Hades told the man what we wanted to eat. When Hades said fries and nuggets the man started to say something, but Hades glared at him, and he nodded and scurried away. Once we were alone again, Hades' eyes were intently fixated on me. I began to think it was a trend of his.

I picked up my wine and sipped, not knowing what to say. “Darling Persephone, so tell me what do you do at Demeter's estate?” “I plant things, help with crops, trim flowers, grow things.” Hades looked at me, he looked so serious “No, I meant what do you do for fun?” I smiled, that was an easy question to answer. “Well, I love doing art. I draw.” He then said, “You were drawing when I met you.” I nodded. “Do you just use pencils?” I shook my head and said “No, I use several mediums: pencils, oil pastels, chalk pastels, and charcoal.” I paused and then asked him “What about you? Do you do anything fun?” Hades smirked. “Yes.” I looked at him waiting for him to elaborate but he never did. He just brushed off the question with a simple answer and continued asking me about myself.

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